Last car

The kitchen is the workshop for the last pinewood derby car. It’s my contribution to the process that I look away and not see the mess, but the building of a little man.

One sweet detail from this car is that Timothy arranged to cut it out for Mark in his school woodshop.

The unveiling will happen in a few days. Until then, imagine flames, shiny ebony, and a red dome… All of this, and speed. Thursday is the big day.

St George 2017

Richard continually expressed the idea that it really wasn’t raining and cold and we could go hiking again, but we couldn’t elude the dreary skies. Good thing we weren’t there just for the weather. Here are some memories of the trip:

S’mores in the oven~Tim was sick~Lego Batman Movie~Cousins~Long talks~Superhero movies on tv~Scooby Doo laughter~ Archie comics~Alexa, what will the weather be tomorrow?~Joke Shop~Hospitality~Russ and Nancy’s view!~Krispy Kreme doughnuts

Chocolate therapy

During the past week

  • We began the process for Mark to return to public school in the fall. It involved me dropping him off at the middle school for a tour and not being allowed to walk him to the cafeteria where it was to begin. I cry often about this transition. Do not talk to me about it, though. This is not something I will want to discuss with anyone. It’s a special kind of ignominy to place a child in public school after home school, even if it was always in the plan and we are not failing.
  • We picked up registration papers for Tim to begin high school in the fall.
  • Harvard contacted Daniel.
  • Mark and I made his last batch of Valentines. Elementary school is nearly over for us.
  • Mark thinks he wants to play the trumpet next year.

Artist’s hand

Screenshot_20170121-112858It’s interesting that Paige took a picture of her hand this week. Last night she was in a skating accident and the nail of her ring finger was crushed off by someone’s ice skate and the finger is fractured where the nail once was. I met her at the medical clinic after it happened. I thought of my friends, who have sons and daughters living far away for school and missions, who can’t run to their children when they get hurt. I felt grateful that I could do that.

As we pulled into a pharmacy to buy band-aids and ibuprofen at 11 pm, Paige received text after text from her Relief Society president asking how she was doing. Good job, President.

Now, let’s pray that she heals quickly and can get back to drawing for her classes soon.

We celebrated

Halloween feels different when teens are at parties and there is only one child at home to go trick or treating with. Mark is tremendously fun company and we enjoyed our walk through the neighborhood.

Have you read Bram Stoker’s Dracula? The description of Dracula includes the usual things you see in a classic costume, but one horrible detail is that he had hairy palms. Eww.

Timothy had no words to describe what he was dressed up to be, and neither have I. But the costume had the funny factor for sure.

Mark and I are pretty proud of the jack-o’-lantern we created.

The morning light of November 1 finds my shelves adorned with Pilgrims and Indians and expressions of thanks. Let the celebration of gratitude begin!

Hello Halloween

I realized the following:

  1. We haven’t carved pumpkins.
  2. I haven’t bought Halloween candy.
  3. Only one boy is dressing up this year. I think.
  4. I am ready to put up my Thanksgiving decor as soon as we stop seeing trick or treaters.
  5. I might like to dress up this year. I am thinking Rosie the Riveter.
  6. Paige is having fun being an illustrator and got her first commissioned project. Her Instagram feed this month has been whimsical and cute.
  7. Mark decorated his room with spiders and 6-inch plastic skeletons. Hanging just inside the door is a spider with a full human skeleton in its grasp. It’s so morbid that I can’t bring myself to take a picture.
  8. I have been sick and Richard took good care of me. Now that I am feeling better I will need to start cooking again.

Homecoming 2016

Look at this young man and this young lady. A lot of effort went into this date. Daniel spent money he earned at work. His date’s dress was altered by a neighbor to add sleeves. Hair, flowers, a day activity, a dinner, and coordinating with other couples who joined them occupied a lot of their time. Cars were washed and vacuumed. Colors were matchy-matchy. One girl in the group provided her date’s shoes and belt. Other girls provided ties for their dates.

So much effort for a dance that was so dark, the music so loud, and the atmosphere so blaring that his date asked to leave early. Chaperones did not stay in the dance room, but were in the halls. Dancing, music, and attire were inappropriate. Daniel’s experiences at every school dance have been the same. He has stepped out every time.

When we lived in Arizona, there was a Mormon Prom, put on by parents and leaders in the Tucson area. Anyone could attend if they followed church standards. It was decorated beautifully, had amazing refreshments, and the lighting wasn’t too dark and the music was appropriate. It was a magnet for many, not just members of the church.

I didn’t think we would need a Mormon Prom in Salt Lake Valley, but here we are. I would be willing to help with an effort to do something beautiful for these kids, providing a more wholesome environment to enjoy the time they have with their dates. They deserve better than what is being offered.

Mark’s Adventures with Grandparents

1-dsc_2593-001Mark and I took a trip with my parents to California to visit my Grandma Ruth. Mark wasn’t sure if he would have a good time spending lots of time in a car to be with his grandparents, mom, and great-grandmother, but he did. For real.

He explored the Delta with Grandpa.

He bought doughnuts with Grandpa

He played with Fisher Price toys from the late 1960’s with his cousin who stopped by.

We drove the scenic route on the way home, along the Sacramento river. We stopped at a little diner and had the best lunch with big mugs of milk.

He got a hat at the Donner Memorial gift shop.

He enjoyed a breakfast buffet at our hotel.

He stayed up late watching The Lord of the Rings.

He made and served dinner with Grandma, which he said was a true highlight.

He rewired a lamp with Grandpa, also a highlight.

He crawled under Great-grandma’s furniture to replace electrical cords and loved it.

He met a new dog friend.

He didn’t have to share Pop Tarts with his siblings.

He packed a bag full of Archie comics to enjoy with Grandpa. It was time well shared.

He and Grandma watched movies in the back seat of the car on the drive home.

He grew in admiration for his grandparents and cheered his great-grandmother with his presence. He tried a few funny lines and people laughed. He got to be independent and not compared with older siblings. He soared.