Children preach

At church, it is children’s sacrament meeting presentation season. Basically, this means that one Sunday a year, our sacrament meeting talks and music are supplied by children. Last Sunday, I attended two meetings where children sang and gave talks to the adults in their congregations.

Here are some quotes that I felt were especially precious and from the heart. (This post will be updated as I gather more during my visits during the next month.)

“Daniel [from the Old Testament] teaches me to surround myself with friends who are brave and obedient.” -boy, about age 7

Speaking of Joseph who was sold into Egypt, “As you have faith and turn to God, you and others [around you] will be blessed.” -girl, age 11

From a girl whose parents divorced recently, “All bad things can become a victory through the Lord.” -girl, age 10

After quoting John 3:16, a girl said, “There have been some times in my life when I have worried about not being enough like Christ, and making too many mistakes, but then I remember that mistakes are how we learn, and how we improve in our lives.” -girl, age 11

With tears, a girl expressed, “When my great-grandma passed away this summer I was having a hard time. Every day before I went to bed I prayed I wouldn’t be sad. Every day I did that, I felt a little better.” -girl, around age 9

“When I show my gratitude in prayer my heart is filled with more gratitude and I feel those blessings more.” -boy, age 10 or 11.

Assist and witness

I listened to a class where they introduced the idea of adding your name to the witnesses page of the Book of Mormon. I thought it was a great exercise.

The following verses drew me in this time as I read Doctrine and Covenants 14, directed to one of the 3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon.

Maybe I needed a reminder of how much Jesus drives the work to spread His gospel. Maybe I needed the reminder that He asks people like me and you to assist for our own good. Maybe I needed the reminder that God’s chosen method to make things known is person to person, one by one.

Morning light

As I read the scriptures, I try to keep a running list of promises the Lord has made to his covenant people. This was my goal as I approached the book of Jeremiah, and my morning study time during the last few weeks has been dominated by His promises in this book. I ran out of dedicated space in my notebook, and the promises poured onto another sheet of paper. I learned that there are so many good things to come!

This kind of study is one reason I can say that God is good. I know for myself what He has said, what He has done, and what He has promised to do.

The book of Jeremiah has brought me a lot of hope that I did not see coming.

“As you study your scriptures… I encourage you to make a list of all that the Lord has promised He will do for covenant Israel. I think you will be astounded! Ponder these promises. Talk about them with your family and friends. Then live and watch for these promises to be fulfilled in your own life.”

Russell M Nelson

General Conference Weekend

Richard arranged for our family to enjoy one last camping trip this year. He reserved a large campsite in Midway with beautiful views of the changing leaves on the mountains and Heber Valley. It was chilly, but we enjoyed generous food portions, a break from phone service, plenty of hot cocoa, and singing around the fire with a guitar. Life felt pretty good. Happy 23rd Birthday to Daniel! And happy Conference weekend.

General Conference

To the degree

Today, the repeated phrase, “to the degree” stood out to me.

“Good women of the world will be drawn to the Church… to the degree that women of the Church”:

  1. Reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives.
  2. Are seen as distinct and different–in happy ways– from the women of the world.

To the degree implies we can grow in our ability to repent, be seen, and be understood.

To the degree implies that we choose the depth of our discipleship to Christ. We also choose the level by which we are seen as disciples.

To the degree implies that our potential influence is vast.

What will we do with this call to be different, to reflect righteousness, to articulate truth, to have the courage to be seen?

Extraordinary measures

We watched this video of the Salt Lake Temple restoration last night and we were left speechless at the painstaking, highly technical efforts to strengthen the foundation of the temple.

I see so many lessons in this video about how to strengthen my own foundation. Sometimes it will require chipping away, inch by inch, at old challenges. Sometimes it will require some intrusion on my precious ideas in order to affix necessary connections to higher things. It will require time, now.

I can’t take lightly this counsel,

We are sparing no effort to give this venerable temple, which had become increasingly vulnerable, a foundation that will withstand the forces of nature into the Millennium. In like manner, it is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures—perhaps measures we have never taken before—to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.

My dear brothers and sisters, these are the latter days. If you and I are to withstand the forthcoming perils and pressures, it is imperative that we each have a firm spiritual foundation built upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Russell M Nelson, October 2021

With one accord

“It must needs be that we should be led with one accord to the land of promise.”

