Blooms of the week

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Our yard is an Eden.

The pink tree in front of our house bloomed for our anniversary. It looks like the tree is covered in pink crepe paper flowers. It seems we’re always meant to have pink blossoming trees in our yard. This plum tree is a beautiful substitute for the crape myrtle trees like we had in Texas and Arizona.

We planted some tulip bulbs last fall, not knowing what the previous owners of the home had planted. It’s been a delight to see what has emerged. For me, the anticipation has felt almost like Christmas. What shade of pink will those buds be? WHEN will our tulips come through the ground? Wow, the previous owners loved tulips!

First we had a long row of purple and white crocuses peek through the snow. Next came the daffodils, some petite and some large. Next came the small tulips, red, yellow, and peach colored. Next came our large tulips (shown above) which during the afternoon open up as wide as wild poppies.

DSC_9693I have a dilemma about what to do with these blooms which are growing everywhere, in the bushes, through the periwinkle… everywhere. By the time fall comes around and I can transplant them, there will be little evidence of where the bulbs are located. I don’t want to pull them up now. They bring me a lot of joy.

Some of today’s beautiful things

DSC_9643Tomorrow is our 18th anniversary. We went out to dinner last night to celebrate and Richard bought me roses.

DSC_9649DSC_9650Paige is working on a painting this weekend at home. It’s from a photograph taken at Pines Ranch when the poppies were in bloom. The little boys and their friends have been avid observers. When she started painting the poppies, celebrations ensued for Mark. One of Timothy’s friends said to me, “Your daughter is a REAL artist.”

When I look out any window, I see blossoms on trees. Wow, what a beautiful place, inside and out.

Here are some photos of a few of the fruit trees in our yard.

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Variations on a Theme


DSC_9580 We have had many methods of listing jobs at our house. Most of the time I’ve written out the lists on bits of paper, but I am not very consistent. I decided it was time to do something new with our job lists.

My new job chart system had to

  • indicate levels of importance to help the kids prioritize,
  • incorporate large and small tasks, as well as daily and weekly tasks,
  • provide an incentive,
  • look pretty enough to keep in a prominent place in the kitchen.

I made about 50 magnets. The green magnets indicate personal scripture study. The white magnets indicate making beds and doing homework. Yellow and red are for music and dance. These colors remain constant each day and are placed in order of importance.

The dark blue and light blue tasks rotate. The dark blue tasks are “big jobs” and the light blue tasks are “little jobs”. Most days each child has one big job to do and one small job. The big jobs are things such as changing sheets or weeding. Little jobs are things such as emptying a rack of the dishwasher or picking up toys in a common area or putting away laundry. I don’t have personal hygiene items listed on the job chart. The kids seem to do pretty well with this without incentives or cute reminders.

When a job is completed, the kid turns the magnet upside down. This saves time. As for the incentive, each job completed is one point. Each night I add the points to a running total. When the kids collectively earn 100 points, I take them out to eat. The system is forgiving; I understand that some days are busier than others, so I put up fewer jobs. Also, if a child is swamped with school work, they know what jobs are most important and they work from left to right. If they don’t get one of the last jobs completed, no big deal. They know that they have done the most important things.

If there is a job that I don’t have a magnet for, I just put up the magnet that reads “Help Mom” and they ask me what to do.

So far, the kids and I really like this system.

If you are interested, here are the details of how I made it: The letters are stickers from the scrapbook aisle. The square magnet/dry erase board and easel are from Walmart. I made a list of the jobs that need to be done and ranked them according to importance, frequency, and size. I assigned colors for each category. I typed the jobs on bright circles of color and printed them on glossy photo paper. I cut out the circles, glued them to round magnets and then glued the glass stones on top. I used round magnets and epoxy.

DSC_9581The job chart came about because we had so much success with our family home evening chart which I made in September. Making crafty wall hangings is not my thing, but stretching myself to do this has really helped our family. There is accountability, fairness, and I LOVE the lessons that my children prepare. This chart has made our family home evenings a success. The jobs which rotate are Prayer, Song, Lesson, “Helper”, Conduct, & Treats.

I made the family home evening chart with vinyl rub-on letters which were not very forgiving. Stickers are definitely a better method for a beginner like me. The metal board with the frame was on clearance at Hobby Lobby.

These charts fulfilled personal progress goals that I am working on as a leader and a mother in Young Women.

Home Tour

The other day Timothy decided to take some pictures of our house to send to his friend in Arizona. I have been working on writing all of the time. Looking at the photos was a wake-up call for me. This house needed to be whipped back into shape. Here are a few before and after shots.

Kitchen BEFORE:

DSC_9262Daniel’s sleeping bag from the scout camp out is draped over the kitchen chair. I don’t know why. The island is doubling as a pinewood derby workshop because the garage workshop is too cold to work in. This was the picture he was ready to send to his friend. Oh help us.

