A gift, freely and meekly given

Last spring I decided to search out one of my favorite teachers, Mr. H.who taught me to play the violin for 6 years. I learned that he passed away in February of 2008. His online obituary listed his accomplishments. I was surprised at what I read because he had never really shared his credentials with us.

He did post-graduate work at Juilliard and obtained a master’s degree from Columbia University, though he never mentioned it.

He taught in the Bronxville Public School System for 25 years. I heard him casually refer to this.

He taught in my home town public schools for 11 years.

He played in the Utah Symphony.

The first time I met him, he was wearing plaid pants and going around to the 5th grade classrooms, playing something on the violin to entice children to join the elementary orchestra. The tune was lively and he tapped his big foot on the floor as he played. His thin white hair grew disheveled with his movements. I was enchanted. The next week I began my years of carrying a violin to and from school.

I have had several violin teachers and played in many orchestras, but Mr. H was the steady influence in my music training.

There were many adventures. There was the day when we took advantage of his good nature and asked if he would bring us some ice cream. He said he was out of cash and showed us his wallet. One spunky student grabbed the wallet and pulled out a check for something like $15,000 from the sale of one of his instruments. He chuckled and then set off to the ice cream shop where he bought each of us a large sundae.

My favorite year was in 9th grade when I was in an ensemble group that met at 7 am. I can still remember his expression once we mastered a piece. He was so happy.

The last time I met him was in 1994 when I went to his home to play a quartet with some old high school friends. He entertained us and gave advice. He told me that I needed to keep playing, even though I had decided not to major in music.

As is often the case when we lose someone we care about, I find that my mind now focuses differently on this man who spent 36 years teaching children to play stringed instruments. His story is the kind that could inspire a screenplay. He must have taught thousands of students. What a gift he shared.

I feel like I owe a few children in my a life a piece of that gift that was given to me so freely and meekly. Until I fulfill this obligation, I’ll treasure the gift and try to keep fiddling.

Monkey Muses

These monkeys make me smile.

It’s been that kind of week, people. Can it get any more crazy around here?

Reports, experiments, valentines, bike riding, park day, ballet, Cub Committe work, sign-up sheets, an advertising project, extra piano lessons, hiring a new art teacher, e-mails… and through the din I hear my voice in a muffled, tunnel-like echo saying,

“Let’s start working on The Iliad tomorrow!”

(As if Homer’s pathos, hubris,  and other epic themes have anything to add to the life we lead.)

But these Monkey Muses sing on in my head, “Keep reading! Keep writing! Keep creating! This is the time of your life!”

…And of course, they are perfectly correct.

Sing on, Monkey Muses in my head, sing on.

No, we didn’t buy mouse ears

… but we had a swell time.

We never got a picture all together, but we enjoyed one day with everyone well enough to be there.

Daniel, our most adventurous boy, went on everything. Twice.

Paige had a good time, too, and was so helpful.

Timothy had a rough start on a terrifying ride, but overcame his fears and loved the rides as long as they didn’t plunge too suddenly into a dark abyss.

This was our first trip to Disneyland. Now, maybe it’s because I am adult, but these were some observations I just couldn’t reconcile in my mind:

A grandmother on the Dumbo ride; all by herself,

Mouse ears on grown-ups,

Reservations to eat with the Princesses are required 18 months in advance????

Darth Vader and Disney,

Leaving a stroller full of our belongings and not really worrying about theft,

LOVING the It’s a Small World Ride and WANTING to see Princess Aurora.

Being sentimental, I teared up as soon as I saw all the kids on a ride together, but in my haste to hide the tears, I brushed sunblock into my eye and then I really had something to cry about. It was a day of contradictions. I was amused at the childhood played out by adults, but succumbed to it myself in the end. And even though I didn’t see Princess Aurora, Paige bought me an Aurora pin on the second day I stayed home with Mark. The poor boy had an ear infection in each ear.


Today I moved through e-mails and personal interactions in awe of the connections that have blessed my life since moving here. So many of those women who have been my companions and confidantes surrounded me today at a small party for our homeschool group.

One friend lost her mother to cancer last week and we talked on the playground with tears and some laughter, too. One friend paid me back for something and five minutes later I handed the money to another friend who lost her wallet today and needed to buy gas. We exchange ideas and inspiration and books. These generous women enrich my life and make my children happy with their kindness.

