I’m not producing these projects as often, but I try to keep one on the embroidery hoop to work on when I feel like sewing. I have many more patterns waiting, and perhaps DaVinci or Michaelangelo will be next. Each time I make Van Gogh’s Sunflowers for myself, I end up giving it away. I think I’ll make the Sunflowers again…and keep it this time.
Author: Angela
Team Primary

Last week, my presidency completed our round of ward conferences for 2023, where we ministered to the needs of Primary leaders and children. I was also given the assignment to speak in three sacrament meetings for these conferences.
My presidency and I were able to teach hundreds of children during their Primary meetings. We also visited each Primary president to listen, encourage, and provide guidance.
It is a blessing in my life to be on Team Primary.
And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Isaiah 54:13

Let’s talk about you. Life is full, yet you took some time to check in with me, even though sometimes I just write sermons here. (I am working on fixing that.) That is so kind of you, and I send my love.
If we haven’t talked in ages, I hope these words help you to know that I think that you are wonderful.
If you are facing a challenge, I send my encouragement.
If you are excited for an achievement, I send my congratulations.
If you are weary, I send my best wishes for a settled and childlike rest for you this weekend.
Thank you for being my friend.
Mark’s Junior Prom
A celebration for Susanna

Susanna is getting married, and this was her bridal shower. I should have taken photos of the rest of the room, but the food was lovely, and the gifts were generous, and there were 3 more tables of guests. I was glad to be included.
I discovered a list of journals that Joseph Smith kept for different purposes. Knowing this about him makes me feel some companionship in my quirky habit of keeping several journals at once.
He kept a journal of observations. He kept a personal history and kept track of his letters. He made sure that the things discussed in Church councils were recorded. He kept a record of the names of the faithful and wrote tributes about many people.
This is my current stack of journals, and each has its own topic. I think that they’re important in my process of becoming, whether or not anyone else benefits from them.
The magic hour
The magic hour for conversations with Mark is between 10 and 11 pm. This has been true for most of our kids, and I read somewhere that teen circadian rhythms shift several hours beyond usual bedtimes. Late nights simply don’t feel late to them.
We try to be available for conversations late at night and early in the morning before school. This is also when we pray together.
I hope the rhythm of prayer will continue for our children long after they grow out of the funny rhythms of their teen years. I can think of no better comfort and help than prayer.
A reason to celebrate every day
This is the poinsettia that I bought in early December. I have never had one last this beautifully for this long!
I like to use the phrase, “Every day is Christmas” when I think about my blessings. Recently, I found this great quote,
As a child…[I] thought Christmas came once a year. “As an adult, I now realize that it is Christmas every day. Because of the benevolence of our Heavenly Father and our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, we are the recipients of a continuous flow of heavenly gifts—every day. Heavenly gifts too numerous to mention.”
Kevin R Duncan, Christmas devotional 2017
Current “family time”

I will never get tired of seeing all of these faces, even if it’s only possible through a video call because of distance.
Utah, Guam, Alabama…these are places we never guessed we would be. Our family is open to change, and this has enriched our life experiences. Sometimes, despite loving a place or a situation, we have left because we felt led to do it.
I have learned to not identify myself by where I live or even what I do. It can all change very quickly.
Our neighbors have been taking pictures of our house for weeks.

We have been through such a winter that our culdesac held a contest to see who could guess the day when the large mountain of snow would melt in front of our house. The snowplows push the snow straight up the street and leave the mountain in our yard and parking area. This year, it was taller than Richard.
This is a collection of photos our neighbors shared via group text as the contest became tight between the guesses of Richard and Blake. I have not included the video a neighbor filmed of the snowpile. These photos were taken by various neighbors, at night and day, from many angles. The number of text messages exchanged over the rules of the game and our neighbors’ enthusiasm to comment on this snowpile have been high.
Richard recorded its time of death Saturday, April 15, at 12:20 p.m.
Blake won.
What will the neighbors text about now?