I can’t keep up, but I am trying

I find our 97-year-old prophet’s pace to be really fast. I try to keep up on all the handbook changes and policy updates. I stopped following the church Instagram account because it made me feel overwhelmed sometimes. I keep lists of President Nelson’s invitations to study this and study that. I make efforts to follow him, but the challenge he gave to young adults to study over 2,200 references about Jesus Christ felt especially daunting. Besides, I was not his target audience for this challenge, so it didn’t apply to me, right?

In my stake Primary presidency, we are each working on gaining a testimony of the Children and Youth program, where children make goals in four different areas: Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, and Social. According to my first counselor, Anne, these areas spell “SIPS,” as in sips of living water as we work to hear the Savior’s voice guiding us. I love that idea. So, we are each working on personal goals so we can inspire others to do the same.

One of my goals is to study those 2,200 references of the Savior. So far, I have completed 1/10 of these references. It has already helped me, and this and my other goals are like SIPS of living water. I found this blog post where President Nelson talks about his experience with the 2200 scriptures. He sounds youthful and full of excitement for the gospel. I want to be like this.


Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and I will sup with him, and he with me.

Revelation 3:20, KJV

I read this today in a list of scriptures about the Lord making appearances to people. What stood out to me is what the Lord chooses to do with those who hear him and invite him into their lives: He sups with them. The meal represents the great blessing of having companionship with God and receiving his loving support. I think it conveys feelings of comfort, rest, and fulfillment.

I have been thinking of what the pandemic has brought to us. One blessing is that we have had more time with all of our children. Did I always use the time well? No, I have regrets, but I don’t regret that I elevated Sunday dinners and other meals. Early in the pandemic, I prayed to know how to face the challenge, and one thing that came to my mind was to make the most of family time, and to create celebrations with our meals together.

I have used fine dishes for our Sunday dinners, with cloth napkins, goblets, chargers, good tablecloths, and our best recipes. I started a written record of which children came and what we talked about. I can’t think of a more bonding experience than these meals have been during this challenging time.

We said goodbye to Daniel last weekend as he headed back to college. He doesn’t live far away, but it’s far enough that we won’t see him every day, every week, and maybe miss a month now and then. Knowing there is one less person at the table is one of the hardest parts of saying goodbye each fall.

Tim will leave us soon to begin his mission, and these meals with him mean more and more to me, as I know they are numbered. Tim received the Melchizedek priesthood on Sunday, and I was invited to share my thoughts at the conclusion of his ordination and blessing. I didn’t have to think of something profound, I just reminded him of something we had talked about at last Sunday’s dinner table. This table has become a truly sacred place for our family.

Eagle Court of Honor for Tim and Mark

The boys earned their Eagles about 18 months ago, just before the pandemic. We wanted to do a court of honor with family at the Weber, so we waited a long time for this. We gathered on a Sunday evening at Pines Ranch during the reunion, and I just love a mountain backdrop for this event. It was a special evening.

Our Cub Scout and Girl Scouts helped with the flag ceremony.

I really like how the little cousins wanted to be in the middle of things.
Richard and I made a slideshow of each boy, and Richard took some time to reminisce about Scouting with Tim and Mark.
My dad pulled out from storage his uniform and presented the awards. We dug deep into our closets to find the Scout things we have neglected for 18 months. I remember picking up their Eagle awards in February 2020 (it feels a lifetime since then) and crying as I drove away from the Scout office for the last time.
Their cousin Ray just completed his Eagle project, so while we couldn’t award him his rank, we honored him with a slideshow just like we did for Tim and Mark.
A wild eagle flew overhead as Mark was presented with his Eagle.
I was delighted, as you can see.
singing with Grandma
My boys (singing)
The end.

Photos by Daniel Ross, Michael McLaughlin, and Richard Jaussi

A Sunday quote

His message was not “Stand back. I’ll handle this.” Rather it was “Come, follow me.” He inspired, invited, instructed, and then trusted His followers “to do the things which ye have seen me do.” In this way, Jesus Christ built up not only His Church but also His servants. -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

These are two of my favorite women at church. We served in a Relief Society presidency together for 3 years, and now we serve in Primary but rarely see one another. Our assignments don’t allow us to mix as much as we’d like. Today we found ourselves in the hallway together. Woot!


Richard brought in a bowl of fresh raspberries from our yard, and within two minutes he was eating them on top of ice cream.

This week I got a call that my dad’s books were ready. Mark and I hauled out the heavy boxes to the car and took them to my dad. He hugged the one I handed to him and said it was pretty. The books ARE pretty! I also took a copy to Paige who illustrated the book so beautifully.

At church on Sunday, a bishop took time to acknowledge my work the past year with baptisms. With Covid, we needed to schedule baptisms individually, which meant a lot of coordination with bishops and families and many trips to the church. This was a huge piece my life for a year and someone noticed and took time to thank me publicly for some very behind-the-scenes work.

Richard and I have been working on an Eagle court of honor for Tim and Mark. Because of the pandemic we decided not to gather last year to honor them. Last night we finished the slideshows of their Scouting years. Richard’s steady presence in their journey was evident in the photos and videos we sorted. And they grow up right before our eyes in these slideshows.

