I see myself trying to live life in every direction. This gets me in trouble because it makes me a little skatter-brained.
I get so frustrated by my own ignorance, especially when I know I have learned something before and forgotten it. I’m always reading and writing to try and fight my own ignorance… or dementia.
“Enthalpy or Entropy?” I asked myself when I opened my messy kitchen drawer this afternoon. By the way, a real science teacher would never have to ask herself this question.
Richard overheard me. (I guess I wasn’t asking in my head.) With a swagger (the kind you can put together while sitting in a chair,) he effortlessly said, “Entropy.”
If I lost you in the above paragraphs, please don’t be concerned. Let’s just pretend it didn’t happen. I’m brilliant. I’m together. And my kitchen drawer is not a mess.
Back to the beginning. You know, about living life in every direction. I feel driven to know more. So much of my life is neglected, but I read books with heft…whilst teaching, eating, and writing this nonsense on the blog.
Today I misplaced 8 pages of notes I have taken from my reading of the latest smartypants book. I lost the notes in one of the following places:
1. The dentist (45 minutes away)
2. Michael’s craft store
3. McDonald’s drive up (My, this is a confession tonight.)
4. Library drop-box
5. Somewhere in the van
I would really like to find the notes in the van, but it isn’t happening.
It could be dementia. I need to do some more crossword puzzles. Do you know that tonight one of the missionaries we invited over for dinner asked if I had a SON in the MTC? That would make me, well, a little bit older than I actually am. Ok, not much older.
It’s 8:30. Time to recharge the hearing aids and give the dentures a good soak!
And whoever sent me a text today giving me a hard time about passwords on my blog,
identify yourself. Just type my middle name if you know me, silly.
You should also know that I have only sent a text about 4 times in my life
and it was only because Ray had cancer. Nothing else can impel me to type with my thumbs.