Reminisce with me

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Confession: I read Reminisce magazine. Cover to cover every time. I have to pace myself so I don’t engulf it all at once. Sometimes I cheat and read from the back… just the small articles, so it doesn’t seem like I’m reading ahead.

Which leads me to ask, “Of what value is my craze for the past?” and, “From what source does this interest come?”
As to the value, I guess my nostalgia is part of my character. It’s part of who I am. I celebrate small moments. I appreciate the details of people’s lives. In addition, my sweet memories are a comfort to me.

During the times when I was sick and in pain and during the 3 summers punctuated by surgeries, I retreated to some of those memories and places from my past to get through it all.

I think I have always enjoyed the company of my grandparents because I was naturally interested in their past. I truly appreciate the deep friendship I have with my Grandma Ruth. She is the one who surprised me with a subscription to this magazine. I have 30 years worth of letters from her. Once she called me when I was in a bed in the emergency room because she couldn’t stop thinking about me. We tend to gravitate toward each other in our thoughts until one of us decides to just pick up the phone and see what’s going on. Our connection is a blessing to me.

Which leads me to the answer to the next question, “From what source does this interest come?” In truth, the deeper yearning that I have is not for the details of the past, but for the people. And love is a gift of God, and a desire to bless our ancestors is still another gift. Malachi promised in the last days that “[Elijah] shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” so the earth would not be cursed. This probably means many things, but to me, life is much sweeter, knowing the sacrifices made by my ancestors so I can live as I do. It also helps me want to be more diligent in my temple attendance so I can be a blessing to them.

Thanks for stopping by. And if during all my ramblings you have had a chance to reminisce on something happy, good for you! And extra points if you remember buying Smarties lollipops from the pharmacy up the street or a candy shop.


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Daniel played his last baseball game last night and got two hits. One was a triple which brought 3 guys home. During warm-up, he completely destroyed this ball when he hit it. He played shortstop most of the time during the tournament because he is a quick thinker and knows where to get the ball to make the play.

Richard has worked hard with Daniel this season, taking him to the batting cages, practices, and games. It’s been a busy few months for these guys.

Today I will take the folding chairs out of the trunk of the van where they have been living for the past 3 months and we’ll have some more “home” time in the evenings, which is a good thing.



I spent the day running errands for a Stake Scout Camp. Being married to someone involved with Scouting is a big job.
The kids manage to find new treasures at the Scout office every time we go there. Today’s treasure was neon orange plastic boondoggle string. We didn’t buy it, but visions of many orange creations danced in Timothy’s head, entertaining him while I looked for merit badge stuff.
Norman Rockwell truly captured the vision and spirit of Scouting in his paintings. His art is moving to me.

Sleep sweet, nor fret


Today we entertained lots of neighborhood kids at our house. Late in the afternoon, my next door neighbor, Maria brought me some lemonade. We sat in my living room and dressed Barbies with the kids.

The day was full of small blessings like that. It’s remembering these comfortable blessings that makes all the difference when I look back over my day, which was truly a mixture of successes and shortcomings, good and bad news. I’m wrapped in a soft shawl and I feel peaceful.

I have loved this poem for years. I just discovered it is part of the Association of Unity Churches Home Blessing. I couldn’t find the author’s name. It matches my mood tonight.

My heart, The sun hath set.
Night paths With dew are wet.
Sleep comes Without regret;
Stars rise When sun is set.
All’s well. God loves thee yet,
Heart, smile, Sleep sweet, nor fret.

Kid Town

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I held a lot of nieces and nephews this past weekend. This is Alex, daughter of Russ and Nancy.
  • I went up to Provo for half a day so I could hold Baby Charlotte on her blessing day.
  • I held Ammon and enjoyed his cheery face in church. The little Deacon boy passing the sacrament tried to be serious, but couldn’t help but smile back at Ammon’s little round face. 
  • Solomon would only give me a high-five, but showed me his gum about 100 times.
  • Ruby did the actions with me as I sang Wise Man and Foolish Man in her ear during church.
  • Kaitlyn played with me when I pulled out my Strawberry Shortcake dolls.
  • Anna-who-smiles wore a bright green dress and let me hold her right away.
  • Isaac-and-Spencer still aren’t fans of old Angie, so I gave them a toy hamster in a ball to help in that relationship.
  • I met the spouses of a niece and nephew, too, on this trip, Josh and Andrea.
  • I learned that my nephew Richard is a great runner; that Rachel enjoys singing, and loved seeing Leslie’s beautiful hair and grown-up look.

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Timothy lost his second front tooth. Here he is posing with Grandpa Ross.

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My sons the engineers. Daniel packed his plastic thread so he could make a suspension bridge when he got to Grandma Ross’s house.

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Grandma’s house is a place where Mark becomes an entertainer.

Least changed


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Here is Richard and some of his friends from high school, taken at the 20th class reunion picnic in St George. Yes, I noticed that all his friends were girls.
His classmates named him one of the “Least Changed.”



My Dad and other thoughts


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I loved this picture of my dad, taken last month by my mom. I tell everyone I know that he is a Mission President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It’s a big job, and I know he and my mom are fully invested in the work. I am grateful for their example of sacrifice. My parents have been on their mission for two years with one more to go. The family has been so blessed while they have been away. I really see God’s hand in helping us work through things without Mom and Dad around. I feel protected and happy because of their service.
You know, I started this post thinking I would write about my dad, but within a few sentences, I couldn’t give an adequate description without including my mom. That’s a great tribute to the quality of their marriage. They are a great example of a couple who knows how to work together.
Speaking of being a couple, I’m off to Utah for a few days to accompany Richard to his 20th high school reunion. I’ve been trying to get ready for the trip… you know, shopping for the right clothes and shoes so I can look like the trophy wife that I am. I had no luck in the clothing and shoe departments, but I hit the Bath and Body Works sale, so I will at least smell like a little bit of heaven.
This is such a weird post. All well. At least the picture is good.

Feeling good about the Saga

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Above you see the front cover of the May 2009 Sahuarita Saga. I’ve been busy working on this. The picture shows the younger kids who contribute each month.

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This is the last issue for volume 2 and so I decided to put all the cover art from the year on the back cover. I think it looks nice.
What’s inside? There is a letter, some poems, pictures of dance and music recitals, two Eagle Projects, several reports about people and places, triathalon stats, and awards presented to the kids. It’s my way of capturing homeschool life and it gives my kids a good deadline for finishing their writing assignments.
It’s a good day when the Saga is completed each month. It takes me about a day to compile all of the art, photos, and essays. Someday, I hope to have the kids play a bigger role in putting it all together. Paige and Daniel are learning how to use the software and type their own reports.