
Paige’s ballet recitals were yesterday. She danced in five numbers. She is a gorgeous dancer. Photos don’t do it justice, but here are a few shots:

Isn’t that interesting what the camera did with this shot of Paige and Brittney midair?

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Speaking of crazy camera antics, here is what the red light, no flash, and fog on the stage made Paige look like in her Batman number, Aggressive Expansion. Very modern, just like the choreography.

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And here is one where she just looks poised and beautiful.

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And here is Paige in her Princess Diaries number, complete with tiara and long gloves and pointe shoes. Lovely!

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Book Ends

End of school reflections

As a homeschool parent, I have to work hard to create a feeling of finality when the school year is over. The truth is, we will continue our studies on a smaller scale throughout the summer. Math skills have a way of flying out the window even over a long weekend, you know? The children have not had an awards assembly and I certainly haven’t been fed by the PTA in a teacher appreciation luncheon, but this doesn’t mean I don’t feel like we’ve accomplished a lot. I have been on the front row as I have watched Timothy learn to read and gain the confidence to write, even if it wasn’t perfect. I have seen Paige suddenly be able to create an analytical essay instead of a summary of a history chapter. I have seen Daniel move from B’s and C’s in math to 100% on his final math test. I love watching them learn.

As I clean up the school room today, here are some of the things that I see and what they represent.

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This is Paige’s school shelf. This year Paige tackled a very challenging science book and has received A’s on most of her tests. Her spelling notebook is full of words we caught her misspelling in her essays. She spells much better now than she did 9 months ago. Paige did a great job in history this year, learning to analyze and see patterns in modern history and learning to define several different forms of government. She wrote questions to make a modern history game. She read 38 books & received A’s in math. She learned to paint with oils and watercolors. She can now write an outline of a chapter on her own. She began her study of German and found that she liked it a lot. She contributed beautiful art, essays, and poems to the monthly Sahuarita Saga magazine.

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Daniel’s shelf tells a lot about this boy. He’s worked hard in Cub Scouts and fulfilled many requirements for his Faith in God award. He read 67 books and finished his science text 3 months ago. He has worked hard at the pond each month, spending the most time in the cold water. He’s become an A student in math during this last term. He worked hard in history, writing great reports on his own with the computer, full of clip art. He contributed to the Sahuarita Saga each month, too. Some my favorite stories he wrote this year are The Adventures of Benny the Bear and Our Treehouse. His Shakespearean sonnet about a Pinewood Derby race is a classic. He continues to be an excellent speller and loved the poetry unit.

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Timothy’s shelf (though I staged a lot of the books) represents a year of learning to read, write, and begin a study of math. We gave him homemade pins for accomplishments like learning his address and phone number, completing 50 pages of phonics, learning to write his full name, and reading his first book. He’s reading at a second grade level and read 26 books this year. He knows his addition facts. It took a lot of courage for this little perfectionist to learn to write. He is very artistic and can see when his writing doesn’t look just right and gets frustrated. He’s overcome that and learned to keep trying. His “micro-art” is charming; everything is drawn in miniature. Writing this, I just want to go and give him a big hug.

My children are the evidence of my days. I really love my life.

Umbrellas and Marshmallows

We’ve been having some showers in the late afternoons. It almost feels like the monsoon season is here.

Yesterday I found Timothy outside looking for ants to spray during a rain storm and he looked just like Christopher Robin.

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Tonight we had our Cub Scout Pack Meeting outdoors with a campfire. We sang songs and had s’mores. Daniel is the scout with his face covered and roasting six marshmallows at once.

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Top of their Class

Paige and Daniel received their piano awards this week.

Paige won the trophy for the most honor points in the 12 and older age group.

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Daniel won the trophy for most honor points for the 5-11 year olds.

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Honor points came from participation in the Sonata/Sonatina Festival, the Piano Ensemble concert, Guild auditions, participation in group lessons and preparation in weekly lessons for the 2008-2009 school year.

The trophies, medals, certificates, and pins are very nice, but we would be proud of them even without the awards. They really worked hard this year. Congratulations, Paige and Daniel! We hope that your musical talents bring joy to your life and many opportunities to serve others.

