This photo has absolutely nothing to do with this post.
I took Timothy and Mark grocery shopping yesterday and every time we touched a shelf or one another we got a big electric shock. At first it was fun and Mark tried to shock Timothy when I wasn’t looking. Then he realized it kind of hurt.
The shocks continued throughout the store and we felt helpless. Poor Timothy still hasn’t learned to walk outside of my blind spot. Over and over I thought I had lost him and turned around ready to shout his name when *pzzzzt!* my arm would hit and shock him in the face.
As I reached for cereal I accidentally brushed against Mark’s forehead and I’m sure the resulting shock short-circuited his memory. He looked at me in disbelief and burst into tears. That was one swell shopping trip.
Timothy has a fever now.
Our ballerina is sick and she is supposed to dance in the Nutcracker this weekend. This worries me a great deal.
It’s rough being a mom sometimes.