A Summary

Where have you been during my absence online? I hope you’ve seen something beautiful or read something good or eaten a delicious meal without having to do the dishes afterwards.

We have been inside the house, at parks, in our schools, church, and work. It’s a full life. Richard works very long hours and on Saturdays. It is stressful for him. I am used to having him gone on weekdays, but those desolate Saturdays without him are just no fun.

The tepee is finished and looks so fun in Mark’s room.


Mark continues to pass through the gate behind our house to his friend’s house to play each day. There are kittens! There is a puppy! Our house lacks these things, but we do have Legos to make up for it, and I have been told that our food is good and I’ve been enlisted to sew a couple of projects for the little boy.


Paige completed the first two applications for awards and scholarships that she will submit this semester. What a task that is! Here is a collage of some of her art.

1-Starred Photos13

Paige spoke in Stake Conference on Sunday. We are so proud of her. She was calm, confident, and her talk about the Book of Mormon was beautiful. I wish you could have been there. Someone took this picture from another building where her message was being viewed on a screen.


Timothy made some great plays as catcher and first baseman last week and he tells me that he’s not ready to play the trombone for me yet.


Mark is good at hitting baseballs in his red helmet.

Daniel travels in a pack of friends that I really like. There are movie nights and Frisbee games at the park, game nights in our basement, and lunchtime ball games at school. Hooray for good friends!

1-Cumorah's Hill boys 2-001
Photo by K. Trounce

The new violin had two debut performances this weekend at Stake Conference. I have been given so much praise. At first it made me feel shiny to get all of the attention. Now I feel a little dulled by it. I can’t explain it. Perhaps it’s just too much for me to take in. I do like hearing that people were touched by the music and that some people have translated the music to an expression of my testimony. Because it is.

1-Cumorah's Hill girls
Photo by K. Trounce

The weekend of music and speaking at Stake Conference made me feel like we’re accepted here. It’s not easy to integrate into a new place with people who have lived here a long time. The kindness of our neighbors has always made the transition softer, but to be invited to share thoughts and music makes me feel like people accept our version of contribution.

Richard made lemon ice cream to celebrate everything. All is well.


My 1000th Post and a Milestone

Photo by Paige


It’s probably because people know that I am a sentimental person that I have been asked many times this week how I feel about Paige turning 18. I have been taken off guard by this because I feel just fine.

I think I feel just fine because I see who she has become, and I know she’s moving in a good direction. I feel blessed that I was able to have so much extra time with her because of home schooling. I feel happy that she is doing well in high school. I look forward to our time together during this last year at home and the adventures she will have when she moves away for college. Our time together is a joy to me, and although it’s evolving to fewer hours together, we still have a foundation of peace and friendship that is a comfort to me. I’ve seen her shine through the change in schools, perform well under pressure, and create beauty with words, paint, music, and dance. She’s arrived at age 18 with grace and continually elevates the title of “The Best Young Woman I Know.”

First Day Photos

imageTimothy is in sixth grade at Eastmont Middle School. He can open his locker like a boss.imageWe have a Senior and a Freshman at Jordan High. It’s Paige’s birthday today! What a great present: she gets to go to school! Paige drives herself and Daniel to school and he doesn’t look like a Freshman to me.imageAnd Mark is being home schooled for his 3rd grade year. He didn’t want a doorway shot; he wanted the mountains from our morning walk in the background for his picture.



Last steps before a new vantage point


It’s the last day of summer break. The business of preparation, despite its being related to school, has diverted my attention from the reality that our days at home and in the woods are almost gone. Just over that ridge is a series of new adventures with books, music, sports, and friends. I feel some excitement for what’s ahead for the kids. It will be a good year.



A Memory of a Summer Afternoon

Photo by Paige

The late afternoon sun made a golden light behind my two sons’ frames. Daniel and Mark were at their busiest and best among the rocks, knee-deep in the cold mountain stream. There were rocks to move to shore up the wall, and they attacked the project with intensity. I watched them from the wooden slats above, enjoying the teamwork, masculine camaraderie, and those moments when they invited me into their wonder.

It didn’t matter that one boy was 14 and the other only 8. Nature had a way of smoothing out the differences between them and brought them running to me to share.

Look, Mom!” is one of my favorite phrases. Rocks, a skull, a stick, all in their turn were placed in front of me. Invited into their world for a minute, I admired their treasures and savored their attention to sharing beauty. Bringing each offering to show me, I found a boy of no distinct age, simply boyhood.

The wonder, simplicity, and generosity of these moments of boyhood are some of my best treasures.

Weber Boot Camp


I put together a Boot Camp activity for the kids at the family reunion. I was the drill sergeant and did a good amount of yelling. I also made them do push ups for talking out of order. I wore my cowboy hat. I actually wear it every chance I get.
1-Stripling Warrior Boot Camp Checklist
These were the stations they rotated through. I made dog tags for each person and they earned beads for each station and for good sportsmanship.
Timothy was in the group with the older cousins.
Marksmanship was really a beanbag toss.
Daniel and Michael were in charge of the station about following orders. They played “Soldier Says” and “Red Light Green Light” with the kids.
This was a minefield activity where the ground was littered with water balloons and a buddy had to guide the person who was blindfolded through the field with verbal cues.
One station was a memory game where the kids had to remember objects on a tray. Some kids were really good at this and some kids could hardly do it at all. Interesting.
At the end, each warrior was given a headband.
Paige led one of the younger groups. All of the cousins love Paige.
Ready for Red Light Green Light
I like these pictures that Richard took of the beanbag toss.
Mark was especially excited to earn beads during the activity.
Daniel spends his time at the Weber playing with the younger cousins. He catches them in the river when they are tubing. He lets them bury him in pillows and jump on him. Love it.