Mark’s 3rd Birthday

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Our Mark turned 3 today, so we celebrated. This was one great day. Richard stayed home. We were all together. We watched the kids play and we ate cupcakes. Bliss.

First, Richard made waffles because Mark loves ’em. Then we headed off to the zoo. Mark wanted to see an alligator…you know, like a three year old wants something. Tigers, Lions, peacocks, giraffes, monkeys, tortoises all entertained us, but to Mark, it was just an endless search for an alligator. We kept searching, sure that we would come across an alligator eventually. It was around 100 degrees by 11:00 when we left the zoo.

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But we did find something that at least looked like an alligator five minutes before we left. Anyone who has had a 3 year old can feel our joy at that discovery.

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We sang Happy Birthday to Mark around 20 times. He loved it.

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And every time we sang to him, he blew out his candle… until the wick disappeared and the wax melted into his cupcake.

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In his prayer tonight, he said, “and thank thee for that we could have my birthday party at the zoo and and thank thee for that we could open my Dinoco present and thank thee for that we could open all my presents…”

We love you, Mark.


Fathers and Sons

This weekend was our ward fathers and sons campout. We went to Parker Canyon Lake and had a great time! A little “boys only” time is good once in a while. Friday night we fished, swam, roasted hot dogs, and slept in our tent. Saturday morning we were up with the sun at 5:30 and had bacon, eggs, bacon, pancakes, and bacon. 🙂 We got some more fishing in along with a little canoe ride.

Timothy wins the prize for most fish caught. He caught two. That doubles the number of fish he’s caught in his life. Check out the variety: 1 catfish, 1 trout, and 2 bluegill.

Daniel wins the prize for most innovative. We only had one fishing pole so he went on a treasure hunt. By himself he found abandoned fishing line, sinkers, and a hook. He borrowed a worm from someone. He fished by dangling his line over the side of the dock and what do you know? He caught one! I wish I had a picture of his setup.Here are some pictures that I do have.

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Tribute to Teachers Week: Friday

Michele Brady (Miss Michele) is Paige’s ballet technique and team teacher. Paige joined Miss Michele’s class just a little over 3 years ago and we are so happy about the progress Paige has made since then. Michele is one of those women who really “thinks big.” Her productions are beautiful. Only a few years after establishing her studio, she has a building of her own (nearly completed!) to house her dancers and other artists in town. She envisions a building where many art & music classes can be taught; a place where performances can be given and the community can come together. How great would it be if we all gave so much to our community? On a personal level, we appreciate her positive example in Paige’s life. She’s a busy mother of four who is active in church and has a great relationship with her dancers. As her husband goes away to serve in Afghanistan, we wish her family extra protection and peace. We love you, Miss Michele.
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Coach J.D. Reyes is Daniel’s baseball coach. We like Coach Reyes because he makes the boys work hard, but always acknowledges their efforts in a positive way. He’s funny, well-prepared, and expects a lot from the boys. No matter the score, he continues to encourage the boys and give support. What a positive example he is for the team. Coach Reyes is a father of 5 and a really nice guy. We should also mention that Coach Reyes’s wife, Laura hands out candy each game for good plays and his older son often helps out at baseball practice. What a nice family! Thanks, Coach Reyes for all of your work this year with the Round Rock Express!
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Richard is an assistant coach on Daniel’s baseball team. Daniel really likes having his dad around at practices and games. Richard works hard to get Daniel to the batting cages before games. Often this means that he comes home from work, drops his bag, grabs a cookie or something and runs out the door to baseball with Daniel all evening. Thanks, Dad!

Tribute to Teachers Week: Thursday

Paige began her study of German this year with our neighbor and friend, Heike Dedmone. We feel very blessed to have Paige taught by a native German speaker and such a fun person! Classes were full of games, songs, and activities. When Heike saw Paige at the park, she’d enlist her in a game with instructions shouted in German. Paige really enjoyed German class this year and we appreciate the time Heike took to teach a group of preteens and teens in her home each week. Heike is a very busy lady who runs an Awana club for her church, homeschools her own children, landscapes her own yard, hosts Bible study each week in her home, and has created a beautifully decorated home full of her own art. Her children are beautiful & even her minivan is clean. This is one great lady. Thank you, Heike!

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