Family Home Evening

Mark taught our Family Home Evening lesson this week about the Armor of God. He gave each person a piece of armor and asked us to look up the scripture in Ephesians and explain how each piece of armor represented something spiritual we can do to be protected from evil. We placed the armor on a disproportionate picture of a little man. We called him Pippin.

The next morning I found our visual aid thus arrayed:

IMG_20131112_082543I’ve had to trust that our armor, however hastily or incompletely placed, will be enough this week because I can’t do any more than I’m doing. I have felt lifted physically and mentally even though I’ve fallen asleep every time I’ve tried to read the scriptures this week. I’ve felt like I’ve been carried. The grace of God is amazing like that. We turn to our Father in Heaven in our weakness, and that act of turning (however incomplete or imperfect) puts us in a position to receive great blessings.

Roadshow pictures

Paige and Daniel were in a roadshow production in October with their church youth group. Daniel had the part of Jaws and he played the ominous theme from the movie on the cello as he made his entrance.

008 (3) Daniel sharkThere were heroes and there were villains and they danced and sang.

finale finale 2 Paige played the part of Mary Poppins.Paige 1 Paige 3“Practically perfect in every way.”

Photos by Janine Clarke and Jolynn Sorensen


I am in need of this scripture in my life, so I’m memorizing it using the help of these beautiful images from

And charity suffereth long
and is kind,
and envieth not,
and is not puffed up,
seeketh not her own,
is not easily provoked,
thinketh no evil,
rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth,
beareth all things
believeth all things,
hopeth all things,
endureth all things.


A Baptism Day

My niece Ruby was baptized this weekend. This was the cousin shot, and this was the best they could do to hold still after the loooooooong program. They love each other. Can you tell?

DSC_0559 DSC_0561My parents were there and I’m grateful that I can see them so often. Sitting with family at baptisms was a blessing that I missed when we lived far away. That little Ruby is such a pretty and kind little girl! She is learning to speak Chinese, too. Wow.


Draper Temple image from

Occasionally we have the opportunity to clean the Draper Temple after hours. This means we go from 9 to 11:30 p.m. or on a Monday afternoon. We have a cleaning supervisor who sees that we are thorough and know what to do. We present our temple recommends to enter and we change into white cleaning clothing. The temple is meticulously cleaned often. In fact, it’s difficult to find any evidence of debris on our cleaning rags and dusters.

On my last trip to clean the temple I was given the task to vacuum the sealing rooms and two additional rooms in the hallway. I spent two hours beneath chandeliers and between mirrors with the afternoon sun coming through the stained glass windows. The air in the temple always feels tight and hushed and even the vacuum cleaner I was given was especially quiet. I suppose that the people who were cleaning bathrooms will receive additional blessings, but I felt pretty blessed that day to be able to spend so much time caring for these beautiful sealing rooms in the House of the Lord.

I envisioned the families who had gathered there to witness marriages. I thought about my own family and my hopes that my children will be married in temples someday. It was a good way to spend an afternoon. I looked into the mirrors. When I see myself in the mirrors at the temple I feel more beautiful than I do at home.

My Conference Notebook

DSC_0328-001 DSC_0329-001 DSC_0330 DSC_0333-001This morning I am finishing my conference notebook. I got this idea from a religion course my mom took at BYU. The idea is to find the quotes that are meaningful to you from the words of the prophets and compile them by topic into a document.

This summer I read the General Conference addresses from the May Ensign and marked the passages that meant something to me. Next, I went through the marked passages and placed a post-it note at the top of the page with a topic written on it. I color coded these post-it notes, pink for motherhood, yellow for revelation, etc.

Using an electronic version of the Conference addresses, I am copying and pasting the quotes by topic into a Word document.

