Children preach

At church, it is children’s sacrament meeting presentation season. Basically, this means that one Sunday a year, our sacrament meeting talks and music are supplied by children. Last Sunday, I attended two meetings where children sang and gave talks to the adults in their congregations.

Here are some quotes that I felt were especially precious and from the heart. (This post will be updated as I gather more during my visits during the next month.)

“Daniel [from the Old Testament] teaches me to surround myself with friends who are brave and obedient.” -boy, about age 7

Speaking of Joseph who was sold into Egypt, “As you have faith and turn to God, you and others [around you] will be blessed.” -girl, age 11

From a girl whose parents divorced recently, “All bad things can become a victory through the Lord.” -girl, age 10

After quoting John 3:16, a girl said, “There have been some times in my life when I have worried about not being enough like Christ, and making too many mistakes, but then I remember that mistakes are how we learn, and how we improve in our lives.” -girl, age 11

With tears, a girl expressed, “When my great-grandma passed away this summer I was having a hard time. Every day before I went to bed I prayed I wouldn’t be sad. Every day I did that, I felt a little better.” -girl, around age 9

“When I show my gratitude in prayer my heart is filled with more gratitude and I feel those blessings more.” -boy, age 10 or 11.

General Conference Weekend

Richard arranged for our family to enjoy one last camping trip this year. He reserved a large campsite in Midway with beautiful views of the changing leaves on the mountains and Heber Valley. It was chilly, but we enjoyed generous food portions, a break from phone service, plenty of hot cocoa, and singing around the fire with a guitar. Life felt pretty good. Happy 23rd Birthday to Daniel! And happy Conference weekend.

General Conference

summertime snaps

We are in the final week of summer break. This morning I took some time to look over some snapshots and screenshots from the last few months, and chose a few to share. These are some of people and places I want to remember. Two really good friends passed away. We have been really focused on wedding preparations. Mark was gone a lot, and his social connections got stronger. Richard worked from home. I lived my own version of The Secret Garden, increasing my strength. We planted a lot of flowers, and I am especially proud of reclaiming my favorite corner of the yard, the one that feels like a forest. We sat beneath outdoor lights on many nights. Paige and Michael were especially helpful hanging the lights. Tim made it to Guam. We said goodbye to friends who are going on a mission. Lots of lasts and firsts this summer. This means growth.

Thou crownest the year with the goodness.

Psalm 65:11

Open House for Daniel and McKenna

This is what we have to show for our family’s efforts this summer, a party full of lights and people, a celebration for Daniel and McKenna.

So many people helped us, and I have kept a record of the tender mercies that got us to this day.

Image by Mike’s Photo
Image by Mike’s Photo

Dresden Plate Quilt

My friend Kaye taught many women in our neighborhood how to make quilts. One month she guided us through the process of making a Dresden Plate quilt, but I have never made one on my own. Kaye lives in a new city now, where she has started a new quilt group, but her influence keeps inspiring me to do new things. This winter I decided to make a Dresden Plate quilt to use up some pieces and ends.

All of the fabrics you see are from my “scrap box,” so many of the pieces bring back memories. My goal is to only use my scraps to complete the top of this quilt. I have spent so much time cutting, and today I am finally able to sew!

I once looked down on homemaking skills and sewing, but now these things bring me so much joy.

thank you

I subscribe to Yo-Yo Ma’s YouTube channel. He has been consistent about posting songs of comfort through the past few years, often from very casual home settings. I am thankful that he has shared his gifts so freely. If you watch until the end, I think you will see the character of the man.

Favorite minutes of the day

I know if you read these posts, you have seen that I have slowly become more intentional about gratitude. In 2021, I decided to graduate from a haphazard weekly gratitude list to a daily journal. My friend Janine shared this profound quote about gratitude,

…rather than make a list of things, don’t forget to thank God. Gratitude to God — and an indebtedness to Him — is far more meaningful and impactful than simply gratitude alone. In other words, counting your blessings without recognizing their source will not give you true happiness… It’s not about showing off what one has or counting things. It’s about recognizing the source and paying it forward.

Mary Richards

I don’t know how to say it without it sounding cliché, but those minutes of writing down God’s tender mercies are the best minutes of my day. I usually write things down from the previous day when I am alone in the morning. The routine simplicity of this doesn’t make it any less profound. With my little lists, I am learning to see God’s work in my life, and I look forward to it each morning. Sometimes I am surprised by the delight.

When thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God.

Alma 37:37

Gifts from my children

We all enjoy giving and receiving presents. But there is a difference between presents and gifts. True gifts may be part of ourselves– giving of the heart and mind– and therefore more enduring and of far greater worth than presents bought at the store.

James E. Faust
I played In the Bleak Midwinter in church. This is a screenshot from the YouTube broadcast.
Here you can kind of see Daniel, whose accompaniment was vital and beautiful.

I have been touched by many gifts this Christmas. Paige made drawings of Daniel and Tim at age three to complete my little collection of drawings of our children. Daniel may not consider this as part of his already generous gift and precious letter to me, but his piano accompaniment of the piece I played in church was a beautiful gift. Tim hand wrote long letters to each of us and made sure I had a gift from him under the tree, even though he wasn’t with us this year. Mark gave me a CD of music that he doesn’t enjoy himself, and was my companion for so many errands for Christmas giving. His service and company was so important to me this year.

It isn’t always possible to do something meaningful, but I know when I give “of my heart and mind,” the Spirit of Christmas fills my soul.

Today Paige and Michael celebrate their anniversary. Their presence in our lives is a gift and blessing.

photo by Rachel Angela Photography

A visit from Austin friends

On Sunday, our good friends Paul and Beth from Austin, Texas visited us. We hadn’t seen them in about 12 years, and I told them that taking time to visit us while on their vacation felt like such a generous gift. I am so grateful for the memories, example, and faith of these friends, whose influence for good is felt wherever they go. The Wells Branch Ward may no longer exist on paper, but it still exists in our hearts.