Life has felt burdensome lately, and these harvest moments have given me a needed lift.

Something I taught in April

Today I had an impression that I should post this talk I gave a few months ago at a leadership meeting for men and women in our stake. My topic was to explore how we move forward after recent challenges, and the need for gentle and powerful leaders.

Recently, I heard a wise observation from a ward Primary president who said, “Everyone has experienced profound changes in their lives this year.”

Tonight, I want to speak about the need to be gentle and powerful leaders. First, I want to talk about events from 100 years ago that have application for our time.

At the close of WWI, the strain of the war years and the hastening flu epidemic brought to a head the grief of nations. Soldiers killed in conflict were buried near the battlefield, meaning people didn’t have graves to visit near their homes, nor had they been able to grieve in usual funeral traditions. Leaders in England decided to construct a monument to honor the dead. It is called the Cenotaph, and it comes from two Greek words meaning “empty tomb”. It was effective and meaningful to a grieving nation because its tall, narrowing structure was designed to draw eyes upward. At the top is an empty tomb. With this monument, world leaders gave a space for grief and helped people find their own meaning in the symbol of the empty tomb. There are opportunities within our reach to help draw eyes upward. Always, it is in Christ and the symbol of his empty tomb where people can find personal, meaningful hope.

For Martha, grieving the loss of Lazarus her brother, Jesus did several important things: first, he came to her personally. Second, he wept and showed empathy. Third, he redirected her already strong faith in the resurrection squarely upon himself. Martha said, “I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. And Jesus said unto her, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” (John 11: 24-25) We are called to invite people to the source of help in Jesus Christ, his very person, his perfection, his atonement, his comfort, his strength, his peace. As we help prepare children for baptism, youth for priesthood and temple covenants, may our youth never be surprised that all this effort is about coming unto Christ. The gospel is more than concepts, it is a process of developing a personal and covenant relationship with our Heavenly Father. It is a lifetime of learning the language of the Spirit. It is moving the Savior from an idea in the mind to the heart.

Continuing the story of the raising of Lazarus, Jesus calls him forth from the dead, and Lazarus obeys. Then comes an interesting detail. Jesus asks Lazarus’ friends to loosen him from the bindings of the grave. Christ’s power calls and saves, and he allows us to help him remove burdens, loneliness, and insecurities that would hamper our friends’ progress. Patient, gentle ministering will look different for each person, and I believe in the power of friendships with disciples of Christ.

Nephi offers some perspective about his life in the first verse of the book of Mormon. He mentions two things that brought him to know the goodness of God: His goodly parents and his afflictions.
As I speak of goodly parents and I will add goodly families and goodly homes.

There are lessons and skills we have learned during the pandemic to streamline our meetings and processes. We have learned new ways to minister. Let’s not abandon things we found effective. Families and homes cannot be strengthened without regular, sustained time together. Goodly homes are a key to spiritual resilience for children, youth, and adults.
Consider what we can do to support goodly parenting and homes. The handbook has outlined one purpose for teacher councils can be to gather parents to show support and provide ideas for Come Follow Me in the home. We can identify the loneliest among us and find ways to help them feel they are part of a goodly family of Latter-day Saints.

Nephi’s afflictions were also a source of his knowledge of the goodness of God: where Laman and Lemuel staggered, Nephi rose; and later, in the war years, some hearts were softened and others were hardened.

Afflictions, just like the mists of darkness in Lehi’s dream, come to everyone. The difference between those who falter and those who endure is their understanding and use of the Savior’s Atonement. President Russell M Nelson said, “As our Resurrected and Atoning Savior, He stands ready to help us grow from the dramatic, unprecedented events in our lives.”

The sons of Mosiah and Alma the Younger served in unprecedented times. They began among the people closest to them, but branched out beyond the usual boundaries, as we must also do. What made them effective?

Mosiah 27:33 says, “But notwithstanding all this [COVID-19 restrictions, persecutions, contention, ill health, grief, loneliness] they did impart much consolation to the church, confirming their faith, and exhorting them with long-suffering and much travail to keep the commandments of God. So, they consoled, confirmed faith, and exhorted to obedience.

As for Consolation: perhaps it would be wise to remember that every one of us has experienced some kind of loss this year, and to act with Christlike gentleness toward everyone. Most have experienced sorrows our eyes have not seen. Elder Holland taught of the need to console our fellow men, “We are…facing a kind of Third World War that is not a fight to crush our enemies but a conscription marshaling the children of God to care more about each other and to help heal the wounds we find in a conflicted world. The Great Depression we now face has less to do with the external loss of our savings and more to do with the internal loss of our self-confidence.”

Confirm faith: It is not enough to offer sympathy, but we must find ways to frame difficult experiences with an eye of faith. One of the most effective phrases I have taken from a sacrament meeting this year was from a ward mission leader who said, “If you have been through trials in the last year and you are still participating today, you have spiritual strength, perhaps more spiritual strength than you know you have.” And my bishop, who in effect taught, “we are not the same as we were last year. Remember, every one of the stripling warriors was injured in battle. This is part of what we experience in life. Don’t count the wounds and scars as a lack of faithfulness. The Lord still loves you.”

