Framing the Kids’ Art

Poppies and Gears by Paige, 2013

This summer we had a few friends walk through our house and our framed children’s artwork drew a lot of positive comments. For years I have displayed their art in simple frames around the house because I love it, but it felt good to hear that other people loved it, too.

Today I framed Paige’s poppy painting and a couple of the boys’ Eric Carle inspired art projects from years ago. I like the shadow box frame for the beach scene. Maybe it would be pretty with a few shells inside.

DSC_0338 DSC_0339DSC_0341There are many more to go, but I’m loving how this project is coming together. I also think that I might frame some of their piano compositions in the music room. The frames are from my first trip to Ikea. I truly thought that I would never find the exit in that store.


DSC_0134My friend spent 3 hours standing as she tended my quilt while her machine made row after row of roses across the fabric. That’s a nice person.

I realize that quilt posts are probably boring, but lately I’ve got nothing to give to this blog. Life is like that sometimes.

Quilt update

DSC_0111 DSC_0112I have learned a lot from the ladies in my neighborhood quilting group. I have very little quilting experience and I am surrounded by women who can whip out a quilt in an afternoon. There are even some purists in the group who make their quilts entirely by hand. I slink in the door and dine on the scraps of their skill and inspiration.

I read that the “Disappearing Nine-patch” (the pattern of my quilt) is a Novice pattern, which is even easier than a Beginner pattern. With that information to quell my pride in the project, I finished sewing my quilt and I’m having it quilted on a friend’s machine on Thursday. Hooray for me!




DSC_9830DSC_9798 DSC_9806DSC_9810DSC_9840Paige is performing as a demi-solist in Paquita this week. Ballet is beautiful and rigorous. Paige’s feet are raw and her pointe shoes are bloody. I tell you this because she makes it look easy. She is strong and beautiful and we are so proud of her artistry and the sacrifices she has made to become a dancer.

I had no words for her last night as we drove home late from her dress rehearsal. I ached for her; I was proud of her; I didn’t say enough, I am sure. All I could do was buy her a milkshake and sit with her while she ate it. I have never experienced anything like she did at that grueling rehearsal last night.

Ballet is one of the lonely battles she faces. She’s an example of how to face difficulties and challenges with a smile and with grace. Only two more nights, Paige! You can do it!

You are an artist.

You are strong.

You are beautiful.

You are loved.

A Program, a Concert, and some Fashion

Timothy participated in his 4th grade program this week. It was a celebration of Utah, full of songs for voice and recorders, a fantastic choral reading, and he presented a flawless speech. It represented a year’s worth of Utah Studies and music. I loved it.

DSC_9764 DSC_9765Mrs Johnson was a wonderful teacher for Timothy. This was her 35th year of teaching. She’s retiring this week and the school won’t be the same without her.

I have inherited my Great Aunt Susan’s wardrobe. It’s classy and smart with whimsical touches. I love fashion, but I don’t buy clothes very often for myself. It’s a real treat to wear her clothing. I wore this to Timothy’s program with a brown and white beaded necklace. I wore heels with the wide-legged pants and pulled my hair into a loose bun. Overdressed for a school program? Yes, but who cares.

DSC_9760-001  We don’t have photographs of Daniel’s orchestra concert this week, but we were so proud of him for playing the solo for Beauty and the Beast on his cello. He did a great job and was a good sport about playing the girls’ choice of music for the finale: Firework by Katy Perry! I wore this outfit. I love the red corduroy peplum jacket with big buttons. The pants are a nice heavy knit, comfortable, but dressy.

DSC_9743And for church today, I wore this outfit. The beads belonged to my Great Grandmother Spencer. The jacket and dress were Susan’s.

DSC_9768-001This week there are two ballet performances to attend and two fancy outfits to plan. Although it feels a bit silly and indulgent to post photos of outfits, I am sure it won’t be a permanent habit. Oh, but I do love clothes.

Mother Daughter Tea Party

DSC_9695-001 DSC_9696-001  DSC_9698-001 DSC_9699-001 DSC_9700-001This was the tea party Paige and I attended on Saturday for her ballet studio. It was an Alice in Wonderland themed party and it was full of beautiful mothers and daughters dressed up in their Sunday best, eating dainty finger sandwiches and petit fours. Paige danced. I have never seen a more elaborately decorated party. Mothers decorated each table differently. Many of the delights had little signs which read, “Eat me” and potions bottles with corks read, “Drink me”. There was the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts, cards and hats aplenty.

I watch the little ballerinas and their mothers and it doesn’t seem like Paige should be one of the older girls. However, she has danced for eleven years. Eleven years. This is quite an accomplishment and we’re proud of her. Her last big recital will be in June. She’ll always dance, but not as many nights a week. It’s the end of an era.

It’s about Color!

I’ve decided to try quilting now that I have willing neighbors to help me.

I had a pretty big quilt failure last time I tried to piece a quilt square. I’m hoping I can overcome this, unlike my continued failure to grow house plants. I’ve made several quilts, but they have not been complicated. I’ve been told that having the right equipment is essential, so I bought the tools first.

