
Happy Halloween from…

Halloween 019

The Little Bunny of Doom

Halloween 018

Spiderius bitesyouwhenyousleepii

Halloween 017

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Halloween 020

and Cutie pumpkin surprise.

Halloween 016


Pirate at rest

Tim the pirate

We’ve been hard at work this afternoon, painting facial hair on the a pirate in the house, finding boots, hooks, armor, the right gloves and nail polish, hats, belts, and glitter. I just found Timothy crashed on the couch, the flier for the evening’s event serendipitously placed behind his exhausted body.

The Games We Play

legos and mindstorms robot

I found the boys playing with this massive Lego creation a few minutes ago. There is a robot controlled by my laptop and lots of aliens and Mars Mission contraptions.

long leg fashions

And on the camera were these photos of the long-legged doll fashions Paige likes to sew. Aunt Care has made some of these.

long leg fashions

We know how to have fun around here.

Music Honor Society

honor society paige

honor society daniel

This is an honor that comes with accompanying music store discounts and gift cards. Shall we buy a Star Wars score? A Broadway book?

The kids work so hard on the piano. I love how our house is filled with music every day.

Prima Ballerina


This is Paige at age 5 posing with the ballerinas from the Nutcracker Ballet in 2001.

Paige danced around the house from the time she could walk. We took Paige at age 5 to the Nutcracker wearing a dress as close to a tutu as we could create. She sat quietly through the show, enchanted by the beautiful dancing. At one point she leaned over to me and said, “I love the ballet so much, I just want to go up on stage and dance with them!”

Paige didn’t like to leave my side when she was young. I worried about that a little when I decided to sign her up for ballet lessons, beginning on her 6th birthday. She still talks about that first day of ballet like it was the day her life began.

Anyone who has seen her dance knows that she has a special gift.

Ballerina Sarah

Tonight Paige learned that she has been chosen for the second year in a row to dance the lead role in Oh Holy Night. What I thought was a once in a lifetime experience for her (and for me, too) will be repeated. This time I’ll bring my tissues. I’m sure I’ll need them.

Back Yard Boys

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I feel some real satisfaction when I see my boys playing with army men outside in the dirt instead of watching t.v. or playing computer games. 15 minutes of computer time a day gives them plenty of outside play time.

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Richard is finishing up our rain gutters. And just in time for all the monsoon rain.

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Mark can do a somersault. Doesn’t it seem like it should be spelled “summer salt?”

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Since we put the trampoline in the ground, it gets a lot more traffic. All the boys love it.

Paige took these photos. I was tied to the stove, but it was nice to be able to say, “Hey, those boys are looking cute out there. Can you go take some photos?” and know that she would do a good job.

What to do on a hot day

Pond work

Idea #1: Wear a big hat and wade in a pond. Look for frogs and prune plants. If possible, hunker down low in the water, so it looks like there’s a floating hat. Stand up suddenly when an unsuspecting maintenance man stops by. Double points if he yells. (Double points for Daniel today.)

Sculpey kids

Idea #2: Gather together with friends and create tiny animals using Sculpey clay. While Mom bakes them in the oven, eat Otter Pops.

Tiny mice

Idea #3: Create a house for your tiny mice friends, using odds and ends, such as an empty bobbin for a table, lego cupboards, stray golden beads to fill a treasury, and seeds for food. Don’t forget the trampoline, made from a broken leather doll chair. These critters are shorter than a penny.

Pooh and Piglet

Idea #4: Take a nap. That’s what I did all afternoon.

Agua Caliente According to Daniel

Agua Caliente

Daniel went to Agua Caliente Park on Saturday to take a dragonfly class with some friends. Here are some photos that he took from that day. I enjoy seeing the things he thought were worthy to photograph.

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Daniel’s words:

When we got to Agua Caliente on Saturday, we took the Dragonfly class. The teacher told us how to recognize or how to tell dragonflies and damselflies apart. Then he gave us butterfly nets and binoculars and we went out to catch dragonflies. Each of us caught one or two and then we identified them. After the class ended, we went to look at the lake and the ducks. We went exploring and took some pictures. Then we left. I really enjoyed the class because I learned a lot of things I didn’t know. For instance, some dragonflies can fly all the way across the ocean in just a few days!