Kitchen AFTER:

DSC_9279This is a house tour for Timothy, so he’s posing in a few of these shots. Sparky, confused, wandered into many of our shots. The finished pinewood derby car sits proudly on the kitchen island.

Craft room BEFORE:

DSC_9267Let me just say that this room is beneath the stairs and it will never be pristine because craft rooms are work spaces. This week, though, my craft room was a dumping ground for every project. There are costumes, monster hats, family history photos, slides, notes, and general clutter from the kids keeping me company. The 100 year old photograph of my great-grandmother sits on the table so I could photograph it and so she could be in my thoughts as I write about her. Yes, oh yes, he was going to send this photo to his friend.

Craft room AFTER:

DSC_9290It’s not magazine quality, but who wants to live in a magazine?

Mark’s bedroom BEFORE:


Mark’s bedroom after


Basement reading room BEFORE:

DSC_9265The impossible puzzle that we have been working on since December sits prominently in the middle of the room. Just one day later Daniel manned up and finished it for us. We are ready for a new puzzle!

Basement reading room AFTER:

DSC_9285The puzzle is gone and Timothy shows us where he sits when he reads each day. Here are a few other views of the big basement rooms.

DSC_9288 DSC_9287Aren’t you so glad you get to see a picture of our huge sofa today? It’s better than doing dishes or attending to other things, surely!

I won’t show you all of our messes, but here are a few more shots of the house so you can see where I have decorated and where I have not.

DSC_9280 DSC_9291 DSC_9294I believe in having computers in family areas. When my kids Skype with their friends, there’s always a mother looking over their shoulder, even if it looks like she’s just making dinner. I don’t believe computers make for good decorating, but it’s worth it. Can we ever be too vigilant about computer use in our families? Richard hates it when I ask rhetorical questions. I hate it when I come home to find that the kids are online when I’m not around.

DSC_9282April is my home repairs and decorating month. Caulk, paint, decor, plants… they’re on their way!!!

Some of you will be pleased to know that comments are currently being accepted. I’ll probably stop soon, so take your opportunity while you can.

From the kitchen window

DSC_9196Last night’s fog made this spectacular sight this morning:

DSC_9202Every tiny branch, carefully frosted and shimmery. I love that we have this forest in our backyard.


Year in Review

I love commencements, commemorations, lists, and encapsulating things. I’m an organizer, and the close of the year makes me itchy to craft a denouement for the year’s events.

Richard thinks that 2012 was our biggest year. I feel tired just thinking about all that we have done. Maybe I’m too tired to write the perfect summation, but I will try to give words to some of my thoughts about our year.

2012 was the end of an era for us. We had spent 15 years living outside of Utah and now we had an opportunity to come home. Our hearts weren’t always drawn to Utah. We loved the adventures that we found on our own and the people in Texas and Arizona. But our perceptions and needs changed in the past few years, making the answer to an offer to move to Salt Lake an obvious “Yes!”

With our move, we found that we could now drop in on Grandma when we felt like it and be at family events, big and small.  No longer would temples be hours away; we could now drive 10 or 15 minutes and find ourselves in a temple of our choice. Our Utah neighbors are also fellow ward members, and this added dimension of relationship makes me realize how much I missed being understood and known by my neighbors in other states.

2012 brought us back to community. When we made the decision to put the kids in public school, it broke my heart, but we were strongly and explicitly led by the Spirit in our decision. I gave up cherished career. All I ever wanted to do was teach and be with my kids, and for 11 years I felt blessed that I could do it. The compensation for my personal sense of loss is this concept of community. I find a lot of fulfillment helping with reading and homework in the school. I love the halls of our elementary school. I love the teachers. I love the kids. On my birthday, which also happened to be election day, I sat in the hallway of the school, listening to children read to me. A steady flow of people came through the doors, heading to the polls. I had only been in town for 2 months, but I knew so many of those people because I had met them at school and church. These people knew me as a neighbor and a ward member, and many had helped counsel me as we made the decision to change to public school. Their warm hellos that day were a perfect gift.

My heart, while yearning for my children, has been filled with a love for those who teach them. I have learned that being a community member isn’t just about giving, it’s about receiving, too. The generosity and power of this community centers in the church and schools. I had watched our Arizona community splinter over education, an effect of which was manifested in my group of young women who didn’t know one another because almost every girl attended a different form of school. Although I knew and respected the circumstances for all of these different school choices, I was sorry that the girls were missing an element of community in their lives. I also watched the already sparse home schooling community splinter over a religious divide. I didn’t realize how divided our previous community was until I jumped into our new one.