We can exhort with longsuffering and much travail to keep the commandments: We exhort with our words, but let’s not forget the overriding power of our examples, especially within our families and online.

In my scripture study, I write down the thoughts that come to me. This is the script I have learned to use in my calling, with my family, and when I am asked to speak. Using personal lessons from the scriptures is an effective way to exhort.
As some of our brothers and sisters hover on the edge, wondering whether they want to come back after a year of being away from church activity, this is a time to be direct in our invitations, “We need you. We have a specific job for you. Your voice matters. And the ordinances and covenants of the sacrament, baptism, confirmation, priesthood, and the temple will help you in every aspect of your life.” It will be easier to return if people feel understood, noticed, and nourished by truth.
I want to share some consoling, confirming words from my study of the Lord’s promises to the House of Israel. I think they apply to each of our callings.

“The Messiah should be made manifest unto them in the latter days, in the spirit of power, unto the bringing of them out of darkness unto light—yea, out of hidden darkness and out of captivity unto freedom.” (2 Nephi 3:5)

“They that erred in spirit shall come to understanding and they that murmured shall learn doctrine” (2 Nephi 27:34-35)

“I the Lord have not forgotten my people.” (2 Nephi 29:5)

“He shall set his hand…to recover his people…that the servants of the Lord shall go forth in his power to nourish and prune his vineyard” (Jacob 6:2)

“The Lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israel. (Joel 3:6)

It feels impossible for me to comprehend all we have experienced during the past year, but Jesus Christ has, in Gethsemane when he took those burdens upon himself. My own experiences this year feel sacred and close to the heart. The most important thing I do as a leader at home and at church is maintain my relationship with my Heavenly Father. This relationship has allowed me to find new ways to serve during this past year, despite all. Just like my own testimony during trial, I believe many testimonies have grown this year. Grief and trial have softened hearts, and brought us to our knees, and brought the Savior closer than perhaps we realize. May we take the perspectives and strength this year have given and multiply them with our service to lift others. There is strength ready to come forth from the things people have endured and I believe we will continue to see more miracles from an increase of faith in Jesus Christ.

Ward conferences 2021

screenshot from our YouTube video

The stake presidency and I made a video for children to watch during ward conferences this year. I wrote here a few months ago when we recorded it that I forgot to put on my shoes. 🤦 Leadership via Zoom and YouTube requires a lot of ego strength because it’s rare to get any feedback. On this last day of ward conference season, I am grateful to have witnessed the efforts from church leaders to help every person feel loved.

One Sunday a few months ago, I knocked on a door of a Primary leader on the day of her ward conference. Inside the house, children scurried to the door and I could hear their voices. “Mom! It’s the Primary president!” I was in a mask. This was not a family I knew. But the little girl had watched the video and could recognize me. One promise given to me when I was set apart in this calling was that children would feel the Savior’s love through my ministering. As ward conferences come to an end, and I have not been able to minister face to face with the children this year, I hope there are many who recognized the Savior’s love in our little video for them. I will probably never know, but that’s the way it is with most service. You stretch, try, and trust, then repeat. And sometimes you rush to the goal and forget to put on your shoes.

another screenshot of the video we made for the children

Things we do when we anticipate a goodbye

Tim spoke in church and it was the longest I have heard his voice in years. He keeps it all to himself, the humor, the insights, the excellence. Some people just don’t show a need for approval, and he is the most independent person I have ever known. In only one class has he asked for help. Even when we were homeschooling, he would take his work to his room and do it alone. I came home from church and took a personal video of the recording of church services so I can hear his voice and his testimony whenever I need it, and I hugged him up and told him how proud I am of him.

Richard went on a trip to Moab with friends over the weekend, and our dog, traumatized by the separation, found a place in his suitcase as he unpacked on Saturday night.

We all self-soothe in some way about anticipated separations. I make a recording and the dog tries to stow away. I have found 3 gray hairs during my life so far. All have happened around the time of high school graduations.

Spring Break?

Spring Break happened, but we didn’t travel. I put miles on the car going back and forth to shuttle Mark to be with cousins. I finally visited an antique mall in Springville and purchased some beautiful plates there. I sewed with friends one afternoon, and I think that I drove our cross-country-road-trip-conversation about funerals.

I spoke in a leadership meeting at stake conference, which is a rare opportunity, so I dedicated each morning of Spring Break to writing and practicing my delivery. When the meeting was over, I rested on the couch and didn’t move for a long time. Richard watched a miniseries, The Woman in White with me. He worked in the yard all weekend.

Daniel enlisted Paige to illustrate something for a biology project. Tim worked so much on his landscaping job that we rarely saw him. Two more of us received a vaccine for COVID-19.

Our dog has ailments, then rallies.

Today everyone is back to routines: school, work, music, etc. but I am lagging. On Mondays you usually find me at my best, but I need a rest from the “break” we had last week from routine.