Timothy’s Reflections Entry

Timothy enjoys making little films. For the school Reflections contest he decided to show what it was like to explore the Secret Garden at Spring Lake. The theme of Reflections this year is “The Magic of a Moment.” The music he chose is from the 1993 soundtrack from The Secret Garden.

I think his little film is charming and it captures a really beautiful afternoon.

Timothy is such a sweetheart.

BYU football season tickets

Ray, Joe, Mom, Daniel, and Timothy at the “blackout” game last Saturday. We’re not talking about the score.

We finally remembered to take a photo at a BYU football game. My mom is the BYU student who makes these tickets in the student section possible. Richard has gone to every game and I go to the night games with him and we call it a date. For Saturday games, Richard takes one or two of our boys with him. It’s a little bit tricky to go to games when there is so much to do on the weekends, but we couldn’t pass up this opportunity. My mom graduates soon and we’re savoring life here. It’s the right thing to do.


Our Piano Guy

Daniel is a big fan of the Piano Guys so we got him tickets to an outdoor Piano Guys concert for his birthday. He and Richard had a great time.

Daniel continues to play the piano and has recently started playing the cello. I love having another string player in the family.

If you don’t know the Piano Guys, here are a few of Daniel’s favorite songs.




This made my day.

Daniel went to Scout camp in June. I don’t know much about the camp, and I respect that veil. Sons need to have adventures that I can’t provide and that I wouldn’t call perfectly safe. I still wonder and worry and hope for news about their adventures. We received this letter from one of the camp leaders. For the window that it provided into something good that Daniel did, I am grateful.

Goodbye Baseball

We have three new trophies in our house. Mark is very proud of his work in t-ball.

Daniel says farewell to little league. He’s all grown up now.

Timothy, fully decorated, listens to ANOTHER speech from his coach.

Timothy’s team won the tournament. They are the #1 Minors team from Copper Hills Little League!

Ballet Recital 2012

Paige’s dance recital was a beautiful success. She received a trophy for dancing for 6 years with her studio. She joined the studio before they had a building of their own in which to meet. Over the years, she danced on wood, concrete, and carpet before her studio was able to build a facility with proper floors and mirrors. That’s what you do in a small town. You help build it and you always keep a dream of how it can be. I’m so thankful for Michele Igason, who took Paige under her care and helped her become a beautiful dancer. Her studio has not made a profit in the three years since her building was completed. Such sacrifice has blessed our life and we will never forget it.

The green costumes were for a number from The Incredible Hulk. Mark waited in great anticipation for this number, and when it turned out to be quite graceful, he turned to me and said, “This is NOT what I expected.”

Paige was in 7 numbers and the pink tutus were my favorite.

“Suits” looked like it was the most fun to dance. The girls had a great time.