Forever Friends

Daniel package 10 years old

Daniel received this package in the mail this week. Inside was a newspaper from his birth date, almost 10 years ago. Our friends, the Espersens have been saving it for us in Austin all these years. Dave is quite the philatelist. (I’ve always wanted to use that word.) I have been staring at this package for a long time, enjoying the beautiful stamps and missing these dear friends.

Daniel has been lonely lately. His best friend moved away last month. I think that our Heavenly Father knows this little boy’s needs and has inspired so many good people to reach out to him. If you think about it, this kind act was put in motion 10 years ago and the timing is perfect. I sit back in wonder, and I’m reminded of the importance and power of love and small gestures of kindness and listening to those little ideas that come to our minds to do good. Who knows what a difference our small acts of kindness will make?


The Espersens

If you’re going to be quoted…

Newspaper Richard

We’re not sure why Richard was quoted in this newspaper article, and why the author of the article omitted the line about the members of our church fasting (in addition to praying) for the Hess family. Richard had been in contact with this reporter about some other church business in the news and he had submitted photographs to be used by the paper. However, this is all the evidence of his work with this reporter. But I guess when all is said and done, if you’re going to be quoted in the paper, you’d better be saying something worthwhile, and I think he did just fine.

Looking for a worthwhile cause? Visit Team Ryan Hess or this blog post to find out how to help.


California 408

Grandpa had lots of hugs and smiles.


Grandma made us lunch and told us all the news from Susan, who is now able to have chemotherapy and has been moved to a care facility.

scheels ferris wheel

Grandma took us to Scheels and we rode their indoor Ferris wheel. I’m clinging to Timothy for dear life in the yellow seat at the top. Daniel and Paige are in the red seat.

California 432

Jeanne entertained us with ping pong, croquet, and blackberry picking.

blackberry picking


ready to wave dishtowels

We waved our dish towels and said good-bye to two of the greatest grandparents ever. We would have taken Grandpa with us, but Mark was worried that Grandma would be lonely.

Grandma Ruth

Grandma Ruth, Angela, Paige

We visited Grandma Ruth on the next stop on our trip. She made us a strawberry pie and served us rainbow sherbet. We sorted out 6 boxes of history during the day spent together. I came home with a journal from my Great-grandmother Cerie and many priceless pictures. Grandma Ruth is a cancer survivor! She looks great and has a beautiful new wardrobe in a smaller size.

Great-grandma Ruth

The classic Fisher Price Toys, books, puzzles, and back yard entertained the boys. Paige sat with Grandma and me all day. Richard buried his head in some of Grandma Ruth’s books while watching Mark.

out to eat

And of course we ate out. Uncle Jay and Aunt Nora and Christine joined us.

It’s been 5 years since the kids and Richard visited Grandma’s home (and a year and a half since I was there). I was so happy we were able to visit.

Newport Beach Highlights


Dale and Lorraine Ross and all of their posterity. Beaches are great magnets for attracting people to a family reunion. And even the in-laws have a good time. I did.


The 9 and 10 year old cousins were inseparable.


Timothy made a sand castle. He helped collect 157 sand crabs in one day.


More of Mark’s Wave Revelry. Look at my arms getting toned trying to keep him from getting swept away.


Sushi tonight, anyone? We found so many critters in this washed up bunch of seaweed. It was really fascinating.


A secret club with its own language and code names was formed by the cousins. Timothy approached me one afternoon and said, “Mom, I’m in a secret club. Do you want to know my code name? It’s Tiki! And Daniel’s code name is Big D and…” His cousin Lizzie, passing by added, “And my secret name is Abba!” So much for keeping it secret… I later found this paper plate with the minutes of one of their top secret meetings written on it.


We brought a nice tent to shade Grandma and Grandpa and the babies. The tent is Richard’s pride and joy. That and its accompanying sand bags to keep it stationary. I like this picture a lot.


Richard with all of his siblings minus one out in the ocean.


Ladies, that guy is All Mine.

