Did you see the pictures of the hovercraft on Angela’s previous post? Did you think, “That thing will never fly?” Well turn up your speakers and push the play button. Prepare to be amazed.
Physics Fun
Today was the day we finished making our own hovercraft. I’ve been holding on to this idea since college.
Here are some photos of our process today. We tried all of this yesterday but it failed. Today was try #2 so we were professionals (and true scientists).
Sir Isaac Newton would be proud.
Long-awaited Sofa
Well, we did it. After almost 15 years, we have finally purchased a sofa for our family room. It’s big and everyone will have a place to sit. It also comes with an ottoman so we can all put our feet up. And no more fights over who gets to sit in the red chair. It’s a good move for peace.
Carry on!
I gave Paige and Daniel the assignment to read about our Mayflower ancestors last week. We’re descendants of Mary Chilton and Richard Warren, who were passengers on the Mayflower. Mary was orphaned at age 13 when her parents died within a week of each other after landing at Plymouth. She later married Mr. Warren John Winslow who arrived in Plymouth in 1621.
I have been thinking about those ancestors all day. The Chiltons were Separatists who had fled from persecution in England to live in Holland. Although they were financially better off in Holland and were able to exercise their religion in peace, they were troubled by the worldly influences around them, such as a lax sabbath day observance and also some cultural differences. These parents were concerned about their children. They were concerned that the principles for which they had left their homeland were being watered down in the environment in which they now lived.
Mary’s parents died in what I believe to be a heroic struggle to maintain purity in the next generation.
Paige is writing a report about this young girl, Mary Chilton, who was orphaned in the new land. Will Paige be able to see a pattern in conviction and courage carried through the generations to her own family? I want so much for her and the boys to drink in this heritage of strength and fearlessness. I have seen it in my parents and grandparents: Strength to be different; Strength to stand alone and follow through with what they feel inspired to do. Our ancestors were fearless in being counted with the Separatists, driven from England, and later the Mormons, driven from the eastern United States. I see the same fearless strength today in my parents who are missionaries; and I’ve seen it in my grandparents who have made a difference by their service and faith.
I hope we’re doing enough to see that this courageous pattern is carried on in the next generation. Learning about these ancestors makes my decisions seem easy and my burdens light in comparison. However, this doesn’t mean I believe the battle is of lesser importance. The same enemy fights against good and it’s still the children for whom we struggle to preserve. And the enemy is insidious and permeates our culture so blatantly that I find myself shocked all the time at what I have just seen or heard.
I’m feeling a little more empowered by this new knowledge of our roots. As I said before, I hope Paige feels the same through her study of these ancestors.
Oh, Christmas Tree!
Kind visitors
Sarah and Bryan came and we ate Thanksgiving Day leftovers. I was helping sample/make the sandwiches.
The boys entertained Bryan with a 6 hour session of Lego Show and Tell.
And then there was Set. Paige and Timothy love that game.
Thanks for coming to visit us. It was so nice to see you!
Turkey tales
For Family Home Evening, we listed some of the things for which we are thankful… to read in fun 🙂 (Yes, I’m thankful for Lawrence Welk. I watch it every week. My secret is out.)
Anticipation and Preparation
What’s better than Thanksgiving itself?
The preparation.
Vacuum lines in the carpet and clean counters bring feelings of anticipation and excitement.
Tomorrow I make pies.
A Christmas Story
Richard was on the bed, too, until he got up to take the picture. We’re watching Netflix on my computer.
Can’t think of a nicer crowd to hang with after a long day.
Too soon
This photo was taken of me and Mark several months ago, but I’m pretty sure this is what I looked like last night after a very long and strenuous week. Teaching 3 grades, playing violin for the stake choir, putting on a pack meeting, keeping house, and hauling, lifting, and organizing for the art class on Friday wore me completely out.
Plus, I’ve been reading. Oh, do I have to admit what I’ve sunk my straggly extra minutes into? No, I don’t. But it rhymes with,
“Too soon.”
(It was such an indulgence that I should have at least bent the spine on the cheap paperback.)
This Saturday is simply over too soon. Errands, shopping, reading and practicing have devoured my plans to clean this house.
And now I’m off to play violin for a crowd. Wish me well.