I work with these young women.
I have a scheduled day of pampering on Thursday, the day after Young Women in Excellence night. I will be in knit pants all day and my biggest exertion will be to turn on the mixer to make some cookie dough. But count on it, I’ll be Superwoman until then.
I wrote a song for the Young Women in Excellence night for the girls to sing. Don’t be that impressed. It’s in C major and it’s a whopping 12 measures, but when you sing it 3 times, it is 3 times longer, so we’re definitely doing that. Unfortunately, I learned it’s the kind of song that sticks in people’s heads at 3 a.m. so they can’t sleep. I had hoped it would pop into the heads of the young women when they were at critical decision making moments. (“Sorry, Billy, I just can’t do that. Sister Ross’s song is in my head.”) Instead, it’s just making people crazy.
I haven’t picked up a book in days.
It’s been a busy few months, but on the busy days I keep remembering that I LIKE to be busy. I LIKE the adrenaline and the planning. So while I’m not really feeling sorry for my busy little self, I AM planning a day of absolute sloth. I am aching to read a book (Did I steal that from Anne of Green Gables?) and it would be nice to prepare a dinner with care instead of haste; watch a movie instead of a computer screen; savor instead of skim.
Aren’t those young women beautiful? Can you find Paige?