Lessons from a mission

We listened to Tim speak in church, and here are a few lessons that I wrote down from his talk.

Righteous examples are important.

Prophets are important guides to help us find joy.

And the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue, that thereby whosoever should believe that Christ should come, the same might receive remission of their sins, and rejoice with exceedingly great joy,

Mosiah 3:13

Joy comes from inviting people to Christ.

Focus on the rulegiver, Jesus Christ.

Remembering personal and family spiritual experiences can help us during trials.

Spiritual preparation helps during physical trials. He saw people who lost everything in a typhoon, yet they trusted in God and remained strong.

The temple is a beacon of hope.

The Church is more than a building or a unit, it is the people. One one island where he served, there were 3,000 people, and only 5 members, and the Lord was with this tiny gathering of Saints, working miracles in their lives.

The Lord blesses us as we turn our lives to him.

As we give more of ourselves to the Lord, we will have joy.

A glimpse of each day

Monday: My birthday dinner
Tuesday: A practice recital for an upcoming competition. Mark is playing a Chopin Impromptu. ❤️

Wednesday: I finished another one of these.
Thursday: Book Club at our house
Friday: temple trip

We are in a very full season of life with so much going on and so many things I could share, but I can’t seem to sort these things into words.

Wishing you the best,


Family quotes that matter to me

The most extraordinary thing in this world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.

G.K. Chesterton

The end of all activity in the Church is to see that a man and a woman with their children are happy at home and sealed together for time and for all eternity.

Boyd K. Packer

Many who knew her, thought it a pity that so substantive and rare a creature should have been absorbed into the life of another, and be only known in a certain circle as a wife and mother. But no one stated exactly what else that was in her power she ought rather to have done…

Her finely touched spirit had still its fine issues, though they were not widely visible. Her full nature…spent itself in channels which had no great name on the earth. But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life.

George Eliot, Middlemarch

Sights of the week

I came across this model that Mark created of his old bedroom. The stacks of books, the curtains, and furniture placement are accurate and made my heart flip.
The eclipse wasn’t the most exciting thing to me this week, but the light was so eerie and we noticed how it made the air feel cold.
Some kids in the neighborhood have a jeep like Tim used to own. This scene reminded me of him. ❤️
I tracked the typhoon as it passed near Saipan thanks to live satellite images.
Richard and I were able to see Itzhak Perlman perform. We had wonderful seats and it was a remarkable experience.

Fitted to their talents

President Emily Freeman quoted Churchill last night in a devotional for youth, leaders, and parents about education.

I think the Lord taps us on the shoulder many times throughout our lives to help others based on our gifts and preparation. President Freeman’s words caused me to reflect on the times I needed to step up to do something special, unique to me, and fitted to my talents. Here are some of the things that came to my mind.

Mothering Paige, Daniel, Timothy, and Mark

Teaching homeschool

Speaking to congregations as a sister leader

Leading church and community groups

Writing family stories

Using my gift of listening

What positive things does this quote bring to your mind about your own unique contribution to the world?

Typhoon Bolaven

This week as we talked to Timothy, he was in a long line of cars waiting to fill containers with drinking water. Saipan is in the path of a typhoon, and the islanders were busy preparing for the emergency. As we continued our conversation, we were interrupted by the rumbling of power tools as someone drilled plywood over his apartment windows.

It has been four months since Typhoon Mawar pummelled the island of Guam, where he was serving at the time.

I am not worried, but maybe a little weary from his great adventure. 😅


We are in college and scholarship application season, and it seems to get more intense each time.

I sat through an application seminar last week, even though we have successfully navigated this process several times. “Things are changing,” is what I keep hearing about scholarships and universities.

This week, there is a deadline for a scholarship competition, and we have been through several phases of realization, some of them pretty miserable.

I have loved raising our kids, even this difficult, anxious phase with some of the last lessons before flight. As Mark writes his essays, we revisit the triumphs of growing up and the failures, too. Its a time to look back together before things get really busy, so I won’t wish away these days.

Update on our grown children

Child is a word that applies to any age when a person is linked to a parent. Even though they are independent and strong, I am glad that I am still allowed to think of Paige, Daniel, and Timothy as my children.

I haven’t written about our older kids in a long time because they are living their own lives, very independent from us. But in my journal of tender mercies, any day that I get to talk to one of them, it makes the list of blessings for the day.

Paige and I have a phone appointment each Wednesday morning. It is something I look forward to each week.

Paige and Mike bought a house in Alabama this spring.

They both work from home. Michael is an accountant, and Paige works as an illustrator, and she has done a lot of digital art for the online Investopedia magazine. She mostly illustrates financial concepts, but she has also done some medical illustrations and more. This summer, her work was featured in a printed version of Investopedia magazine. She also did an illustration for the January 2023 Friend magazine.

Paige and Michael serve in the Primary organization at church. We will visit them later this fall, and it will be our first trip to Alabama.

Daniel lives nearby, and he begins his senior year at BYU this week, studying electrical engineering. He did an internship at L3 Harris (Richard’s company) this summer, so Richard talked to him quite a bit during the past several months.

After graduation next spring, Daniel will pursue a masters degree, and L3 Harris has offered him a job. Daniel and McKenna are quick to serve wherever they are needed. Daniel plays the organ in sacrament meeting and piano for choir, plus he serves in the elders quorum as service coordinator. McKenna served as assistant girls camp director this summer. Both of them help their local grandparents with all their hearts.

Timothy, our missionary, is on a new island, Saipan, a Northern Mariana island. This is country #4 where he has served during his mission, so I bought a new flag to display in the yard. He is excited to be on Saipan, and he and his companion are very busy teaching people. He is happy, as you can see.

He alternates with other missionaries to fly to a small island called Tinian on weekends to support a tiny group of members for church services. Here is a picture of their sacrament meeting last Sunday on Tinian. Oh, my! ❤️

We have a video call with Elder Ross each Sunday in the late afternoon, which is Monday morning for him. I have a hug scheduled with him on November 1 when he arrives home.