Least changed


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Here is Richard and some of his friends from high school, taken at the 20th class reunion picnic in St George. Yes, I noticed that all his friends were girls.
His classmates named him one of the “Least Changed.”



My Dad and other thoughts


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I loved this picture of my dad, taken last month by my mom. I tell everyone I know that he is a Mission President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It’s a big job, and I know he and my mom are fully invested in the work. I am grateful for their example of sacrifice. My parents have been on their mission for two years with one more to go. The family has been so blessed while they have been away. I really see God’s hand in helping us work through things without Mom and Dad around. I feel protected and happy because of their service.
You know, I started this post thinking I would write about my dad, but within a few sentences, I couldn’t give an adequate description without including my mom. That’s a great tribute to the quality of their marriage. They are a great example of a couple who knows how to work together.
Speaking of being a couple, I’m off to Utah for a few days to accompany Richard to his 20th high school reunion. I’ve been trying to get ready for the trip… you know, shopping for the right clothes and shoes so I can look like the trophy wife that I am. I had no luck in the clothing and shoe departments, but I hit the Bath and Body Works sale, so I will at least smell like a little bit of heaven.
This is such a weird post. All well. At least the picture is good.

Feeling good about the Saga

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Above you see the front cover of the May 2009 Sahuarita Saga. I’ve been busy working on this. The picture shows the younger kids who contribute each month.

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This is the last issue for volume 2 and so I decided to put all the cover art from the year on the back cover. I think it looks nice.
What’s inside? There is a letter, some poems, pictures of dance and music recitals, two Eagle Projects, several reports about people and places, triathalon stats, and awards presented to the kids. It’s my way of capturing homeschool life and it gives my kids a good deadline for finishing their writing assignments.
It’s a good day when the Saga is completed each month. It takes me about a day to compile all of the art, photos, and essays. Someday, I hope to have the kids play a bigger role in putting it all together. Paige and Daniel are learning how to use the software and type their own reports.

Girls’ Camp Eve


Paige is off to Girls’ Camp this week. I was asked to write the usual “Dear Daughter” letter to Paige to open when she is at camp. Letters from home are always a good idea. Good heavens, I still have every note my mom wrote to me.
I have to admit I don’t want to write the letter. I want to be up at Girl’s Camp. I’d rather be singing songs around the campfire with her and hiking in the pines than sitting here trying to think of the right thing to say. But since I can’t go, I’ll get to work on that letter.
Study this picture for a minute and you will see my firstborn, my companion, my helper, my friend, my hero, my doll to dress and care for, my young woman to be proud of, and the ONLY one with whom I can share Pride and Prejudice movie nights at home. I hear her playing the piano as I write this. She plays better than I do now. She is like her dad in her steady, calm demeanor. She welcomes her brothers into her room all the time and lets them fiddle around with her sparkly, sweet smelling, soft, and cute belongings. To Mark, Paige is a special confidante. I find the two of them often sitting on her bed together talking about topics obviously chosen by Mark. Paige is very patient. Her artwork is stunning and she dances like an angel. She is a faithful at studying her scriptures and writing in her journal. I can honestly say I have never seen her behave disrespectfully to anyone.
Paige came when I was 21 years old when I didn’t know anything. I know even less now, and I think she’s catching on to this truth, but she still gives me hugs every night before bed and thanks me for the meals I prepare.
Along with my assignment to write a letter to Paige, I must also come up with an adjective which describes her to print in a program after camp. Just one adjective? Now, that’s hard. Here are some words that describe Paige: graceful, pure, gentle, unselfish, talented, artistic, patient, generous, loving, steady, sweet, quiet, faithful, obedient, intelligent…
Will a longer list make it any easier to choose just one?
Probably not, but if anyone deserves a long list of positive adjectives, it’s our Paige.

The Vacuum Varmint

mark-the-cowboy1This week during one of my cleaning frenzies, Mark walked into the room and announced,

“I shot the vacuum so you can’t use it anymore. It’s dead.” He further offered, “I’ll go shoot it again.”

I won’t do any vacuuming today, okay, Mark?

Tough stuff

When my children were babies, I did everything I could to protect them. As they get older, I see that my need to protect must also be balanced with their need for experience. This means I am learning to allow things like bb guns & baseball injuries into the equation. I’m still here with the bandaids and a hug. And I’ve given a lot of these this week.

Daniel had two days of Cub Day Camp and I got to go with the scouts on the first day. We were up on Mt Lemmon and the pines were as rejuvenating as the scouts were exhausting. I loved being up there and watching the boys learn to work with knives and shoot and try their hands at leather craft. Daniel is a good kid. I couldn’t be more proud of him for his conduct at camp. And yes, Daniel, you earned your whittling chip and can own a pocketknife now!

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Timothy wasn’t hurt in this t-ball collision, but it looks spectacular, doesn’t it?

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See, he’s fine.

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And so am I.