San Bernardino

Redlands Temple

San Bernardino was the beginning and the end of our long vacation. We stayed with Mom and Dad (President and Sister S.) over the first weekend and again on our way home. Sister S. commented that the kids seemed just as happy at the end of the trip as the beginning. No wonder. They spent 2 weeks being loved by parents of the grand and great-grand variety.

California 454

We met a charming balloon artist at the Rainforest Cafe. Mark loves his new bunny, Chatter.

California 535

We loved the handcart rides. So did the neighbor kids who hopped in to join us.

Valley boys and girl

Darling, yes?


Timothy tried out the little pool.


Nice one, Daniel!


And of course, little brother joined in the fun. Meanwhile, Paige was upstairs sketching and making a beaded bracelet.

MP and SS

We love you all the way to the moon!

And thank you for the doughnut tip: Tailor Maid doughnuts are superb. Thanks for the nice visit.

We are so amazed at all you do. We think you are doing A Great Work.

Family History


No time to post much. I’m finishing up some work for Grandma Ruth’s personal history and making some new quilt squares for her family quilt. I’ll see her in August and I want to surprise her.

Man, I’m excited.

Oh, and another thing:

I just noticed that this is the 100th post on our blog. Do you have a favorite post? e-mail me if you want and tell me. I think my favorite posts are Girls Camp Eve, Book Ends and Spring Lake Ramblings. Girls Camp Eve I made private after my blog got pounded with hits looking for nifty Girls Camp ideas, which is NOT what that post was about. Although we have kept our blog public, we know it’s my family who reads it, and the occasional accidental tourist. I’ve lived away from family so long that it feels good to think that you are getting to know me a little better through this blog; many of you, for the first time.

Family Tree

Our tree

Richard comes home from work most evenings and looks immediately out the back window and makes a comment about the state of our crape myrtle tree.

This little tree has weeks when the blossoms wane and it looks more like a spent dandelion that has lost its fuzz. That little trunk and my thumb share the same diameter. But despite its small size,  this tree can blossom like there’s a party going on. And for some reason, Richard follows the ebb and flow of our tree with great interest.

I think it has a lot to do with the investment of time he puts into our back yard. After checking the tree each evening, he takes a walk out to the tomato plants, surveys the strawberry patch, adjusts sprinklers, and takes an inventory of  his kingdom.

Are you ready for my simile or metaphor? Faithful readers, surely you were expecting it.

And so it goes. Some weeks our family seems to be in sync with our moods and schedules and we’re in full bloom. Other weeks, we are stretched to the limit by our outside commitments and we feel like spent dandelions.

We’ve had a spent dandelion week. Even trying to pace ourselves, the stress of life has crept in a little and I am ready for a weekend break.  We look forward to a week of full-bloom soon… despite missing out on a Stewart reunion at the Weber.

Dear Weber family

Princes among Men

Today I celebrate two special people, my grandpa and my dad. I am a little teary today over it all.

Ruth and John Sanchez 1947

This is my grandpa, John Sanchez. He passed away four years ago today. I still ache over it. I miss you, Grandpa.

Grandma Ruth looks just like my sister Sarah. I see Grandpa’s looks in my Dad sometimes.

My Dad 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad. I’ll see you soon for one of our late night chats about grand things. And maybe some jelly toast. With peanut butter.

I love you.


Danish Delight


Soren and Serena Nielson

Nielson reunion 7-4-09

and a FEW of their descendants on the 4th of July. Note all the blonde hair. Go Denmark!

I wish we’d all taken some more time and arranged ourselves near our children (and allowed Richard and me to sit in those two empty chairs.) I think most were just in a hurry to get out of the sun, as evidenced by the group yell of, “Melanoma” to the camera to make our group unite in smile. (Those Danes!) Daniel and Timothy are on the far left and Paige is holding Mark in the middle. Richard and I are in the far right, kneeling just behind the kids.

Eric and Camille Nielson hosted the reunion in their lovely home in Holladay. Look at that awesome treehouse behind us. The boys spent the whole time exploring in the trees in the back yard.