Paige and Michael’s Wedding Day in Pictures

Good job if you made it to the end of this post. Most pictures are by our niece Rachel (Rachel Angela Photography). Most of my memories, thoughts, and feelings are recorded in my journal, where they will stay. If you were there, I hope you found your face in a photo or two. We are very grateful to all who came and all who showed their support in any way. It really was the very best day.

Biggest Week So Far

Paige and Michael were married on December 27 in the Salt Lake Temple. Photo by Rachel Angela Photography

Richard and I came away from Paige’s wedding day without a single picture, which tells you what a great time we had. We will post more another day. These are snapshots from family and friends who have taken the time to share with us. Thank you!

Leading up to the wedding, we had a big week, including Timothy’s 17th birthday and Christmas, and a hundred other interactions and lots of music. We saw Star Wars and decorated candy houses, turned in two Eagle Scout applications, and finalized special gifts. I am very happy.

Timothy’s birthday included two trips to Star Wars and gingerbread houses.
My favorite photo from the Sanchez family Christmas pageant
Christmas Day conversation
photo by Rachel Angela Photography

Joy, December 10

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

Galatians 5:22-23

These are the young men who showed up to help Timothy begin his Eagle service project on Saturday. They match this scripture because they walked around in the cold for three hours asking for donations for local refugees. Nobody complained. Many stuck around longer, hoping to do more. I loved the joy they brought to our home and to Timothy, who is sweating out the final details of his project.

Eagle project and Piano competition

By definition, milestones are evenly spaced, but sometimes we can’t pace and space events. Milestones hurl past Richard and me as we careen towards the end of the 2019. This decade is ending in a whirl of notes, color, celebrations, and plans. I don’t just want to keep up. I want to enjoy each step.

Hopefully these pictures will help me relive these moments when I have more time, and experience the things I had to miss while I chased a milestone down a different road.

Tin Tin and Life Scout

Tin Tin has been a favorite at our house for a long time. In fact, I wonder why we haven’t thought to do it before now. It’s delightful when a thirteen year old smiles because of a costume.

This week was the last Court of Honor with Richard as Scoutmaster. He prepared a slideshow of the places the boys have been in 2019 and it was impressive. They’ve camped in snow, rain, desert, mountains, and sand.

This was the last song in the slideshow. (The video is not anything. It’s just the only one I could find with the right version of the song.) It was a sweet goodbye to his Scouts who will move on next January to new leaders.


He follows the family pattern in piano study and academics, but he is an original in every way, redefining independence and ability with his own additions. He moves among yard maintenance, serious piano study, frisbee play, steady service, AP classes, and wood furniture design, all without fanfare. Mix that with a his social circle and this begins to describe Timothy.

These were taken at the National Honor Society induction this week.