After the storm

I drove through a heavy rainstorm on Saturday to attend a niece’s temple endowment. I was flustered by my commute and ran from my car to the unfamiliar temple in the rain.

I was greeted in the usual way by young and old temple workers, ushered through new halls, and given spiritual assurances that my visit was important.

You’d think that after years of temple attendance that these things wouldn’t surprise me, but that is the way with joyful things.

“Surprise!” Joy cries, as it jumps out from a hiding place such as a rainy day or a challenging relationship.

There was a time when I didn’t think I would ever see this niece again because of family difficulties, but I was invited to be with her on her important day. Poised and happy, she greeted me in the celestial room with a hug.

Later, when I walked outside, the clouds were gone and the brilliant afternoon sunlight descended like a confirmation.



I asked Paige to illustrate each member of my stake Primary presidency. The upper collage shows the most recent group and the lower collage shows all of the women who served with me during my five+ years as president.

We were released last weekend. The keepsakes from this calling are this little portrait collage and hundreds of lessons of the heart.

Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime?

This blog tells the tiniest piece of our story. So, if you read my last post and don’t interact with me, you might think that I am languishing. Let me be clear that despite the pull to hold still lately, I definitely continue to do things with joy.

Last week, I celebrated a bride, visited a friend, helped host a dinner for Primary presidents, cheered for the summer olympians, coordinated the staffing of baptisms, attended baptisms, and sewed. I also rearranged the upstairs furniture, only to move it all back in place later in the evening. 😅 But I mostly held still. I don’t know how else to function in this heat and smoke but to stay indoors.

Discover, Plan, Act, Reflect

While I was in Alabama, I realized that I should write a little song for Primary day camp, just a super short melody to help us remember a concept. I began writing and whittling down the song until it was just two lines. Richard transcribed it so we had readable sheet music and on Sunday these young women came to our house to learn and record the song.

This little song is to teach the kids at Primary Day Camp how to make goals. Hearing and watching these young women sing these words was a highlight of my week.

I have many gifts from God, and He wants me to grow;

I’ll discover, plan, act, reflect; Seek the Help of the Holy Ghost!

Image from the Church’s Children and Youth Personal Development book

The work of Primary

This is a door to the Primary room in the old church building in Provo that I attended as a child. Last July, I took some time to walk the halls and open the doors of classrooms I inhabited year after year, one by one.

I don’t remember my Primary teachers’ names, but I can recall the words of the Primary songs that we were taught. I remember this room as it used to be, with its beautiful miniature wooden pews and a small rostrum where children gave talks. Today, all of those pews and the rostrum are gone, and stacking chairs have replaced the beautiful light wood benches. All that is left of the original woodwork are these doors with funky yellow glass. And yes, I remembered this beautiful double door. It’s odd to me that I remember the setting more than the people who served me as a child, but it helps me realize what is most important when working with children.

My ministry to Primary leaders filters down to the children who receive a benefit without realizing it. The children of our stake don’t know my name, but I pray for them, faithfully. They won’t remember my face, but they will remember the songs we taught them. They won’t remember every lesson given by their teachers, but I believe they will remember these classes were safe and happy places. And they will walk out the doors of their own Primary rooms with the gospel of Jesus Christ in their hearts, just as I did as a child. This is the work of Primary.

Just a list today

Enjoyed: an evening at Young Women’s camp with the bishopric.

Finished: 18 pages of visa application forms and instructions with Mark.

Played: a piano and violin duet on Sunday with Mark at church.

Wrote: a song for Primary Day Camp for guitar, voices, and percussion.

Struggling with: sleep while Richard has been away at Young Men’s camp.

Looking forward to: Mark’s senior piano recital.

Preparing: pepperoni rolls for dinner.

Loving: strawberry season.

Reading: The Count of Monte Cristo.

Collecting: so many screenshots of our grandson during video calls. 😍

Procrastinating: weeding the back flower bed.

A current favorite Book of Mormon phrase: “Publish peace.”

And how blessed are they! For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth.

Mosiah 27:37

That time when everything happened at once

In a period of two weeks, Mark received a mission call, turned 18, graduated from seminary, received his Patriarchal Blessing, and had his braces removed. High school graduation day has arrived.

Sometime I hope to detangle all of the new memories that have arrived in a heap of everythings and goodbyes, paperwork, and spiritual highs.

I have made the decision to be happy. I am sentimental, but I am not dwelling on feelings of loss. This time in Mark’s life is a triumph for him and for me as his mother. It has been a blessing to raise him!