new student

Mark and his teacher Bridget

Mark had his first recital with his new piano teacher tonight. I have never heard a recital like it. Every student was so prepared and expressive, no matter their level. It was an exquisite musical experience.

We are proud of Mark! O Holy Night was his piece, and Richard and I were lucky to hear him shine. It is not easy to change teachers, and taking lessons with his new teacher has required him to leave school early each day to do online school at home, practice, or attend a lesson. There are moments when all the hard work and sacrifice suddenly bring forth something special. Tonight was one of these times.❤️

Dressing up

Happy Halloween! It’s not my favorite holiday, but I have always enjoyed the costumes. Mark dressed up with his friend to go to a Halloween dance with church friends. Cuties.

This wasn’t for Halloween, but I asked Daniel to try on my grandpa’s US Army uniform from WWII this weekend. Wow!

Here is a picture of my grandfather in his uniform.

Did I ever tell you that my grandpa and I got along really well? He had a tough and intimidating exterior, but he also gave me the nickname, Angelina Magdalena and talked to me like a pal. He took me places, Hawaii, Hearst Castle, San Francisco, and good restaurants. I have so many memories, but one favorite was when he picked me up from the Oakland airport and drove me to his house. We listened to his Andrews Sisters cassette and we talked about what his life was like when he was my age. I loved him so much.

11th Grade

Mark’s junior year will bring less time at the high school, more time at home doing online classes, a new piano teacher, and longer hours at the piano. He has a calling to serve the special needs youth in the area as a counselor/companion/ “buddy” to someone during weekly church activities. It is a very different formula than we could have predicted for his school year, but we will trust the Lord.

Mark’s screen print T-shirt collection from his travels is refreshed, his maroon shoes match his school colors, and he remembered to get a photo before he left for school.

Richard gave Mark a priesthood blessing last night and I “covered him in prayer” this morning. Let’s go!

summertime snaps

We are in the final week of summer break. This morning I took some time to look over some snapshots and screenshots from the last few months, and chose a few to share. These are some of people and places I want to remember. Two really good friends passed away. We have been really focused on wedding preparations. Mark was gone a lot, and his social connections got stronger. Richard worked from home. I lived my own version of The Secret Garden, increasing my strength. We planted a lot of flowers, and I am especially proud of reclaiming my favorite corner of the yard, the one that feels like a forest. We sat beneath outdoor lights on many nights. Paige and Michael were especially helpful hanging the lights. Tim made it to Guam. We said goodbye to friends who are going on a mission. Lots of lasts and firsts this summer. This means growth.

Thou crownest the year with the goodness.

Psalm 65:11

We have another Carpenter

One evening last week, Mark and Richard worked to set up our new entertainment center downstairs. Mark wouldn’t let me come down until it was all complete, wires hidden and pieces all in place.

Mark designed and made this piece in woodshop this year. He enjoys working with wood so much that he deferred Drivers Ed to be in this woods class. (He’s taking Drivers Ed this summer.) He agonized over the details and specifications of his design throughout the year, and now he can enjoy his project every day.

16th Birthday

We celebrated Mark’s 16th in every way we thought would make him happy. I hope he went to sleep with a smile. I am having trouble expressing what I want to say about Mark, so this won’t be a tribute post or a narrative about the day, but simply an imprint. He is so dear.

Some highlights from Mark’s 16th year: school musical, piano study, organist at church, Sparky’s friend, straight A student, cookie architect, skier, a light.