Some Quotes



Mom: What kind of soda would you like?

Mark: Definitely not the kind with gasoline! (He means caffeine.)

Mom: You’re so funny, Mark.

Mark: And cute!


Mark, discovering a dandelion gone to seed says, “Look, Mom! When you blow this, little feathers fly off!”


Mom: Lehi saw the tree of life with beautiful white fruit.

Mark: I think it was GARLIC. Garlic is white!


Looking at a package of licorice and mistaking the cherries for apples, Mark says, “Licorice is made out of apple! So why can’t you give us that apple snack?

Woes of a Three-year-old

This is a rabbit by Mark. Words fail. I'm enchanted.

For anyone who doubts a three-year old can be troubled by love diet, money, and exercise, here are some persuasive arguments against you.

1/16/10: “Who do you think I should marry when I grow up?”

Mom replies, “I don’t think you have met her yet.”

Mark says, “I think I’m marrying YOU.”

2/13/10: “Sometimes I just want to pretend that candy is healthy.”

3/1/10: “Mom, I like money and it feels like I never want to give it to somebody else.”

3/2/10: Pointing to his feet after being asked to go and eat breakfast, “Just look how tired these are!”

ReMARKable Quotes from 2009

Mark: Can you open the garage door?

Mom: No, I don’t want you running around the neighborhood.

Mark: I will WALK!


Mark: Are my dreams still in my room? They were not good dreams. They are bad dreams. Something was happening and I came into Mommy’s bed and said, “Mom, my room is a scary place.” Then we made some muffins.


Mark: Mom! Something is wrong with your bed! (The bed was not yet made.)


Mark: Where are my little markers?

Mom: I don’t know.

Mark: Maybe they rolled into a little mouse hole.


Paige: Don’t fall asleep, Mark.

Mark: Because I look weird when I am asleep?


Mark: Oh my goodness. Look at my eyes! They are not wet anymore!

Mom: Does that mean you are happy now?

Mark: Yes! I am! (jubilantly)


Mark, looking at some art: A long time ago in a land far, far away I did that.


Mark: I’m a little grown-up and I can prove it.


Mark: Am I too young to pull the car out of the garage by myself?


Mom: How about you come and play with playdough while I make dinner.

Mark: Would you like a little boy to accompany you…that lives in our family…that is me?


Mark, storming into the kitchen: Mom, please arrest my brothers.


Mark: I want to still keep my Legos when I’m rich and a big daddy-kid.


The Circle of Life

2008-09-13 Madera Canyon


Mark, worried about the idea that his mama might someday be a grandma instead said,

“I wish we could have some magic to turn grandmas back into mamas and grandpas back into daddies.”



In a related conversation about the course of life, Mark asked,

“When I grow up what will I do?”

I said, “You will be a Cub Scout.”

“And play baseball?”

I replied, “Yes, if you want to. And you’ll be a missionary and then get married and be a daddy…”

At this point in the sentence, Mark wisely continued the thought, “And pay for all the stuff at the store…”


Who smokes?

2008-08-26 Aug 003

Using some less than admirable slang, I said, “Holy smokes!”

To which Mark replied, “Who smokes?”

This same exchange happened no fewer than 3 times on June 26, 2009.

It’s not easy being Three, by Mark

2008-10-24 Park 07

I woke up and ran outside, excited to see the mushroom in the grass that we found yesterday. Oh, no! someone had smashed it! I cried and ran to Mom’s room where she was reading. I could hardly tell my story, I was so upset. Mom poured me some Cheerios and told me another mushroom will grow in the grass someday.

An hour later, I asked, “Should we plant the mushroom pieces so it will grow into a new mushroom?” “Plants need sun and water. We can pour the water!”

Then Mom told me something about spores and that mushrooms are fungi, not plants.(Just when I think I’ve got things figured out, my world turns upside down.)

Later, we were reading scriptures. I was so bored. I asked, “Why do we have to read scriptures every day?” Mom said, “Because the prophet said so.” Then she started singing, Follow the Prophet and so I decided to sing with everybody. When the song was over, they started reading scriptures AGAIN! So I said, “I want to sing more songs!” After a while, we sang again; any song I wanted. I chose Popcorn Popping, Jingle Bells, and Little Drummer Boy! I love that rum-pum- pum- pum song.

I played outside, ate pancakes for lunch, and played outside some more. Then I dressed up like a Cub Scout. Daniel let me wear all of his stuff. I looked good!

Mark in Scout uniform 001

I had to go with Mom and the kids to piano lessons. I was so tired. I tried to fall asleep in the car, but it didn’t work. I was so sad about everything. My Bobby doll was missing. My shirt was dirty. Mom found my Bobby and put my cactus shirt on me.

Later, after piano lessons were over, Mom bought me some orange tic-tacs and that made me happy.

Tonight at the church a girl found me in the hallway and asked, “What are you doing?”I said, “I’m waiting to go to the beach… Have you ever been to the beach?.. Have you ever slept on a crab?” She just giggled and walked back to mutual to tell her friends what I said to her.

Life can be so confusing. And what in the world is August? Mom keeps saying I have to wait until August to go to the beach.

The Vacuum Varmint

mark-the-cowboy1This week during one of my cleaning frenzies, Mark walked into the room and announced,

“I shot the vacuum so you can’t use it anymore. It’s dead.” He further offered, “I’ll go shoot it again.”

I won’t do any vacuuming today, okay, Mark?