First Class

1-DSC_2897 1-DSC_2902Timothy received his First Class Rank this week. Richard prepared a great slideshow for the Court of Honor showing the activities from the last six months. This is going to be a fun couple of years with Richard and Timothy going on Scout camps together.



1-DSC_2849When Timothy was younger, his coach in Arizona gave him the nickname of “Hoover vacuum cleaner” because he scooped up baseballs so well. He is still a ball-stopping machine as catcher and first baseman. I’ve heard a coach say that he is the best catcher among the city teams. He’s also a great first base player.

1-DSC_2863He’s also a consistent, strong hitter. More than that, I like to watch Timothy play baseball because he seems to have a good time doing it. He smiles, shakes off rough innings, and keeps a positive attitude. I love that quality in Timothy.

Richard is an assistant coach on Timothy’s team and Mark plays baseball at a different park on the same evenings. I’ve only been able to see Timothy play twice this season, but I’ve been to all of Mark’s games. We blinked and now baseball season is almost over. Wow, it’s been a quick one.

Time is something we can’t slow down, and it’s in the spring that I feel this the most. It’s Timothy’s last spring playing baseball. It’s Paige’s last month of high school. These moments are sifting through my fingers and I try to chase them and hold them down by describing them with words before they wander away on the wind.


Coming Home

I love coming home. Most of the time. There was one day this week that I sat out in the garage for a while before coming in because I didn’t want to face a couple of grumpy kids.

I like to come home to someone playing the piano. Last night as I drove home, I saw Timothy framed in our front room window, just home from a Boy Scout merit badge class, still in his baseball uniform, practicing the piano. This scene in the window, framing his act of dedication, was beautiful to me.


Thank you for reading. I wish we could go out to lunch together instead, but at least we have this connection. Have a happy weekend!

Anniversary roses from Richard


Brothers’ Hero Factory

1-DSC_2786Sometimes when these boys spend a lot of time together they fight, but this weekend there was more laughter than frustration. I opened the door and snapped this picture as quickly as I could to capture what they were doing so happily together. They were listening to Harry Potter CD’s read by Jim Dale as they constructed robots. Their theme lately is to make battle scenes with robots. Each night I walk into Mark’s room to find that he has new robots strung from the blind strings, poised for the fight on the ledges of the window. Enemies are posed in heroic battle scenes across the floor; robots scale the mattresses, climbing, spider-like toward the covers. We scoop them up and dump them back in the bin for tomorrow’s play.


The Cacophany that is Spring


Construction in the neighborhood. Boom! Boom! Rattta-tat-tat! Sloosh!

Writing my book

Pursuing study

Birthdays for almost every extended family member

Music all the time

School deadlines

AP tests and study sessions

Graduation details

Messy flower beds

Anniversary love notes each day in the mail from Richard

Youth activities

Jazz band practices

A teen with a broken cell phone (The horror!)

Reading something good

Meals on the run

Pink flowering tree views out of the windows

Shorter hair

Ski equipment in storage

Almost finished with the school books

Field trip season

Crowded visit to the Bean Museum this week

First fly in the house

Open windows and bird song

Losing my view of the mountains because the leaves are back

Pastels, not blacks and browns

Snow last week, sunshine this week

I’m only allowed to bring healthy snacks to baseball?

Scout camp

Goodbye, Gilbert Blythe. I’m totally watching Anne of Green Gables this weekend.

Spring Lake Easter Egg Hunt


Timothy really loves games. Paige and Daniel took some time to play with him. Hello, vacuum!
Coloring eggs in Grandma’s craft room
Remember the tags that I embroidered? Here they are attached to their baskets.


1-DSC_2739 1-DSC_2749 1-DSC_2750 1-DSC_2752 1-DSC_2757 1-DSC_2762 1-DSC_2764 1-DSC_2766 1-DSC_2767 1-DSC_2768 1-DSC_2769 1-DSC_2770Memories of General Conference, my parents’ mission reunion, and the Easter egg hunt at Spring Lake add some sparkle to my Monday morning thoughts. Mark told me that he wanted to give Easter gifts this year. He and I taught the cousins how to make their own wash cloth bunnies, complete with googly eyes and pom pom noses and tails. Oh, those crazy cousins. Mark didn’t want to to part with them after building forts and bunnies, playing in the Secret Garden, reading the funnies in the library, and having all the soda he could drink.



The Irresistible Packing Peanut

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhen packages arrived at the house in the early 2000’s, merchandise was packed in S-shaped Styrofoam puffs. Some were pale green, others were pink, but most of them where white.

White like snow!

Or so the children imagined. A package would arrive and if there were packing peanuts, they would immediately shove their hands deep into the box, Styrofoam puffs up to their chests. The rustling sound when they moved their fingers through them and the squeaky, cracking sound when the puffs broke in their hands added to their delight.