And last, but most tender, another friend struggles in the hospital today and we carefully pray for her. And for her family. And all those who love her.

I came home to two letters. One from each of my grandmothers. I feel embraced, understood, and comforted today through the lives and kindness of so many women.


I remember 3 things from this movie: raw eggs, raw meat, and the above scene The mornings this week have been as painful as Rocky’s. Can’t. Get. Up. Mark. Couldn’t. Sleep. Again. Perseverance was the theme this week. There was no lofty goal but to get those hours of school accomplished. I stand atop my own 72 steps, knowing the children haven’t been neglected academically (or ahem, socially, my concerned critics). In celebration, I’ve been thinking the Rocky theme song because Friday was here and the end was in sight…

The end of talking about the Babylonian empire;

The end of talking about the Cuban Missile Crisis;

The end of Lessons 70 in Math 65 and Algebra I and subtraction without regrouping;

The end of high and low pressure systems, clouds, and wind currents; pollination and seed development;

The end of trying to stay ahead of voracious readers and preparing study questions;

The end of juggling the needs of a 3 year old with the needs of all the others.

The books are put away in the school room; the birthday presents are purchased; anything I do now will just put me in the black for next week’s schoolwork. I hope your weekend is as bright with possibilities as ours looks tonight.

No words…

…to describe my feelings about those affected by the earthquake in Haiti. I take comfort in seeing the images of rescuers from so many nations rushing to their aid. I choose to follow the stories that describe the Best in people.

I know prayer makes a difference, too.

We can all be rescuers if we keep our eyes open for the needs of those around us and extend our hearts in prayer and generous giving to those out of our sight. Our influence can span the miles with God’s help.

The Year of the Bluetooth and the Blog

A year ago I couldn’t have told you what a bluetooth was; today I rejoiced when the bluetooth started working again for Daniel’s robot.

A year ago I said I would never have a blog.

A year ago I was a passive member of my neighborhood homeschool community; this year I am leading it.

A year ago I regretted buying these shoes. I think I like them better now.

It’s amazing what a year can bring.

The Nicest Thing Anyone Has Said to Me in a While

Tonight a friend called to tell me about the moon rock that is visiting Tucson for 3 days. Yes, you read correctly: a moon rock! One of seven specimens you can touch in the whole world!

She said, “I thought you’d like to know about it because you love to touch things of science and the things of God.”

Zap! That one went right to my heart.

Thanks, Becky. I’m absolutely going to the museum on Monday to touch that moon rock myself. I’ll post pictures!

Yes, I realize I have overused the exclamation point in this post.


Timothy, showing his hilarious entertainer side

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

My role as a teacher is less about imparting and more about leading.

And that’s why I have nothing to say this week. I’ve been living the art of leadership. This means I’ve just been too busy studying things I will ask my children to study, organizing, and forming a vision for the upcoming months. My brain has been intensely busy and my hands have lifted many things. None of it shows well on a blog.

Today I had to halt for a little while and rest my aching side. Sometimes the old scar tissue acts up and I spend the day hugging a heating pad. But it’s a small thing.

As I have rested, I’ve been able to see things I wouldn’t normally see in my usual hustle and bustle. I’ve watched some seeds that have (figuratively) sprouted in my children: jobs accomplished, attitudes and emotions  checked, and skills honed. The true test of the training and education I try to provide will manifest itself in the level of self-discipline and love my children learn. I haven’t been disappointed today. There is a long way to go, but I’ve been given a glimpse of some progress today.

Stop, Rewind, and Delete

It would be nice if I could redo this evening. However, like adolescence, I wouldn’t want to go through any of THAT again, so I guess I’ll just fast forward to tomorrow and hope for better presentation, motives, and methods.

Continuing with the remote control theme, let’s go channel surfing in my brain. *disclaimer* The following thoughts, views, ideas, and expressions are  not to be taken seriously…


Paige was on the front page of the newspaper today in prima ballerina glory.


I think Christmas Card giving has all but died. I have heard from a small collection of friends. Our cards remain on the shelf, not quite finished. Maybe I should get back on Facebook so I can receive everyone’s wishes electronically.


I really don’t want to read about Mao and the Communists tonight… or tomorrow.


Food drives! Food drives! Food drives!


Daniel needs a challenge.


I wonder if the dentist will notice that Timothy’s neck is filthy tomorrow during his appointment.


This is a test of the emergency broadcast syst—


(band playing Auld Lang Syne.)
