Sarah Sees Sahuarita

Bryan and Sarah at the lake

Yesterday, Sarah and Bryan had a Sahuarita experience. We took them sight-seeing at the lake.

water lily blossom

We showed them “our” pond where a water lily was in bloom for the occasion.

tortoise ride

Daniel and Mark showed off the tortoises.

Mark runs free

And Mark enjoyed some freedom.

Daniel and Timothy puppeteers

In the evening after a meal of fajitas and watermelon, we embarked on adventures in entertainment. Audience admission was a slot to perform in our talent show. Richard played piano, Paige danced (on film), Daniel played piano, Timothy produced, directed, and acted in a Potato Head Puppet Show, Sarah sang an awesome solo, and I played the guitar and as we all sang together.

Bryan on the harmonica

Bryan gifted us with his debut harmonica performance. Nicely done, man!

We like to Move It

Mark’s talent was all about dance, running, and a basketball. He then got us all moving to one of his favorite songs, I Like To Move It…

We Moved It some More

And then we were all on our feet, dancing despite the storm outside…

Defying Gravity

And suddenly my hair defied gravity and for this and many other reasons, I call the day a success.


Thanks for giving us a reason to celebrate, you two.

Cause for Celebration

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Our Tomato vines produced their first ripe tomato! It was cause for celebration.

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The kids and I spent some time setting up a nice table under a big tent in our back yard.

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We prepared a Mexican food feast with homemade salsa, guacamole, and fruit salad…

First Tomato Party 005and desserts…

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Susie came, too.

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We enjoyed our dinner together outside.

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When it got dark, the lanterns lit up our night.

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We spread out the blanket and we listened to an audio book outside and tried not to think about possible rattlesnake attacks in the grass (Thus explains the psychotic look on my face…)

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Good night.

Reminisce with me

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Confession: I read Reminisce magazine. Cover to cover every time. I have to pace myself so I don’t engulf it all at once. Sometimes I cheat and read from the back… just the small articles, so it doesn’t seem like I’m reading ahead.

Which leads me to ask, “Of what value is my craze for the past?” and, “From what source does this interest come?”
As to the value, I guess my nostalgia is part of my character. It’s part of who I am. I celebrate small moments. I appreciate the details of people’s lives. In addition, my sweet memories are a comfort to me.

During the times when I was sick and in pain and during the 3 summers punctuated by surgeries, I retreated to some of those memories and places from my past to get through it all.

I think I have always enjoyed the company of my grandparents because I was naturally interested in their past. I truly appreciate the deep friendship I have with my Grandma Ruth. She is the one who surprised me with a subscription to this magazine. I have 30 years worth of letters from her. Once she called me when I was in a bed in the emergency room because she couldn’t stop thinking about me. We tend to gravitate toward each other in our thoughts until one of us decides to just pick up the phone and see what’s going on. Our connection is a blessing to me.

Which leads me to the answer to the next question, “From what source does this interest come?” In truth, the deeper yearning that I have is not for the details of the past, but for the people. And love is a gift of God, and a desire to bless our ancestors is still another gift. Malachi promised in the last days that “[Elijah] shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” so the earth would not be cursed. This probably means many things, but to me, life is much sweeter, knowing the sacrifices made by my ancestors so I can live as I do. It also helps me want to be more diligent in my temple attendance so I can be a blessing to them.

Thanks for stopping by. And if during all my ramblings you have had a chance to reminisce on something happy, good for you! And extra points if you remember buying Smarties lollipops from the pharmacy up the street or a candy shop.

Mark’s 3rd Birthday

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Our Mark turned 3 today, so we celebrated. This was one great day. Richard stayed home. We were all together. We watched the kids play and we ate cupcakes. Bliss.

First, Richard made waffles because Mark loves ’em. Then we headed off to the zoo. Mark wanted to see an alligator…you know, like a three year old wants something. Tigers, Lions, peacocks, giraffes, monkeys, tortoises all entertained us, but to Mark, it was just an endless search for an alligator. We kept searching, sure that we would come across an alligator eventually. It was around 100 degrees by 11:00 when we left the zoo.

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But we did find something that at least looked like an alligator five minutes before we left. Anyone who has had a 3 year old can feel our joy at that discovery.

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We sang Happy Birthday to Mark around 20 times. He loved it.

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And every time we sang to him, he blew out his candle… until the wick disappeared and the wax melted into his cupcake.

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In his prayer tonight, he said, “and thank thee for that we could have my birthday party at the zoo and and thank thee for that we could open my Dinoco present and thank thee for that we could open all my presents…”

We love you, Mark.


Fathers and Sons

This weekend was our ward fathers and sons campout. We went to Parker Canyon Lake and had a great time! A little “boys only” time is good once in a while. Friday night we fished, swam, roasted hot dogs, and slept in our tent. Saturday morning we were up with the sun at 5:30 and had bacon, eggs, bacon, pancakes, and bacon. 🙂 We got some more fishing in along with a little canoe ride.

Timothy wins the prize for most fish caught. He caught two. That doubles the number of fish he’s caught in his life. Check out the variety: 1 catfish, 1 trout, and 2 bluegill.

Daniel wins the prize for most innovative. We only had one fishing pole so he went on a treasure hunt. By himself he found abandoned fishing line, sinkers, and a hook. He borrowed a worm from someone. He fished by dangling his line over the side of the dock and what do you know? He caught one! I wish I had a picture of his setup.Here are some pictures that I do have.

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