new student

Mark and his teacher Bridget

Mark had his first recital with his new piano teacher tonight. I have never heard a recital like it. Every student was so prepared and expressive, no matter their level. It was an exquisite musical experience.

We are proud of Mark! O Holy Night was his piece, and Richard and I were lucky to hear him shine. It is not easy to change teachers, and taking lessons with his new teacher has required him to leave school early each day to do online school at home, practice, or attend a lesson. There are moments when all the hard work and sacrifice suddenly bring forth something special. Tonight was one of these times.❤️


Van Gogh’s “Roses”

Richard, Mark, and I sat down together and made a list of the things we wanted to do this month under the categories of service, fun, and films. Then we plugged everything into the calendar. We should probably do this every month, but we only think to do it at Christmas time. Now we have a plan, and there is so much to look forward to!

There won’t be time to cross stitch until after Christmas, but I am glad for the hours these “miniature masterpieces” have provided to reset my mind during a very busy year.

wait, come back, we didn’t take a picture

I have lived long enough to understand that gatherings are worth documenting, and I regret that we didn’t pose for a group photo at our Thanksgiving dinner. Richard mentioned he would also have liked to see a picture of all the good food. Thanks to Paige, we have photos of the tables and a few Ross family guests in the background, and look, there are some pies there, too.

Dale and Lorraine

Richard and Angela

Paige and Michael

Daniel and McKenna


Dave and Shari

Sara and Christopher

Henry, Katie, Fletcher

Susanna and Cameron

Behind the scenes

This is just a portion of the cookies we decorated.
Refreshments and handouts ready to go.

It has been a busy few months preparing for a stake Primary training about temple and family history work. On the day of the training, Paige and I decorated 70 temple cookies, and that was a big job. Thank you, Paige!

Most of the effort to prepare for this evening can’t be shown. Truly, it was not about the pretty cookies. There was a lot of personal and collaborative work. It was a spiritual journey. By the end, I realized this wasn’t “my” training at all. My original ideas for the evening slowly changed to something better, thanks to counseling with my presidency and an enthusiastic high councilor. Answers to prayers came. My small hope for some help from a few temple and family history consultants resulted in around 16 people showing up to teach.

It’s my birthday weekend, and as I look back on my last week of being 47, I can say that it was one of the best weeks. I was with my Sanchez family in the temple, along with Richard, Paige, Daniel, and McKenna. I got to see ordinances performed for people from my own labors in family history research. And towards the end of the week, I believe miracles happened at our training.

We gathered at the grave for my grandparents the morning after we completed their temple ordinances.
Modern apostles, including David A. Bednar, Quentin L. Cook, Neil L. Andersen and Dale G. Renlund have promised many powerful blessings to those who participate in Family History and Temple Service.

General Conference Weekend

Richard arranged for our family to enjoy one last camping trip this year. He reserved a large campsite in Midway with beautiful views of the changing leaves on the mountains and Heber Valley. It was chilly, but we enjoyed generous food portions, a break from phone service, plenty of hot cocoa, and singing around the fire with a guitar. Life felt pretty good. Happy 23rd Birthday to Daniel! And happy Conference weekend.

General Conference

She is incredible

Winner’s celebration

My mom made and donated some really beautiful quilts for an auction in her small town to benefit local church youth programs.

Her beehive quilt sold for the highest price of all the items at the auction!

In the photo above, the happy lady who bought the quilt is wearing a gray shirt and she stands behind my mom, celebrating. This was so fun to watch.

My mom also made a baby quilt with the most gorgeous colors which was also popular at the auction. My mom is quite a person.

This is the quilt before it was quilted and bound. Her friend machine quilted it, with different patterns in each block and on the borders. It was absolutely amazing.
The baby quilt at auction

Pogo’s in Provo

My cousin-once-removed lived in Zimbabwe for nearly 40 years, and in 2020, he and his wife decided to move back to Utah. They opened a Pogo’s restaurant on Center Street in Provo last year, and the food is delicious. Think pizza and chicken, but with sauces with complex flavor.

My mom sent an early morning text to meet her and her siblings at Pogo’s for dinner. An impromptu family reunion and a midweek meal at a restaurant felt special.

With one accord

“It must needs be that we should be led with one accord to the land of promise.”

1 Nephi 10:13

I never considered this line from Lehi until today. He has seen a lot of disunity in his family on their wilderness journey, and chooses to emphasize the need to act with one accord.

“With one accord = all together”


Lehi sees his family as being important in the overall plan of our Heavenly Father for his children. He is looking for unity stemming from a common faith.

Maybe we should think of our families like Lehi thinks about his family. Hey, our family is important to God! Together we can help each other and the world, beyond anything you can imagine. First things first: we need to understand Jesus.

“Wherefore, all mankind were in a lost and fallen state, and ever would be save they should rely on this Redeemer.”

1 Nephi 10:6

In what ways can a family be led with one accord?

  • In resolve to keep covenants.
  • In thanksgiving
  • In love
  • In work
  • In testimony
  • In support
  • In faith
  • In humor
  • In working for peace

What has helped my family to live with one accord?

  • worship
  • good traditions
  • communication
  • routines
  • goals
  • recreation
  • acts of love

Never have we accomplished or needed to do all of these things well at the same time.

I note the first word in the phrase, “Led with one accord.” Our success doesn’t come down to how well we did all the things, and you know the long list of all the things. This is, above all, a journey in grace, God’s help, God’s path, and God’s love. Sometimes our self-imposed lists can be the biggest barrier to the grace that would lead us along. Being led by the Lord means being true to Him through keeping covenants.

We are here to learn how to allow ourselves to be led, together. That looks different, day by day, week by week, year after year. For us, it once looked like prayer and job charts, singing Primary songs, and even shouting “Bam!” when we heard an important word in the scriptures. Now, it looks like intentional mealtime conversations, different ways to study scriptures, and more fun time together. Being “led with one accord” is simply to allow the Good Shepherd to lead your family along.

It works to just ask in prayer, “What should I do today to help my family?” An idea or thought, phrase, or call to action will come. It will definitely be a simple instruction, manageable and meaningful.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are little children, and he have not as yet understood the great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you.

“And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours.”

Doctrine and Covenants 78:17-18

Yellowstone 2022

Our family story is punctuated by late summer adventures, year after year. Summer 2022 was important, so we ended it big. Seven of us traveled to Yellowstone in my brother’s 10-passenger van. We stopped short of ordering matching T-shirts, but we were pretty much a tour bus with people that poured out of the doors at each stop.

My heart dwells in so many memories of Yellowstone. But this time, I was a mother of adults and a junior in high school, which is a very different experience.

summertime snaps

We are in the final week of summer break. This morning I took some time to look over some snapshots and screenshots from the last few months, and chose a few to share. These are some of people and places I want to remember. Two really good friends passed away. We have been really focused on wedding preparations. Mark was gone a lot, and his social connections got stronger. Richard worked from home. I lived my own version of The Secret Garden, increasing my strength. We planted a lot of flowers, and I am especially proud of reclaiming my favorite corner of the yard, the one that feels like a forest. We sat beneath outdoor lights on many nights. Paige and Michael were especially helpful hanging the lights. Tim made it to Guam. We said goodbye to friends who are going on a mission. Lots of lasts and firsts this summer. This means growth.

Thou crownest the year with the goodness.

Psalm 65:11