Through this exercise I have discovered that these are the topics that were important to me this year:

  • Motherhood
  • Priesthood
  • Revelation
  • Trials
  • Chastity
  • Marriage
  • Prayer
  • Media
  • Peace
  • Missionary Work
  • Obedience
  • Atonement of Jesus Christ
  • Mormonism IS Christianity

Youth Conference 2013

Our youth at Heber Valley Camp (photo by D. Brockbank)

Paige and I went to youth conference with our Stake in June. We spent a day doing yard work and painting in an older neighborhood in SLC. The next two days we spent at Heber Valley Camp doing ropes courses, canoeing, going to classes, and hiking. The first four rows of kids in this photo belong to our ward.

I love being a youth leader.

How I Know

This is #14 (and the last) in a series of posts in which I share some of the things I have experienced because I am a Mormon. In each of these posts, I will give you a basic background and share a small experience. I hope that through the sharing of these small things you can have a glimpse into my experience as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will also try to explain principles and doctrines of my faith that bring me so much happiness.

When I first set out on this project, I listed many experiences, but chose only a few to write online. I have only written experiences that I would feel comfortable sharing in Sunday school. I have many sacred experiences that would be trivialized by sharing them on the internet with inadequate words and without my voice and person to help convey my message. I have not been able to come up with a post that adequately expresses what I feel about the Savior. The experiences that have led me to know him best are deeply personal.

I hope that you have not found my posts about Mormonism “cocky” or “self-righteous.” It’s been a difficult project, more difficult than you know. What I have shared has been a big deal…for me.

How I Know

There are hundreds of experiences that have confirmed to me that my religion is true, but my experiences won’t sustain faith in another person. So in this last post I will just tell you the things that help me to maintain my position that this Church is true.

I read the book (present tense): I read the Book of Mormon. I read the Bible. I personally love the Bible best. Thousands of times I have felt that these are the words of God.

I live it. In true experimental fashion, I live what my religion teaches and see if I’m happy. The more closely I align my life to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the happier I am. ALWAYS.

I pray and I receive answers in the Lord’s time. I can tell you that the mode and timing to the answers to my prayers are always meaningful and memorable.

That’s it. I read, I live, I pray. Then I wait upon the Lord, who is so, so generous.

Angels in the attitude of singing

This is #13 in a series of posts in which I share some of the things I have experienced because I am a Mormon. In each of these posts, I will give you a basic background and share a small experience. I hope that through the sharing of these small things you can have a glimpse into my experience as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will also try to explain principles and doctrines of my faith that bring me so much happiness.

Angels, in the attitude of singing

I was probably four years old sitting in the old chapel with peachy colored pews without cushions. The windows were full of light and I looked around, studying the things a child studies during church, such as the shape of the light fixtures, the tall ceiling, and the curtains on the windows. I know we always attended church, but childhood memories of church meetings are few; this one became very important.

The white-haired chorister, a widow named Lera Whittle, sister of Ezra Taft Benson, stood up with her baton to lead the hymn, Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel. The congregation stood up to sing. Sister Whittle’s baton moved with the music and her emphatic face and hand movements inspired the congregation to sing out. The novelty of discovering the power of music made my little chest swell as I joined in with fervor, “Put your shoulder to the wheel, push along; Do your duty with a heart full of song, We all have work; let no one shirk; Put your shoulder to the wheel!” I was in raptures by the end of that song.

This was the beginning of my love of the hymns of the Church, which have comforted, inspired, and helped me through the years.

When I think of a difficult time in my life, I can usually associate a hymn that helped me through it.

  • Lonely days: The Lord is my Shepherd
  • Feeling lost after a big transition in my life: How Gentle God’s Commands
  • Saying goodbye: Come, Let us Anew
  • Times of mourning: Abide with Me; ’tis Eventide
  • Times of repentance: Lead, Kindly Light

One of my favorite things is to hear my little Mark singing the hymns at church. I’ll put my arm around him and lean in. The purity and sweetness usually brings tears to my eyes. I’ve decided that heaven has got to sound like that.

Yea, methought I saw…God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels, in the attitude of singing and praising their God; yea, and my soul did long to be there. (Alma 36:22)

If you have a few minutes, here’s one of my favorites: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing