Outdoor movie night

Sometimes people have to correct me because I confuse the date. I live my life thinking it’s the following day because I’m always anticipating something. I noticed this phenomenon when I began making lesson plans as a student teacher. I still have that problem because I’m always reading the “next book” on our list. Conversely, I spend a lot of time grading, which is like living the previous day over again.

Sometimes it’s a good idea to live in the moment, though, which is what I have been doing this week for Spring Break. It’s involved a lot of napping. Planning for an upcoming Pioneer Trek (Richard and I are going), doing Young Women President things, and teaching 4 grade levels have made my to-do lists grow very long.

Last night was the culmination of a lot of preparation. Since it was Spring Break, we decided to host an outdoor movie night for the church youth in our back yard. We didn’t think many people would come, but wow, did they come! We made popcorn in a movie-style popcorn maker, we set up a screen and a projector and a big speaker. We had the youth play get-to-know you games between the short films to earn points to “buy”  popcorn and hot chocolate.

It was fun. I wonder what my neighbors thought of the prayers offered through a microphone. My next door neighbor sent her daughter over to enjoy the party. It was a good crowd.

Details, details

watercolor by A.

Earlier this month, I set up my visiting teaching appointments but forgot to prepare the message. I did a quick skim of the magazine article I was to share and ran to the first appointment and taught a lovely lesson about women being guardians of the health of our families. We discussed ways we could help our families improve their emotional and physical health. I walked away feeling pretty good about the appointment.

But when I got home and set down the magazine on the counter, I finally noticed that the message was entitled, “Guardians of the HEARTH” (not health)! I was embarrassed and had a healthy laugh at myself. Apparently I need to be more involved in the details. Skimming isn’t adequate when it comes to important things. Some activities require deep, concerted, and detailed effort. And good job to those of you who saw my mistake before you read the second paragraph. Way to go, visiting teacher supreme!

I decided to read a book by Charles Dickins last week because he is a master of details. Each description is so rich and essential. I can’t skim through Dickins. It was a good exercise in focus. I also enjoy how he can moralize about the shady characters with sarcasm and characterize the good with idealism.

So hooray for effort in visiting teaching, flawed as it may be. And hooray for my first watercolor in years. And hooray for people such as Charles Dickins whose detailed efforts show me that I can navigate through experiences with humor and idealism.

In what areas of your life do you choose to be gentle in your self evaluations, while still maintaining an ideal for yourself? Tell me, dear reader. I am curious to hear your thoughts.

The Birthday list

I’ve heard it said that true love is when you care for a person for who he is and not for what he does for you. However, when I take the time to look at all the good things that Richard does for our family and for me, his actions and his identity are inseparable. I appreciate him because he does so much, but I love him because of the person he has become through these acts of sacrifice.

Here are a few of the good things that I have observed Richard do over the past 8 days:

He was a merit badge counselor at a Scout event on Saturday and prepared an awesome activity with lasers.

He drove Daniel and another boy to piano rehearsals during his lunch break at the Scout event.

He prepared a talk and was a Stake high council speaker for another congregation on Sunday.

He made dinner for us on Sunday because I was busy feeling devastated about something.

He babysat while I attended a new member fireside.

He went to work each day and one night he stayed up to midnight working from home.

He drove Paige to seminary at 6:40 a.m. each school day.

He conducted Family Home Evening and gathered us for family prayers.

He attended a district Scout meeting before picking up Paige from ballet.

He attended a baseball parent meeting with Daniel.

He ate my brownies and remembered to compliment them.

He babysat while I went to youth activities on Wednesday night.

He washed the windows of the house and enlisted the help of his sons so they could learn to work.

He mowed the lawn.

He organized the garage.

He sprayed the weeds and sprayed for bugs.

He cleaned the back patio.

He chopped up branches from our thorny trees for disposal, also enlisting the sons for help.

He made a movie to show at the youth fundraiser on Friday night.

He helped set up for the youth fundraiser and donated generously.

He helped clean up the fundraiser and mopped the church cultural hall.

He tutored Paige in math for four hours on his day off and smiled about it.

He watched a romantic comedy with me for our date night.

On another night, he took me out to dinner.

He was the first to get up when he heard one of our kids vomiting in the middle of the night.