1 Nephi 10:13

I never considered this line from Lehi until today. He has seen a lot of disunity in his family on their wilderness journey, and chooses to emphasize the need to act with one accord.

“With one accord = all together”


Lehi sees his family as being important in the overall plan of our Heavenly Father for his children. He is looking for unity stemming from a common faith.

Maybe we should think of our families like Lehi thinks about his family. Hey, our family is important to God! Together we can help each other and the world, beyond anything you can imagine. First things first: we need to understand Jesus.

“Wherefore, all mankind were in a lost and fallen state, and ever would be save they should rely on this Redeemer.”

1 Nephi 10:6

In what ways can a family be led with one accord?

  • In resolve to keep covenants.
  • In thanksgiving
  • In love
  • In work
  • In testimony
  • In support
  • In faith
  • In humor
  • In working for peace

What has helped my family to live with one accord?

  • worship
  • good traditions
  • communication
  • routines
  • goals
  • recreation
  • acts of love

Never have we accomplished or needed to do all of these things well at the same time.

I note the first word in the phrase, “Led with one accord.” Our success doesn’t come down to how well we did all the things, and you know the long list of all the things. This is, above all, a journey in grace, God’s help, God’s path, and God’s love. Sometimes our self-imposed lists can be the biggest barrier to the grace that would lead us along. Being led by the Lord means being true to Him through keeping covenants.

We are here to learn how to allow ourselves to be led, together. That looks different, day by day, week by week, year after year. For us, it once looked like prayer and job charts, singing Primary songs, and even shouting “Bam!” when we heard an important word in the scriptures. Now, it looks like intentional mealtime conversations, different ways to study scriptures, and more fun time together. Being “led with one accord” is simply to allow the Good Shepherd to lead your family along.

It works to just ask in prayer, “What should I do today to help my family?” An idea or thought, phrase, or call to action will come. It will definitely be a simple instruction, manageable and meaningful.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are little children, and he have not as yet understood the great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you.

“And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours.”

Doctrine and Covenants 78:17-18

The kindest thing

On this wedding week, there is no such thing as the single kindest thing someone has done, but this story ranks near the top.

This is the Hernandez family. They live near Vancouver, British Columbia, and they love missionaries. They consistently and lovingly invite our missionary and his companions into their home to feed them dinner and offer support. Bishop and Sister Hernandez recently welcomed home both of their sons from missions, and they are enjoying a road trip in the western U.S.

Tim is flying to Guam on Monday night, experiencing the biggest transfer of his mission, and has a lot of winter gear for Canada that he will not need in the South Pacific. The Hernandez family arranged to drive his and another elder’s extra clothing to Utah.

They drive a sedan and there are four of them, so there was not a lot of room, yet they took Tim’s Blundstone boots and two bags of clothing, plus a similar amount for the other elder. Sister Hernandez reassured Tim that she wouldn’t mind holding a bag on her lap if there wasn’t enough of room in the car.

So, I met these lovely people at the Payson temple. They carried his bags to my car for me, smiling, and then we took pictures. I consider them instant and forever friends.

Daniel and McKenna’s Wedding Day Snapshots

I asked my sister Susan to take photos with my phone so we could have some candid shots of the wedding day. I think these photos can be more fun and can tell a story better than professional photos.

Eventually we will see the professional photos, but the day after a wedding, I am anxious to relive the day in my mind. These candid snapshots are a blessing to me. Thank you, Susan!

Another reality about the day after a wedding is that I awoke this morning on the couch where I had collapsed the night before. But look! My hairstyle was still intact!

Virginia Reel 2022

Instead of, “Bow to your partner,” my brother Paul the caller said, “Pose for the camera.” 😂

Our family reunions are over, there is one week until the wedding (pray!), Mark is on Pioneer Trek (pray!), and Timothy flies to Guam in two weeks to begin his missionary work there (pray!). I have exerted so much mental labor over Mark’s piano teacher dilemma and school schedule dilemma that I must have burned some calories with those mighty thoughts. Also, I am laboring to find a new counselor in the stake Primary after Susan’s passing. This is difficult spiritual work.

I have been reading in 2 Chronicles this week. I am trying not to be overly worried or stressed about all that is going on, but sometimes I just swim in concerns. When I read these scripture verses, the words center me a little.

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect [completely] toward him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

“For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15

Most of the Sanchez family, 2022