

I’ve taken on the role of photographer and videographer for the year-end slideshow. This means that I get to focus my lenses on the life of fifth graders.

I’ve observed many things. I am NOT a fan of the new curriculum with evidence-based grading, no great literature or history, endless testing, grouping children only according to their vintage, and classrooms without windows.

I AM a fan of Timothy and his friends who are resilient and kind. I am a fan of teachers who care more than they need to. I am a fan of times like today when they get to spend the day outside. I am a fan of good friends that we wouldn’t have met outside of school.

Time to play


Mark asked to stay after school on the playground and explore the areas that are off-limits to second graders. The day was sunny and the playground was empty. I watched the boys swing and climb and then take off running up the grassy hill. I watched them play on the verdant hill on our lovely mountain frosted with snow, and it looked like we could be in Austria. Mountain air is a blessing. The green of the hills and the intensity of the blue sky make me think that the Creator must love the colors green and blue. We live in a beautiful place.

Timothy the Baseball Player

Timothy is a great baseball player. He loves playing catcher, but he’s a good pitcher, too. He’s got a great attitude on the field. He doesn’t get ruffled and grumpy by mistakes like so many boys do at this age. He is happy to play, happy to be on the team, and happy to SMASH that ball when he gets up to the plate.

One of Richard’s best friends from Pine View High in St George is the coach of Timothy’s team. What are the odds of that?




Prom 2014

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These are some of the kids from our trip to Escalante; they are in the same Sunday school class and they are delightful people.

We found Paige’s dress in Provo and the girl at the shop told us that it was one-of-a-kind. Paige didn’t love the dress at first, but finding a dress her size was a challenge, as was finding a dress with sleeves. She loved it by the end. I think the blue dress looked lovely on her. I had to do some hemming in the front so she could walk. My sister Susan did her hair.




Most of the parents gathered to take these photos. It was nice to send our daughter with kids we knew and to enjoy the photo shoot with our friends, their parents. One of the parents told me that she thought that this low-pressure, friendly date would probably be more memorable than others they will have. Who knows, but I don’t think you can forget how beautiful those girls look in their dresses and how happy everyone looks.


Happy 8th Birthday, Mark!

“Mom, can you bring me fast food and eat with me at school for my birthday?”
Boys in second grade are both predictable and surprising, silly and charming. Happy friends.

Mark was born in the desert 8 years ago and longs to return there. His early and idealized memories include playing in fine, dusty dirt, chasing lizards when they tried to sun themselves on the fence, and catching toads when it rained.

He has always thought of himself as one of the big kids and has followed them everywhere. He’s well-traveled in museums, parks, baseball games, and dance and music performances.

He is my only child who ever wanted to snuggle in my lap.

His birthday wish list included only Legos and a watch. (Easy!)

Remember when he was 4 and wanted to be called “Zoomer-Smasher-Dune Buggy?”

Remember when he was 3 and he wore that sombrero all over Nogales, Mexico?

Little memories of my redhead dash across my thoughts today. Little boy body dressed in a Superman cape, chasing brothers up the street… Little studious boy with his own desk in the corner of the home school room, working on math problems… Little boy jumping around on his base during the baseball game because he can’t hold still… Little boy with a closet full of red shirts…sweet baby in the crib, making a nest of blankets and stuffed animals… little boy driving around the grassy field in his jeep playing hard rock music on the radio… little boy snickering under the covers as he reads Calvin and Hobbes books at bedtime…

I can’t imagine life without our Mark, Markie-boy, Marco Polo.

Artist in Residence at the Gala

2-IMG_20140508_184345Paige was asked to demonstrate a painting to be put up for auction at the school district foundation gala. She and another student participated. Each painted during the event and at the end they were asked to come to the front and tell the audience about their paintings. Then they were asked to walk around the room carrying the paintings while people bid for them. This is NOT what she thought she would have to do! Her painting sold for hundreds of dollars.

There were speakers, such as Noelle Picus-Pace, and that cute singer, Lexi Walker performed. This was the flier for the event.

1-galaI couldn’t get a ticket, so I helped Paige set up and took a quick picture of her progress before I left. Maybe I’ll post a picture of the finished painting if I can get it from her phone. She painted another version of a painting she did earlier this year. It’s taken from a photo she took near Snow Canyon. Richard and I are the hikers in the distance. It’s blurry and hours from being finished and not everything is shown, but this is the beginning of her project:

3-IMG_20140508_184525Well done, Paige! What an adventure. You are talented and brave, beautiful and strong!




There is no writing going on in a whirlwind. But here are a couple of pictures of things we have been up to. Richard’s mom celebrated a birthday with us and we welcomed Sara home from her mission over the weekend.



We checked on Spring Lake and admired the foundation.

Richard’s parents stayed for a few days and then Russ’s family stayed. There was Indian food, the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit, a piano recital, a district math test, baseball games, an overnight retreat in Midway, and a violin-piano duet in a church in Spanish Fork.

We put together an answer to an art-themed prom invitation.


Daniel’s friends spent several days in the basement constructing a physics project… with lots of Lego man spectators.

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I’m glad the pace isn’t always this busy, but it was good to see Richard’s family and to be among so many good friends.

Boy #2 and Boy #3 update

catcher Today was a big day for the boys. Mark tried out being a catcher for the first time. He said it wasn’t as fun as he thought it would be. I’m pretty sure the color of the gear played a big part in his desire to be a catcher.DSC_1074

The fifth grade classes were recognized for their work in a program run by the police department today in an assembly with parents invited. Timothy really liked the police officer who taught him for 13 weeks. Timothy gave up all media for one week to fulfill one of the requirements in the class. He was told that if he did it, there would be an amazing prize at graduation. He received a water bottle. Um, I don’t know how he felt, but I was so disappointed!DSC_1088It was a day of cheering for the boys. Hooray!


An Interview with Timothy

Timothy, can you tell us what you have accomplished this week?

My goal was to not do any media for a week. Media is computers and t.v.

On a scale of one to ten, what was the difficulty of this goal?

This was probably like a 3.

What were some of the things that you did to pass the time?

I got to read a lot more than I usually do. And I also went outside to ride the rip stick. I also did Legos every day. I usually don’t do that.

Do you think these were better uses for your time?

Yeah, because staring at a screen and stuff will take up time so you can’t do the things you really want to do, like the things I mentioned before.

Would you recommend that others try it? Why?

I would recommend it because it gives you a chance to get outside more and do the things that you really like to do instead of just sitting by the screen all day.

What did you learn about your family’s habits as you tried not to look at screens?

(smiles) I noticed that there is pretty much constantly a screen on and that it’s usually on for a while before that person finally turns it off.

What are you looking forward to viewing now that your week is up?

I don’t know. I’m not too excited to watch stuff now. I wasn’t dying from doing this. It will be a lot easier because I won’t have to dodge all of the screens.