He went to church meetings which began at 6 a.m. even though he’d been up in the middle of the night with sick children.

He drove a new member to church.

He’s on his way home to take care of the sick kids so I can attend Young Women meeting.

Dear Birthday boy,
I know it's not an ideal day, but I'm sure glad you are here to
share it with me. Happy birthday, Rich. I love you.

Recent Projects for the Youth

We held New Beginnings for the Young Women last night. I made a Power Point presentation about the Young Women program and peppered it with pictures of our girls and a movie from Youth.lds.org. I like using photos and video at youth activities. We spotlighted each new blushing girl who will enter Young Women when they turn 12 this year. We love them already.

Our invitations were made by the Mia Maids and their leader. The little eggs are beads and the nest is some twine glued to paper.

Our gifts were made by the Laurels and a couple of leaders:

We decorated the tables in white cloths, blue fabric overlays, silver ornaments, tiny nests and battery-operated white Christmas lights.

Last night we placed small silver ornaments in the nests (not candies) and it was lovely. The centerpieces were low cost because we used Christmas decorations and objects from our homes. Each table was a little bit different.

Youth.lds.org has downloadable t-shirt and poster designs for the yearly theme. It’s been so helpful this month as we’ve introduced the youth theme for 2012:

Arise and Shine Forth

that thy light may be a standard for the nations.

D&C 115:5

Here are the headbands I made for the young men and young women for our kickoff activity early in January. I downloaded the design and printed on an iron-on transfer which I applied to muslin strips. The young men wore theirs on their foreheads or around their burly biceps.

Most young women wore them as headbands. These took about an hour to make 30. I didn’t sew the fabric; I just tore it into strips.

If you need a pick-me-up, here is a lovely video.

Youth Temple Tour

I visited two temples on Saturday with the youth. Here are the young women in front of the Gilbert Temple construction site. The sister missionary at the construction site gave us a wonderful idea of how temples are built and showed us the plans for the temple and helped the young women visualize themselves going there someday. The land has been dedicated and there was a beautiful spirit there.

Construction workers at temples do not need to be members of the Church, but they must abide by Church standards when on site. They do not smoke, swear, argue, eat (even and especially sunflower seeds), or listen to music of any kind while on site. Temples are built without blemish. No markings are permitted on the construction materials. If a wall has been written on, it is removed  (not painted over) and an unblemished piece replaces it. People in general are not allowed on site: only construction workers, members of the Quorum of the Twelve and the First Presidency are allowed.

Grandma Ruth’s uncle Otto did marble work in the Oakland temple. Grandma Ruth has a lamp with a black marble base from leftover temple marble, and she also has some green marble from the temple.  Otto was not a member of the Church. Years later, the Oakland temple was a place where my dad felt the Spirit as a young man before joining the Church. The Oakland temple is where my parents were married. I love how temples bring families together.

Here we are in front of the Mesa temple where the youth were baptized for the dead.

The image of these girls in the temple, dressed in white will stay with me forever.


We gathered at 6:30 am at our church to make it to the temple on time for our appointment. This was Daniel’s first temple trip. It was a good day and we were tired when it was all over.

Hooray for the youth! Hooray for temples!

Daughters of God Seeking the Best

These are a few photos of our Young Women in Excellence night. Paige is sharing a Faith value project she completed. The silhouettes were not made by me, but I liked the way they turned out. They were made with vinyl on glass.

The evening was very full. There was acting, a short film, a guitar solo, a flag twirling routine, a trumpet solo, and many testimonies. Paige earned 3 ribbons this year, which means 30+ hours of projects and accomplishing many other goals. We sang the song I wrote (3 times through!) and I accompanied, which was a first for me. Richard took a good number of photos of the dessert table on which there was a pie to represent each value.

And now I can say I have organized a Young Women in Excellence program. I enjoyed it.

Fall break

Paige and I spent the day at Youth Conference on Saturday. Here’s a video of the service project we did in the morning. We cleaned up the community garden at the park behind our church. Paige is interviewed in the film but she wants people to know that she didn’t take that long of a pause when she was talking.


