Summer Holds On

Just look at those long legs! Summer seems to make them grow.

We have 350 days of sun each year. I think of summer like I used to think of winter in Utah. It’s 5 months of having to stay inside. The mornings feel a little cooler, so this gives me hope that we’ll be down in the 80’s soon.

Last night I sat outside and looked at stars. We have a long covered patio and a view to the south. I looked at Sagittarius and Scorpio. Antares is fascinating for me with its changing color and brilliance.

I sent Paige to Youth Conference all weekend. I sent Richard on a temple trip by himself on Saturday since we had no babysitter. I cleaned the cars and became drenched in sweat and went shopping for Legos to pass the time with the boys.

Richard gave a talk at the temple at the Stake Temple Day chapel session. He talked about the Ross and Spencer ancestors who attended the temple in Nauvoo during those last days the Mormons were in Nauvoo. He talked about temple blessings extending through generations. These were sweet and humbling thoughts.

I decided that I’m going to keep looking at the stars each night and enjoy that cooling September air. It will give me hope for some milder Autumn days ahead.


I’m addicted to Picasa’s facial recognition feature. It’s a great way to catalog photos.

I’m thinking about my mom and dad today as they are in the final days of their 3 year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is my dad. His countenance has been luminous and we are so happy that he and my mom have been able to serve together. They have taught us about unity in marriage and service. They have taught us about faith and testimony. They love the Savior.

I know they have made a difference in many lives and their service has brought blessings to their extended family that are great in depth and breadth. These blessings are so tightly interwoven in the details of my life that it would be impossible to list them all.

Truly, our family has been carried these past 3 years by a loving Father in Heaven through many things. Extended illnesses, accidents, a wedding, births, adoptions, and many smaller events have taken place during these last 3 years. Through it all, miracles have occurred and I continue to trust that everything will fit into place. One thing I have learned during these years is that the Lord intervenes according to His wise purpose and we can trust that we are in the Best Hands when we are doing what is right. Grace is a beautiful thing.


I spent time at Girls Camp this week. I was just an observer. Nothing was expected of me but to watch. I saw a lot and enjoyed being with the girls. Now, if we can just scratch Twilight and Glee from their life experiences, things would be super.

I enjoyed the time on the mountain and nourished some old memories. I cried a tear or two when I left and then again when I remembered my mom singing in the mountains at Girls Camp.

It’s been 18 years but I still use my camp songbook when I play guitar.

The Healthy Sound of Boys’ Voices in the Mountains

I have been at Cub Scout camp this week. Oh, the mountain air and the healthy sound of boys’ voices echoing through the pines! In awe, I saw a 13-year old Eagle Scout lead 60 Cub Scouts in a trail cleanup project. There were shouts of “Let’s do it!” and “Yeah!” and then the mountain swarmed with Cub Scouts picking up fallen branches and trees. They worked so hard, and most were smiling. The challenges were car sickness, fatigue, and leaving computer games. The highlights were the water rockets, guns, archery, and ping-pong. It was such an adventure.

There is a monster that is devouring the hopes of many children. It begins with fear and can grow into anxiety and eventual incapacity or indifference. Scouting can be a catalyst for growth because a Scout must get out and do something and be someone. As he does this, he trades his fears for confidence and his selfishness for service. I believe that almost without exception, a boy is better off going to Scout Camp than staying home, nursing his fears (or the fears of his parents).

I speak from my experience, being the one who handles the budget, forms, applications, tour permits, and communication with parents. I also go to Cub Scout Camp with the boys and see a visible change in the countenance of a boy who has just conquered a task, especially a task he thought was hard.

Today it feels like Daniel is still enjoying the effects of his worthy adventure. The best descriptive word I can come up with is Contentment.

rocket launcher


This is my violin at rest. Richard and I are playing at a friend’s funeral tomorrow.

It’s a tender time, losing such a young father in our ward.

Significantly, our ward will participate in the sacred process of dedicating a temple on Sunday.

As I prepare for this funeral and dedication, I examine my heart and find that along with the ache of mourning, there is peace and an ultimate hope of eternal families, made possible because of temple covenants.

The Young Ross Women

General Young Women Meeting, 2010

Tonight we learned that deep beauty springs from virtue. We’re in the middle of our own stories, working toward a happily ever after. Our reaction to adversity determines the paths of our lives. We were encouraged to be strong and of good courage.

We saw it here. Watch the “video presentation” if nothing else!

Our photo from last year is here.

BSA turns 100

Our Blue and Gold Banquet is almost ready for guests. Happy 100th Birthday, Boy Scouts of America.

Three of Daniel’s Webelos Craftsman projects on display: soldered copper man, wood-burned and stained box, wood stool.

Tacos? Burritos? Beans and Rice?

Mark tries to break the pinata.

Daniel’s killer swing breaks the pinata!