Paige and her family are coming to visit soon. I can’t wait.
Category: Extended family
They made it to Puerto Rico
A winter storm in the South has caused a delay in my parents’ departure to Puerto Rico. Richard and I picked them up from the airport after a rough start to their journey and they are staying with us for a couple of days. This unexpected visit has been wonderful for me, a tender mercy from Heavenly Father, who knows my heart. My parents are anxious to be in their assigned mission, but they have taken some needed rest here before their big adventure continues.
My parents’ farewell
Christmas 2024
Thanksgiving weekend snapshots
We gathered to cheer for Elder Ross
I couldn’t get photos of everyone as we hosted this gathering, but it was a nice day with loved ones.
Weber 2024
Today we go back in time a few weeks for a post about our Sanchez family reunion.
There is so much I could say and show from this cabin experience. Not pictured are the big family portraits, the Virginia Reel, tubing in the river, the duckie races, etc. I simply don’t have photos of everything. As always, the experiences live in memory and take on new qualities with time.