Klondike Derby

Klondike 3Images by Matthew Pettey

Daniel has some great Boy Scout leaders. I’m always happy to see photos of what Daniel does when he goes camping. These photos were taken in January at the Klondike Derby. The weather, which had been so bitter cold, decided to warm up to the 30’s for this camp, for which the mothers were very thankful. Evidently, Daniel wasn’t very cold. I don’t see him wearing a coat in any of these pictures.

Klondike 12I don’t have a good scout vocabulary for trying to comment on these photos, but I hear that Daniel did a good job lashing these poles together.

Klondike 9This was a day of competition among Scouts. Daniel’s patrol won first place overall.

Klondike 8They started a fire, which I think is one of the biggest draws to scouting.

Klondike 6No coat, no gloves. He’s a Scandinavian for sure.

Klondike 7Good leaders. Good boys. Good times. Daniel is so tall!

Ski kids

Mark and his adorable red skis
Daniel and Timothy at the summit

We were given season passes to Park City this year and it has brought some great times for the boys and Richard. I think that getting into a winter sport is a Good Idea in Utah so you don’t sit around and get pasty and bored. Mark has even gone a couple of times. His skis are the cutest thing.

Richard has worked hard to teach the little boys and they are really improving. We’ll post some video sometime.

It’s been a little while since Timothy was mentioned


Our Timothy is TEN, goes to Webelos, skiis, reads all of the time, plays piano smashingly, and continues to melt my heart every day.

Perhaps my favorite thing about Timothy these days is the way he greets me when I pick him up at school. No matter what, he’ll give me the biggest smile and hug, right in front of his friends, even if they are talking to him.

Without words, he says, “Excuse me, but I see my mom and I always give her a hug. Your story will just have to wait until tomorrow.” He gives me a hug and all of his attention shifts from his friends to me and Mark as we walk down the hill together.

I am incredibly proud of Timothy. He has made all of the transitions of the past  6 months with courage and smiles and unabashed hugs.

Patriot of the Month

DSC_9184We gathered in the auditorium of Daniel’s school this week to surprise the winners of the Patriot of the Month award. There was a boy and girl from each grade selected and their parents were invited to write a short introduction to their child to be read at the assembly.

This is what we wrote about Daniel:

This young man has always shown an independent and daring spirit, and he might tell you that it’s because he was born in Texas. He is missing from a lot of family snapshots because he is usually ahead of everyone else, whether it’s on a hike or working on a project. He has a room full of baseball and piano awards which he has worked hard to earn.  He has a talent for building and engineering, and lately he shows this by the many Lego Mindstorms robots we find around the house.

He is a reader, often going through 2 or 3 books in a week. He likes to laugh. His favorite sports are baseball and skiing. He just moved to Utah in August and he loves that he can go skiing so often here.

He is very musical. He has played the piano for 7 years and he just started playing the cello. He has won many awards for his piano compositions over the years.

As a family, we would like to congratulate him on this award. We appreciate that he is a good friend and a dependable person. We know that he will do many more great things with his life.

DSC_9183After the assembly, he got to skip class and eat muffins with the principal and parents. Good job, Daniel!

Full life

IMG_0144 IMG_0129Here is the church building which we watched being built during our last year in Sahuarita. It was completed about a month after we moved away. Paige was able to attend a meeting there on Sunday. She said it was gorgeous inside. How nice to have Paige home with us again, although I am sure she came back with mixed emotions, leaving her friend and entering the inversion.

I’ve started rehearsals for a Broadway musical review. I’m playing the violin for “Tradition!” from Fiddler on the Roof and I’m singing “Trouble” from The Music Man. It’s all about the hats for me. I will be dressed as a boy for the Fiddler number. They almost let me be a mama, but they decided that it just doesn’t fit to have a mama perched up high on stage, fiddling.

Our lives are packed with good things to do.

Daniel is going on the Klondike Derby this weekend. This means he will be camping in the snow. It’s a rite of passage here. Pass the anxiety meds for the mother, please.

If the weather permits, Mark will go skiing for the first time this weekend.

Timothy and Daniel will also go skiing.

I will stay home and sip hot cocoa, which is all I ever want to do. I will also be revisiting the book, Tevye the Dairyman and the Railroad Stories near the fireplace. These are some of the compensating joys for living in the cold.



A Plane Ride for Paige

Oh, boy. It’s been a busy week. You name it, we’ve done it. I even babysat for my neighbors who have 3 month old quadruplets.

Paige begins a huge adventure this afternoon, but she has a fever. She could use your prayers. Thank you.

Happy Friday!

Post update: Paige felt much better after a lot of rest and your thoughtful prayers. She flew to Tucson for the weekend as a birthday surprise for her best friend.

Take a bow!

These photos are evidence of many years of dance. The daily and weekly sacrifices that Paige makes to be a dancer are enormous. Paige is graceful and she is strong. We are so proud of her. It’s not easy joining such a tight-knit studio in the middle of Nutcracker rehearsals. She did a beautiful job.

Both sets of grandparents were able to come to the performance! Thank you! Thank you!

Temple Square Christmas Lights

My mom took the boys on a quick, impromptu tour of Temple Square since she had an appointment downtown.

True, the lights are beautiful, but as my Mom explains, the real beauty is the temple.


Mark really liked the scale model of the interior of the temple that they found in the visitor’s center.

The big photos were taken by Timothy. He was proud of this photo of the Christus statue.

Thanks, Grandma, for taking them to Temple Square! It was Timothy and Mark’s first trip to see the lights and probably the first trip that Daniel can remember since he was only two years old when he first saw them.