At Church yesterday, Daniel was ordained a Deacon. The little boys practiced giving their talks for the Primary program. Richard, Paige, and I went to a handful of meetings before church. I taught in Young Women. We got home from church around 7:00. Paige made dinner. I collapsed on the bed in my dress and awoke this morning at 6:30. Somebody put the kids to bed but it wasn’t me.

It’s fall break for the public schools this week. I’m going to watch the rye grass grow and the hummingbirds visit our feeder in the backyard. We are taking a vacation from school and I’ll be preparing assignments and reading ahead in the textbooks.


Priesthood Session age 12

Daniel and Richard are posing patiently so I can begin the chronicle of Daniel’s rise in height during the next few years. Paige and I have our photo taken before General Young Women meetings, so I’m starting the tradition of photographing Daniel and Richard each October before the General Priesthood meeting. They went out for pizza with his Young Men leaders after the the broadcast. He said to Richard as they drove away from dinner, “I think this is going to be a good year.”

Daniel’s Faith in God Award


There is really no fanfare given to kids who earn this award at church. There is a certificate at the end of the book signed by our Bishop and Primary President, but there is no presentation or pin. That’s okay. The true measure of a person is not the fanfare and decorations they’ve received, but the qualities they have developed.

Here is what a child (age 8-12) must do to complete this award, and it’s significant:

  • Pray daily to Heavenly Father.
  • Read the scriptures regularly.
  • Keep the commandments and live gospel standards.
  • Honor parents and be kind to your family.
  • Pay your tithing and attend tithing settlement.
  • Attend sacrament meetings and Primary regularly.
  • Write your testimony
  • Memorize the Articles of Faith (13 paragraphs) and explain their meaning
  • Complete 24 activities under the following categories: Learning and Living the Gospel; Serving Others, Developing Talents.
  • Complete 5 requirements under the Preparing for the Priesthood category.
  • Have an interview with a member of your bishopric.

Here are many of the activities that Daniel completed to earn his award:

  • Explained how the sacrament helps you renew your baptismal covenant. In a family home evening, he taught us about things we can do to remain faithful.
  • Gave a family home evening lesson about Joseph Smith’s First Vision. Discussed how Heavenly Father answers sincere prayers.
  • Marked verses of scripture about the Holy Ghost.
  • Read a recent conference address given by a prophet. Decided what to do to follow the prophet, and did it.
  • Prepared a pedigree chart and shared a family history story.
  • Learned to sing “Choose the Right” and explained what agency is and what it means to be responsible for his choices.
  • Read and discussed the parable of the good Samaritan and planned a service project to help a family member or neighbor.
  • Wrote a letter to grandparents expressing appreciation and explaining what he respects about them.
  • Planned, prepared, and served a nutritious meal.
  • Learned to practice good manners and courtesy.
  • Entertained young children with songs or games he made himself. Showed he knows how to care for and protect a young child.
  • Planned a parent-child activity (helped plan and carry out the Blue and Gold banquet).
  • Read the twelfth article of faith and discussed what it means to be a good citizen and how actions affect others.
  • Learned to play a song from the Children’s Songbook on the piano.
  • Wrote a poem about a gospel topic.
  • Made an item from wood and displayed it.
  • Visited a concert.
  • Planned a physical fitness program and participated in it for one month.
  • Learned about and practiced good nutrition, good health, grooming, and modest dress.
  • Learned about the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.
  • Read the purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood and what it means to do his duty to God.
  • Read scriptures about education and discussed its importance in strengthening priesthood holder for service in home and family and the Church.
  • Read “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” and made a list of things to strengthen his family and make a happy home.

Young Women

I’m going to regret posting this silly photo, but all well. Thirteen was a time to try purple eye shadow and have a best friend. I’ve been thinking about those years and the people who helped me move beyond the purple eye shadow stage. Among the heroes were Tina Day, Robin Baker, and Paige Crawley. My mom was the biggest influence in my life, but these women came next. They modeled righteous womanhood; they taught me by their example.  They opened their homes, shared their talents, and loved us. They were my Young Women leaders from church.

I’ll just write it here because I can’t hardly speak it without feeling my throat close and my eyes flood with tears. I’m the new Young Women President. I’ve waited 16 years to work with the Young Women (ages 12-18) and I mean to enjoy it.