2020 photo album

Richard is on the 9th or 10th day of his bout with COVID-19. We don’t know where he was exposed. The illness has a new character each day, but his oxygen levels have been fine, so I am grateful for that. He has stayed isolated from us, and no one else at home has tested positive. The worry I have felt is a small thing compared to what others have gone through with this illness so I hesitate to even mention it. I will say that although Richard’s case can be termed as “mild” and he has not complained, this is a different kind of illness and unpleasant at best.

What is helping us get through quarantine? Entertainment. Empathy from an employee of the attendance office at the high school. Dedicated teachers who make education happen. Surprises left on our porch from friends. Sunsets. For me, it helps to have routines I can do without thinking and something to look forward to each day. On Tuesday, it was the arrival of our 2020 photo book. I wrote before that creating this album helped me see that 2020 was a great year for the Ross family. God gives us eyes to see sometimes.

Advent Day 4

This December, my Advent theme is Hope. It’s my plan to share something each day leading up to Christmas. Today, I want to share something Daniel showed me that is hopeful and happy. Remember those feelings?

Therefore, my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.

Psalms 16:9

Resilient and Creative

I challenge you not to raise the pitch of your voice as you comment on the cuteness of these mini Jeeps.

Tim and Daniel have some new projects. Tim bought a mini jeep, and Daniel claimed a free piano. At the appearance of the mini jeep, our next-door neighbor said incredulously, “Another vehicle?”

Daniel is gutting the old piano to make an electric keyboard desk with speakers, lights, and a place to put a computer. One night in the garage, he removed all the keys but those from a jazz chord progression so he and Mark could do some improv, worry-free, since only the notes they needed were available.

Tim installed more lights on the jeep and ordered a pretty fine helmet and *chrome* goggles to wear as he drives. He offers rides around the neighborhood to our family.

These guys teach me new levels of fun and creativity.

I have decided to shift the way I think and talk about school restrictions and realities for our kids. This is not a time to paint our children as victims, but a time to help them know they can be resilient. Just imagine how much stronger these kids can be because they have been challenged to find new ways of connecting, finding fun, and working to become educated. I think we can remind them they are stronger than they know, especially as they rely upon God. We can look for possibilities more than limitations, because new ideas await. This is a time for creativity and resilience!

Odds and Ends

This was the week we were to be in Washington DC with our boys. I can’t say I wish we were there, based on current events, but we will make it back someday. If I were there in happier circumstances, I would sit on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for a long time and seek some wisdom. I would give quiet pause to those represented by monuments and memorials. I would savor this view of the Potomac from Mount Vernon, and express gratitude for the founders’ sacrifices which we should honor, and for their vision we are still working to realize. Since I am home, I am doing other work to understand the issues of this time.

Last week, the power went out for an hour in the evening, just as I was about to cook something. I was so bothered by this inconsequential, silly inconvenience, and I can’t explain why this little thing toppled me when I have been adapting and adapting just like everyone else to changes of plan.

I realized I needed to make a list of joyful things I could do when plans fall through, as they continue to do. Most ideas didn’t require electricity or money. I have discovered that I have many projects waiting in boxes and shelves, sown with great intention, but without a harvest. I try to do a few joyful things each day, but really, being able to stand and make dinner, or clean a bathroom is a blessing after being out for so many weeks. I do miss conversations with women, yet I can’t make myself do anything about it, and when I am with people, I wilt. I am out of practice and out of so many people’s lives. I am doing the best I can, just like you, although our lives might look different. Here are two small things from my joy list:

I’ve had this unopened Ikea greenhouse for at least 3 years, and it took 10 minutes to put together to make a display case for my grandmothers’ teacups. 😍
We collected these tiles from the old round house in Spring Lake. I removed decades of hard water deposits from them, a project I have put off for 6 years. They are so pretty!

Some bright lights

I follow Geoffrey Walker’s Instagram account because of the way he delights in his wife’s sewing projects. This man is so good-natured and happy. Pauline is his sweetheart and he often says, “I love that girl!” They post snippets of a simple life, full of love and faith.

I follow this Instagram account because this father daughter duo is talented and loving.

I love Mr Morrill. He is a light, too.

Favorite Things I Use All the Time

Favorite Things 2018: daily use edition

  • Four Heart Rechargeable Hand Warmer: the reason I can attend church in some comfort. Helps me feel my fingers so I can play the violin, too. (Thanks for the recommendation, Susan.)
  • Native deodorant coconut vanilla scent: It’s expensive but it doesn’t have weird ingredients. (Online, Target)
  • Day Designer planner (Target): I love it for the weekly gratitude section, the big three goals of the week, and a notes section where I keep a weekly prayer list.
  • Voluminous Mascara by L’Oreal: better than Great Lash
  • CeraVe lotion: for face, neck, and hands
  • Cover Girl lipstick #425
  • Pilot Precise Uniball pens (extra fine point): they remind me of my dad and I like a good fine line.
  • Crocs: still the best house shoe. Unfortunately.
  • Post it note assorted flags: I use these as bookmarks, especially in the scriptures. You can still see the text through the clear plastic.
  • Metallic sheen cardstock: for  invitations, gift tags, and handmade cards to make people feel special.