Next came the fabric. I needed 11 fabrics. Aaaack! I walked down the aisles for a long while, looking for a fabric to inspire me. And then I found it! It had red! It had pink! It had a lovely pale sage green! It was old fashioned! It was perfect. Once I had this fabric, I knew what I wanted for the quilt: a splash or two of red, a smaller amount of pink, lots of pale sage and a touch of pale yellow.


I’m not a trendy person, so there are no hot pink and orange owls for my quilt, although I loved these fabrics. I’m telling myself I can be a quilter because it really is about color, order, and art, which are three things to which I can feel good about devoting some time.

I got home and realized that these fabrics are Strawberry Shortcake colors. That was my childhood. Lovely.


Now I need to begin cutting. I’m so nervous.

Some of today’s beautiful things

DSC_9643Tomorrow is our 18th anniversary. We went out to dinner last night to celebrate and Richard bought me roses.

DSC_9649DSC_9650Paige is working on a painting this weekend at home. It’s from a photograph taken at Pines Ranch when the poppies were in bloom. The little boys and their friends have been avid observers. When she started painting the poppies, celebrations ensued for Mark. One of Timothy’s friends said to me, “Your daughter is a REAL artist.”

When I look out any window, I see blossoms on trees. Wow, what a beautiful place, inside and out.

Here are some photos of a few of the fruit trees in our yard.

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Indulge me.

Fiddler 7Here are a few images from the Broadway review. We were the opening number in the show and this picture shows me waiting for Tevye to make his entrance.

Fiddler 8
“It isn’t easy, trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck.”
trouble 2
“Well, you’ve got trouble, my friends, right here in River City!”
trouble 6
“With a capital T that rhymes with P that stands for POOL!”
trouble 3
“Medicinal wine from a teaspoon?!!”
Fiddler 16-001
The Mamas!

Images by JoLynn Sorensen, Dale Butler, and Chris Monson


“I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me… for if they humble themselves before me and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” (Ether 12:27)

One of my weaknesses is that I deal with anxiety, especially in a crowd. I have been praying to know what I can do to become stronger. A few months ago, I was asked to play violin in church several times and I was invited to be in the Broadway review.

I almost backed out of playing the violin in church because of my fears. It’s hard enough to go to church and sit in the crowd, let alone play the violin for them. Then I realized that perhaps these invitations were an answer to my prayers. Maybe I needed to exercise myself a little bit more to regain my confidence. Maybe I needed to be known by a few more people so I didn’t feel so anxious at church.

“My dear young sisters, you need to know that you will experience your own adversity. None is exempt. You will suffer, be tempted, and make mistakes. You will learn [that] through overcoming challenges come growth and strength.

“It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life’s story will develop.” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Your Happily Ever After,” Ensign, May 2010, 124-27)

My experiences playing violin in sacrament meetings and the musical were not easy. These were acts of faith that required everything that I could give. Richard helped me because he was my accompanist. My friends were a help. Mark prayed for me every time I got up to play. I hoped that the music would heal someone.

Here is a picture of me that someone took backstage at the musical last night. After all of the rehearsals and the new friendships gained through my experiences there, I didn’t feel nearly as much fear as I do in church.


“God whispers in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but he shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” C.S. Lewis

“If thou art called to pass through tribulation…know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.” (D&C 122:5,7)

“He delivereth and he rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in heaven an in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.” (Daniel 6:27)

Mark has not been healthy all month. A few days ago, he broke out in hives all over his body. We don’t know what caused it. It could be a reaction to an antibiotic or just an over-the-top immune response to a virus. He was miserable. It was scary. It was exhausting. We were blessed to find a good doctor. We feel blessed that he has responded to medication and he’s not covered in hives anymore.

“Though it may seem that you are alone, angels attend you. Though you may feel that no one can understand… our Savior, Jesus Christ understands… you are not alone.” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Your Happily Ever After,” Ensign, May 2010, 124-27)

We received some thank you notes this week. For me, the written word is the best gift. This has been a difficult week. I received kind notes almost every day this week, and these lifted me. These people were a few of my angels as they took time to write something.

From one of Paige’s teachers:

Usually a note from a teacher is bad news…not so in this case. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how nice it is to have Paige in [class]. She is a conscientious student who is consistently at the top of the class. Her behavior in class is excellent, which is very much appreciated. Parents play an important role in their student’s success. Thanks for supporting her in her academic endeavors.

From Mark’s teacher:

Dear Angela, I am so sorry Mark is having this problem. (There was more, but it is personal.)

From the pharmacist, who went to war with the insurance company for me so we could get a medication:

I worked my magic. Have a nice weekend! After I picked up the medication, she said, “Now go treat yourself to something nice.”

From a new friend:

What an angel you are! Thank you for … It really meant a lot to me.
Love your friend,

From ward members:

…You have so much to offer…


…The arrangement was lovely and was played faultlessly. Thanks for sharing your talents…

From my sister:

Break a leg tonight! ( or maybe not since you will be on a roof…) I hope you are having a marvelous time!

There were many people who reached out in concern, built us up, prayed for us, and helped us through this big week. I believe there were unseen angels there to help, too.

I believe in angels, miracles, and that faith requires work. Through tough experiences, I learn that that we are loved by our Heavenly Father.