A fresh box of packing peanuts had arrived earlier that day. (Who cares what the merchandise was! There was a big box to climb in and there were Styrofoam puffs!) Three-year-old Daniel and six-year-old Paige began some of their best plans for packing peanut play. Just this once, Mom decided to watch instead of divert them from the inevitable disaster.

“Let’s fill Mom’s big pot with them,” Daniel suggested to Paige, and hurried to the kitchen. Soon there was a stew of Styrofoam simmering in the pot. Daniel decided that the box of remaining packing peanuts would be a tub of bubbly, warm water. Splash! Peanuts scattered everywhere in the kitchen when he jumped in. Paige joined him in the box for about six seconds before Daniel hopped out, ready for something new.

Next, Daniel decided that he wanted to sit in the pot filled with Styrofoam. He threw the puffs in the air as he sat in the cozy space, knees up to his chest.

It was snowing!

They decided to make a blizzard. They moved their game into the living room on the carpet. Peanuts flew, squeaking and rustling before their flight, landing on every surface and crevice in the room. Thousands of puffs littered the carpet, but Daniel discovered he could multiply their number by breaking them into tinier and tinier pieces…pieces so small they clung to his sweatpants, arms, shirt, hair, and carpet. He was a magnet for puffs because of newly-generated static electricity.

The boy became a crazed snow-making machine and he made a worthy effort to break each. and. every. piece. of Styrofoam into tiny bits. It happened quickly. Paige looked on, enjoying the spectacle, but feeling some apprehension creeping in.

Continuing in a whirling frenzy of destruction, Daniel scattered his foamy missiles everywhere. Small bits of foam clung to Daniel’s lashes and he paused to look at the scene. Something awakened his sense of sanity. Was it frustration that he couldn’t seem to brush off all of these bits of foam from his clothes? Was it that his tub of Styrofoam was scattered everywhere and therefore not as fun? Or was it his big sister’s wide blue eyes, staring at the mess in disbelief?

Mom had been watching the storm, waiting to see how far the kids would take the game. With this pause, she decided that if another piece of Styrofoam fell, she might go insane that it was time to clean up. Dad plugged in the vacuum and handed Daniel the hose. They raked the big bits from the carpet and gathered the pieces with the vacuum. Cleaning up a snowstorm wasn’t nearly as fun as making one. Bits of foam disappeared into the box. And Mom went to a quiet place in the house to sort out why she couldn’t enjoy playing with packing peanuts like everyone else…

and maybe to snicker softly at the memory of the disaster.


Mark’s Ways


These are Mark’s stuffed animals that I found arranged in a literal dog pile. Evidently “Snowball” was victorious.

I was thinking the other night that I wanted to remember a few things about Mark.

I want to remember how Mark likes to sit close to me when we read scriptures.

I want to remember how he has to walk around the room in order to memorize or recite a poem.

He has managed to wear shorts all winter, changing into pants only when he has to go outside or run an errand with me. In past winters, I have hidden his shorts. Arizona habits die hard, I guess.

The other day he and Timothy were together in his room. Timothy, always the entertainer, was making him laugh. Mark has a fabulous laugh. I stood hidden outside the door and held a recorder in the doorway to capture some of it.

Mark has had an obsession with swearwords, discovering what they really are without saying them. He asks me about them with raised eyebrows, wide eyes, and first letters only. He is disappointed that they swear in the Harry Potter books.

Since he’s decided that swearing is abhorrent, he has come up with his own words to call things when he is frustrated. Each of his contrived words has at least 3 syllables.

He’s asked me not to share his quotes on the blog anymore. I still write them down, though. Richard and I roll around in stifled laughter when I share them at night. We laugh because he is clever and frank and because he brings us joy.

When he gets a little naughty, I remind him that life is not a Calvin and Hobbes comic. He mourns that our winter yard is nothing like Calvin and Hobbes’s snow and yard.

People tell him often that his hair will darken, but this idea brings him no comfort. He likes his hair just the color it is. When we get home from church, after changing out of his suit, he messes up his hair and arranges so that it spikes upward. In his shorts and messy hair, he breathes a sigh of contentment.

He stops to play the piano every few hours, all day long. He is flying through piano books. He tells me that his piano teacher reminds him of Cleopatra. This is not an insult.

I guess that’s how I will end. Mark has always been content to do things his own way. I enjoy watching his life, long legs dangling from the tree in the backyard, climbing the fence, doing his jobs diligently, and hopping around on the carpet as he plays a video game. He is my companion all day and he makes me so happy.

I will miss…


…walking into Paige’s room and finding surprises like this when she moves away to college. We’re in the middle of an art explosion here as she completes her portfolio. (Sorry for posting an unfinished work, Paige. The process is fun to watch, not just the finished product.)