Seminary graduate


Paige graduated from seminary this weekend. She was asked to play a piano solo and she did a beautiful job. She began her seminary journey in Arizona in early morning classes and ended it in a huge high school seminary in the Salt Lake Valley.

Look up!


Mark turns 9 years old today. We went to the Payson Temple open house this morning. It was a walking tour without a guide, but in one of the rooms, a volunteer reminded us to “look up.” The ceilings were glorious. Everything was special. It felt like home. I thought of my great-grandparents who had a farm one mile from the temple site. When I saw a painting of a woman with a basket of apples, I thought of my grandmothers who bottled fruit in this area during the Depression and beyond. I hope that Mark remembers some details of this magnificent temple and that it was part of his birthday celebration to be there. I hope that he and the kids remember to “look up” for approval, guidance, and perspective.


Why we need the Book of Mormon

Daniel taught our family home evening lesson last night to fulfill a missionary challenge for seminary. He taught us why we need the Book of Mormon. He had us look up scriptures from the various prophets of the Book of Mormon and we made a list of what we learned. Here is our list.

The Book of Mormon was written:

  • To persuade people to believe in Christ
  • To express the things of a prophet’s soul for his children
  • For a wise purpose
  • And it was kept and preserved over time
  • For our day
  • For a future people
  • To call us to come unto Christ
  • For the descendants of the Lamanites, the Jews, and the Gentiles
  • To join with the Bible and the records of the 10 tribes to convince the world of truth
  • And by it and other records will the world be judged
  • To help us grow closer to God as we obey its precepts…

Daniel shared this quote by Ezra Taft Benson,

…The only problem the objector has to resolve for himself is whether the Book of Mormon is true. For if the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Christ, Joseph Smith was his prophet, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and it is being led today by a prophet receiving revelation.

And Moroni’s  promise (Moroni 10:4-5) to all who study and ask in faith if the book is true,

And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know thetruth of all things.

Then we ate doughnuts. Awesome, quick, drama-free family home evening. Hooray.

Last walk


It was Paige’s last Laurel class activity before graduation last night and I got to drive these girls up to Temple Square for some pictures. While we were there we saw another group of young women doing the same thing, only they had 8 36-inch balloons in the Young Women value colors. They graciously let us use them. (We learned that it’s $50-70 to inflate this many balloons this size.)


These were just cell phone shots. Here are a few of the Real camera shots by Kelly Nelson, their Laurel class advisor.





Temple Square was nearly empty. An elderly couple held hands on a bench and looked up at the temple. A younger couple was doing the same on another bench. A couple of brides and grooms posed for pictures, but it was quiet. Golden light, air fragrant with blossoms, and a quiet spirit was there. It was one of the best Young Women activities I have ever attended.

Apostasy and Restoration

Daniel taught Family Home Evening last night. He pulled out a puzzle with one of following labels written on each piece.

  • baptism
  • scriptures
  • belief in Jesus Christ
  • priesthood
  • sacrament
  • apostles

We assembled the puzzle. Daniel taught how Jesus Christ established His Church on the earth, but after the death of the apostles, pieces of the gospel and Church were missing. He removed the puzzle pieces labeled, “priesthood,” “apostles,” and “sacrament.” He said many things were lost, and the puzzle was just an illustration. The Church fell into apostasy.

He handed out scriptures from the Doctrine and Covenants and asked each family member to identify something that was restored by the prophet Joseph Smith. With each scripture, we were able to return a puzzle piece to its rightful place.

He showed us this video that has the words of one of the living apostles.

Daniel shared his testimony that this is the true Church of Jesus Christ. His testimony was the best part of the lesson.

Easter stuff

Great-grandmother Violet’s tea set
I have lots of pink dishes from Richard’s mother. I rarely have a chance to use them, but I love the color.
It’s time to bring out the pastels. That plant in the lower left is another victim of my inability to keep any plant alive. It is only two weeks old. It is limp and lifeless after being over-watered (I think.)
Daniel gave me this rabbit many years ago. It looks right at home with the tea cups. I drink cocoa from a tea cup now. It’s a smaller serving and I feel so ladylike.

I realized very late this year that I’d forgotten to decorate for Easter. I had forgotten that I had an Easter wreath. I finally unpacked the pink plates. I have spent more time in the New Testament this week. Richard presented the annual Easter Family Home Evening lesson. We open eggs with objects related to the Savior’s sufferings, death, and resurrection inside. We read scriptures associated with each.

