Mark’s Senior Piano Recital

Well, we made it to our last piano recital, and it was a big one. It was a solo recital for Mark, and he played seven pieces.

I have heard nearly every practice session of Mark’s life in our home (11 years of lessons), but Richard and I enjoyed hearing his pieces played on this magnificent piano. Knowing all it took to get to this point made us really appreciate his interpretations and his growth as a musician and a person.

We had 44 in the audience. I wasn’t expecting that many, and we are touched that people came to cheer for Mark. Piano study is usually pretty solitary, unlike sports or band. So, having family and friends fill the recital hall to give one last hurrah for our youngest pianist made this a joyful night.


Mark hopes to spend a few days a week this summer working at Spring Lake. Last week, he left on Tuesday afternoon and came back Friday evening. I heard very little from him. This was the text exchange of the week,

I am thankful to my parents who welcome Mark to come and learn new skills.


A few weeks after Mark’s Prom, I discovered a backpack he had carried that evening in a corner of our mudroom. There were a few objects still inside, and I smiled to see some of what he had collected in order to be prepared: antacids, safety pins (only one remained when the evening was over), toys for entertainment if they had a long wait at the restaurant, snacks, a toothpick, a pencil, and dental flossers for braces. He also carried an umbrella and some other things.

I took a picture to remind myself that Mark knows how to prepare for a journey and that he knows how to take care of himself and others. This is a comfort to me.

Just a list today

Enjoyed: an evening at Young Women’s camp with the bishopric.

Finished: 18 pages of visa application forms and instructions with Mark.

Played: a piano and violin duet on Sunday with Mark at church.

Wrote: a song for Primary Day Camp for guitar, voices, and percussion.

Struggling with: sleep while Richard has been away at Young Men’s camp.

Looking forward to: Mark’s senior piano recital.

Preparing: pepperoni rolls for dinner.

Loving: strawberry season.

Reading: The Count of Monte Cristo.

Collecting: so many screenshots of our grandson during video calls. 😍

Procrastinating: weeding the back flower bed.

A current favorite Book of Mormon phrase: “Publish peace.”

And how blessed are they! For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth.

Mosiah 27:37

That time when everything happened at once

In a period of two weeks, Mark received a mission call, turned 18, graduated from seminary, received his Patriarchal Blessing, and had his braces removed. High school graduation day has arrived.

Sometime I hope to detangle all of the new memories that have arrived in a heap of everythings and goodbyes, paperwork, and spiritual highs.

I have made the decision to be happy. I am sentimental, but I am not dwelling on feelings of loss. This time in Mark’s life is a triumph for him and for me as his mother. It has been a blessing to raise him!

Parenting through the veil

I am remembering the anniversary of my grandmother’s passing, Rebecca’s passing, and now my counselor’s husband’s passing. My friend shared a quote with me and I have reflected on it a lot this week. President Nelson said this at his daughter’s funeral, directed to her children. So, this is not something he shared at General Conference. I find it very comforting and it affirms my faith that familiar angels minister to us.

“She can minister to you in what I call ‘parenting through the veil.’ She can see us more clearly than we can see her. We cannot forget her. We do not cease to love her. We are sealed to her by eternal ties. She loves us now more than ever. Her desire for our well-being will be even greater than that which we feel for ourselves. So, dear family, stay tuned.”

Russell M. Nelson

Children’s Book Illustrator

Little Baby McLaughlin will be lucky to have Paige as a mom for many reasons. She knows how to raise boys, she is patient and gentle, she is a woman of faith, and she is an artist. It is fun for children to watch a parent draw something well. I bet he will ask her to draw all kinds of things and he will be delighted with the results. Lucky baby.

These children’s books were illustrated by Paige and they were privately published, so they are not available for sale. They were my Christmas presents. I am such a fan of Paige’s work. 💕

To see some of her work, you can look at her website,