
At the family cabin last summer, Mark hid and posed about 50 tiny monkeys for people to discover. I found one wrapped in twine attached to a plastic spider, as if it had been captured by the spider. When my mom found one in a funny place, she told me about it. I confessed to her that the whole cabin had been “Marked.”

Monkeys. Googly eyes on pictures. Funny scenes made with toys. Steadily, these things are spreading wherever Mark goes in the world. At home, I keep in place these little pieces of his humor. It is fun to be “Marked.”


A few weeks after Mark’s Prom, I discovered a backpack he had carried that evening in a corner of our mudroom. There were a few objects still inside, and I smiled to see some of what he had collected in order to be prepared: antacids, safety pins (only one remained when the evening was over), toys for entertainment if they had a long wait at the restaurant, snacks, a toothpick, a pencil, and dental flossers for braces. He also carried an umbrella and some other things.

I took a picture to remind myself that Mark knows how to prepare for a journey and that he knows how to take care of himself and others. This is a comfort to me.

Old snowflakes in new places

I made these snowflakes many years ago and didn’t want to get rid of them when the season was over. They were a lot of work, so I packaged them carefully into a cabinet so I could use them another time. With the leaves gone in my backyard, I wanted a little something on my kitchen window to cheer up the view. I arranged as many as I could fit, and the effect is best at night when the dark winter night contrasts with the sparkly white designs.

I placed my best snowflakes in a floating frame on my living room wall. I can see this frame from many areas of our house, and it is surprising how I continue to feel a thrill when I see it. I am proud of these original creations, and I’m glad that I saved them!

Sights of the week

I came across this model that Mark created of his old bedroom. The stacks of books, the curtains, and furniture placement are accurate and made my heart flip.
The eclipse wasn’t the most exciting thing to me this week, but the light was so eerie and we noticed how it made the air feel cold.
Some kids in the neighborhood have a jeep like Tim used to own. This scene reminded me of him. ❤️
I tracked the typhoon as it passed near Saipan thanks to live satellite images.
Richard and I were able to see Itzhak Perlman perform. We had wonderful seats and it was a remarkable experience.

A reason to celebrate every day

This is the poinsettia that I bought in early December. I have never had one last this beautifully for this long!

I like to use the phrase, “Every day is Christmas” when I think about my blessings. Recently, I found this great quote,

As a child…[I] thought Christmas came once a year. “As an adult, I now realize that it is Christmas every day. Because of the benevolence of our Heavenly Father and our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, we are the recipients of a continuous flow of heavenly gifts—every day. Heavenly gifts too numerous to mention.”

Kevin R Duncan, Christmas devotional 2017