I saw the original of this painting last year and I have a print of it framed beside my desk. This images helps explain the times when my burdens have been lightened because I have relied on the Savior. It reminds me that the Savior understands grief and pain and sin and every little thing. It reminds me how precious Jesus is to the Father. It reminds me how precious he is to me. Perhaps it says something significant to you, too.

Agony in the Garden by Frans Schwartz


Mark updated our white board calendar yesterday. I was grateful for the image that he chose to draw on Easter Sunday. The empty tomb is my favorite symbol of hope.


General Women’s Meeting Year 7


The tradition continues…

This is Paige’s last General Women’s Meeting at home. I hope we can keep our tradition in the years to come. Congratulations, darling girl. We did it. I have loved going to these meetings each spring with you.

Family Update


The final weeks of this less than halfhearted winter signal the end and beginning of many things.

Paige has decided to attend BYU. So ends the up-and-down anticipation and insecurity in that area of her life. She is intensely busy with her classes, but beautiful sketches and paintings continue to emerge from her bedroom studio as do A’s on calculus tests and English papers from her classrooms. This end of high school stress has an overlay of fresh excitement for a new life in college.

Daniel and Timothy skied on Saturday and missed their bus ride home. I got to see where they ski for the first time when we picked them up. It was a sunny and warm ski day and the slopes were busy with little figures. These brightly clad skiers, Alpine lodges, trees, and sparkling snow were absolutely the most beautiful things I have seen all winter.

Daniel and I have been watching old musicals that I unpacked from storage. He is busy with an AP class and a research project. He has a busy social calendar which includes church dances, movie and game nights, and last week, an afternoon of sledding with a crowd of friends. We have had some late night talks which are enlightening and entertaining.

Timothy loves his after school jazz band. His goal lately is to build tiny models of all of his favorite Star Wars ships and to tease Mark. He has been attending Scout merit badge clinics and I’m still not accustomed to seeing him at youth activities. I’ll catch a glimpse of him and feel a little sentimental. How did he manage to arrive at age 12 this quickly?

Mark finished his first reading of the Book of Mormon and immediately began reading the Old Testament. If anybody can do it, Mark will. He’s put the pressure on me to help him finish his Wolf badge in Cub Scouts. The boy knows what he wants to accomplish and does it.

Baseball begins in a few weeks. It will be Timothy’s last season. It will be another season of machine pitch for Mark. The parks are beautiful here and the backdrop of the mountains is still a stunning sight to me. I look forward to evenings spent outdoors.

We bought new patches for Richard’s Scout uniform. Soon the Catalina Arizona Council patch and commissioner paraphernalia will be replaced with the Great Salt Lake Council and Assistant Scoutmaster patches. Ropes and pioneering poles are standard equipment these days. We miss having the missionaries in our home now that Richard is no longer the ward mission leader, but I think he enjoys spending time with Timothy and the other boys.

I am writing my book and playing the violin, keeping up with my study goals, and not exercising enough. I smile every time I look at these plates my grandmother gave me on my kitchen mantel.

The End.

Moments of Timothy Greatness


Last week Timothy hinted meekly that he was playing in a concert during school. I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to be there so I asked him on a scale from one to ten, how much he would like me to come. (Helping him avoid having to say the awkward, “Please don’t come, Mom.”) To my surprise, he said, “8 or 9.” So I went and I was one of four guests, three of whom were clearly grandparents. In other words, I was one of the privileged few. He even let me take a picture.


He is growing up but he still lets me be in love with him.

Last night Paige and I hosted the salad course of a progressive dinner at our house for the Young Men and Young Women in our congregation. We entertained 3 groups of 15 youths and leaders. Timothy and Daniel were in one of the groups together, but Tim didn’t depend on Daniel, nor did he sit by his dad who is now one of his youth leaders. He sat beside the new boy. I was glad to see it.

Family Home Evening #9,000 or something


Sometimes I am guilty of giving my best to my students instead of my children. I am learning that I can give my best to both. When it is my turn to give a family home evening lesson, I share what I am learning in my personal study or preparations for lessons at church. This month I made some extra copies of the Plan of Salvation kits that I made for a young women lesson. Last night the kids cut them out and added them to their missionary/future family collections. We also prepared some for a missionary care package.

My mom told me that she would make Plan of Salvation visual aids with the missionaries all the time. She suggested that we include transparent “spirit bodies” which enter at birth, are separated at death, and reunited with the colorful physical bodies at the resurrection. I have to admit that this little detail is my favorite part of these laminated kits. Most of these elements come from The Friend Magazine, January 2008. If you want a copy I would be happy to send them to you. You can use my laminator if you’re close by, too.