You readers know how much we tried to be valuable community members during our years our home schooling, and you will also know how much we loved our previous neighbors. Our new community and decisions about schools are based on current and personal needs. It does not erase the love we had for people wherever we lived or diminish the experiences we enjoyed in home school. We have learned to respect personal decisions about education.

2012 brought a change in Richard’s career path, a culmination of many years of effort in his field. Nobody outside work really knows what Richard does, but it involves signal processing and communications, and he is good at it. He’s doing things in his new job that he has wanted to do for years. Hooray for our quiet hero, our breadwinner and anchor in our home.

2012 brought extreme physical, emotional, and spiritual demands. I am still dealing with a bit of anxiety which began after I got heat stroke during youth conference. Richard and I found that living in different states for so many weeks during the move drew us closer emotionally. The kids had to stretch in enormous ways as they became acclimated to public school and found new friends. We have had more reasons to ask for priesthood blessings this year than ever, and these blessings have been a real source of strength and help.

2012 had few constants. Our definition and location of our beloved home changed. Our callings changed. In January, I was Young Women president. Richard was on the high council. Now I am a Mia Maid advisor. Richard has a calling to help facilitate the new youth curriculum, i.e. help the new teachers incorporate the videos and teaching methods. We have a new climate. Our wardrobes and bedding have taken completely new forms. We are not together as often. We have new music and dance teachers and a new instrument in our home. We have unannounced visitors all of the time. Even our day for Family Home Evening has had to change. Perhaps the only constants are the people we kiss good night and our faith, but how comforting that through all this change, we have had each other.

We have needed people this year, and family and friends have carried us. Generosity in so many forms has graced our lives. Being a recipient of service helped me to find an appropriate place to put some old anger. We are surrounded by extended family who enrich our lives.

When I told Richard that I would marry him, I remember saying that we’d have a wonderful life together. Who knew what things we would experience over the years, especially during the big year of 2012, but it has been wonderful. I find that although I resist change, learning to embrace each season is a beautiful way to live.

Thank you for reading, blog friends and family. Happy New Year!


A Very Special Celebration

We threw a family Christmas party last night at our house. My mom and I worked on it for about 6 weeks. Here are some photos from the evening.

Place cards for 36 people

DSC_9144Special cookies, most of them decorated by Paige.

DSC_9140Centerpiece and place settings

DSC_9134The little girls’ table

DSC_9135Mom and Dad

DSC_9105My Aunt Kate and her family

DSC_9109Joe’s family

DSC_9120Paul and Care looking great.

DSC_9106Paul and Care and the kids.

DSC_9127Susan and Richard’s family

DSC_9101Sarah and Bryan


DSC_9129Happy Stacy

DSC_9131Little David


DSC_9148I loved the family talent show after dinner. The Christmas pageant was beautifully costumed by Susan. The gifts were generous and so much fun.

DSC_9142Happy 39th anniversary! We hope you love the carolers, Mom.

Merry Christmas!


The Family Dinner Table

I believe in the family dinner ritual. Unfortunately, most nights we are missing one or two people, but I don’t give up. Having everyone around me, being nourished and sharing is the highlight of my day.

Empty chairs make me sad.

Dinner is not always a special occasion. My cooking, our moods, and The Schedule get in the way, but I think that the “dinner time at the table ritual” is special because you can count on it, not because it’s always perfect or fun. My family knows that there will be a meal and that I will expect them to answer a few questions about their day.

Richard fixed two of our broken chairs so we have enough seating for everyone. I love that he did this. I love these old uncomfortable chairs.

I served some leftover baked ziti to the kids around the dinner table last night. My first surprise was that they engulfed it. The next surprise was the conversation that happened as we ate.

We were all feeling comfortable and happy. Mark said, “Mom, our family is different than any other family because our handwriting has monkey tails (I taught the kids to write D’Nealian style), we go to Spring Lake where we have a dinner bell, and we say, ‘Is everybody happy?’ ‘Well, I should say!'”

And so our conversation turned to things which define our family.

Tim added, “We don’t have DS or PS3 or XBox or anything like that and we get really excited about seeing our extended family.”

Daniel said, “We study really hard and we are good students.”

We were interrupted at this point, but I would have added, “We try really hard to make dinner time a good family time.”

I need to remember this little dinner scene to help me press on and keep trying to find ways to sit down together at this table.

I read someplace that the family dinner table is like an altar in the home. It’s a place to teach, train, gather for prayer, and grow in love. It can help families stay together. Amen.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I am enjoying finding new places for our decorations. This year we gained two mantels and a banister. We lost our tall ceilings, but gained built-in bookshelves.

I’m not sure what I’m doing with mantel #2 downstairs.

We had to get rid of our tall tree when we moved, but luckily we still have the tree that Richard and I bought 17 years ago at an after Christmas sale at Ben Franklin. That makes the cost of the tree about $3.50 a year. Bargain!