It’s that time of year again.
Some new school books* to add to the old.
This little bit of excitement brought to you by many online textbook sellers and Wal-Mart.
*More to come!
It’s that time of year again.
Some new school books* to add to the old.
This little bit of excitement brought to you by many online textbook sellers and Wal-Mart.
*More to come!
…a day of Rest.
A day to think, renew covenants, spend time with family, read, & make simple meals…
I talked to Grandma Ruth today. We cheered on our current political heroine and talked about happy things like our upcoming visit.
Now I’m off to bed, ready to start a new week tomorrow.
(Art by Paige)
Idea #1: Wear a big hat and wade in a pond. Look for frogs and prune plants. If possible, hunker down low in the water, so it looks like there’s a floating hat. Stand up suddenly when an unsuspecting maintenance man stops by. Double points if he yells. (Double points for Daniel today.)
Idea #2: Gather together with friends and create tiny animals using Sculpey clay. While Mom bakes them in the oven, eat Otter Pops.
Idea #3: Create a house for your tiny mice friends, using odds and ends, such as an empty bobbin for a table, lego cupboards, stray golden beads to fill a treasury, and seeds for food. Don’t forget the trampoline, made from a broken leather doll chair. These critters are shorter than a penny.
Idea #4: Take a nap. That’s what I did all afternoon.
Today I celebrate two special people, my grandpa and my dad. I am a little teary today over it all.
This is my grandpa, John Sanchez. He passed away four years ago today. I still ache over it. I miss you, Grandpa.
Grandma Ruth looks just like my sister Sarah. I see Grandpa’s looks in my Dad sometimes.
Happy Birthday, Dad. I’ll see you soon for one of our late night chats about grand things. And maybe some jelly toast. With peanut butter.
I love you.
I am learning that Motherhood isn’t a narrow, restrictive road, and even more important, this path is full of vantage points to my own talents and interests. Overall, my experiences in raising my children have allowed me a greater outlet for my “self” than I ever imagined.
It’s all about making my Own Brand of Motherhood, and trusting that my particular talents and interests were taken into consideration when God sent these children to me. And trusting that He will guide me, often minute by minute, in this journey.
Minerva Teichert ran a ranch and raised children. As a painter, she almost always had a mural in progress, hanging on her living room wall. She’d paint in her free minutes, many of which I am sure she had to sacrifice to find. As she studied the scriptures and church history, which were the topics of her paintings, she became a scripture scholar. She used this knowledge as she taught her children and grandchildren. Her paintings provided income, but also a larger legacy. Her paintings still help define Mormonism to the world.
In this stage of my life I am most fulfilled as I work in my own home. As a wise friend commented this week, it’s not about finding fulfillment doing “grown-up” things away from home. It’s being centered at home that makes life most fulfilling. So, these days, I am defined almost always as a mother, but find adventure in incorporating my other interests into my day. These personal interests can actually enhance my ability to mother my children and be a good community member.
It bothers me that EVERY TIME I go to one of my doctors she asks in a very concerned tone, “So, are you still homeschooling?” and then seems amazed to hear that I play the violin (away from home!), pursue other interests, and I don’t feel wasted by my lifestyle, raising four children.
Mothering and Personal Happiness are not Mutually Exclusive, Dr. W.
This week, I have studied Shakespeare, read some Jane Austen, worked on food storage, laundry, and countless other things. I haven’t done my nails, whitened my teeth (the kit’s in the bathroom), or finished my book (which I began in June).
It occurred to me this week as I finished up some laundry and dishes that I am living the fairy tale backwards, becoming Cinderella after I met my prince. Studies show that women work more after they are married than before. You may be thinking I’m moving in a negative direction with these thoughts, but no, rest assured. I believe in the backwards fairy tale. Long live the Backwards Fairy Tale Life!
I believe in work, and the absolute necessity of it because it combats my selfishness. Of all the traits that I work hard to tame, vanity and selfishness are at the core. Being a wife and mother and loving it is so helpful as I try to improve my character and talents.
It also helps that Mark, Timothy, Daniel, and Paige are so absolutely cute and good. And these small people will do great things.
Post-Edit Addition:
I sweat bullets over this post, and I still don’t have it right. For instance, I didn’t fully express my innate fulfillment motherhood brings… even without the extra curriculars. Kids are so fascinating and enlivening. They make me want to be a better person. In my case, this means a person who doesn’t seek accolades or affirmation from anybody but my Heavenly Father.
Because He sees what I do and how I try.
Look what Richard did for me when I wasn’t looking! I now have a huge bulletin board in our school room. Oh, Happy Day!
Daniel went to Agua Caliente Park on Saturday to take a dragonfly class with some friends. Here are some photos that he took from that day. I enjoy seeing the things he thought were worthy to photograph.
Daniel’s words:
When we got to Agua Caliente on Saturday, we took the Dragonfly class. The teacher told us how to recognize or how to tell dragonflies and damselflies apart. Then he gave us butterfly nets and binoculars and we went out to catch dragonflies. Each of us caught one or two and then we identified them. After the class ended, we went to look at the lake and the ducks. We went exploring and took some pictures. Then we left. I really enjoyed the class because I learned a lot of things I didn’t know. For instance, some dragonflies can fly all the way across the ocean in just a few days!
Richard and I decided to have the kids help teach Family Home Evening last night. We split into two groups and practiced telling a stories from the scriptures. Then we met back together to present our work and talk about applications.
Mark and Paige told the story of Joseph, who was sold into Egypt. Then we talked about things we can learn from the story. Here are some of the responses:
Timothy told the beginning of the story of Lehi and his family who left Jerusalem.
Daniel finished the story of Nephi getting the brass plates. When we talked about what we could learn from the story, Timothy summarized, “You should obey Heavenly Father and He will help you to do it.” Daniel said, “If Heavenly Father asks you to do something, He will provide a way for you to do it.”
Here are a few pages from the Sahuarita Saga from June. I’ve been publishing this little homeschool magazine for 2 years. The kids do the work. I just compile it. This is the first (small) issue of Volume 3!
Click on the arrows below the magazine to page through it. You can double click on a page to enlarge the image. I know, I know. This little tool is the coolest thing you have ever seen in your life.
[book id='4' /]
Photo 1: Friendship Bracelets made by…?
We have a show-and-tell session at our house about once a week. Here are some things we are proud of this week. How well do you know us? Can you guess who made/caught each of these things?
Photo 2: Baby lizards caught by…?
Photo 3: Lego Wall-E designed by…?
This little Wall-E has a movable door to compact trash, hands that can attach to one another and wheel tracks that move.
(I made this bread… I’m just putting in a photo to separate the answers from the photos.)
Answers: (1) Paige (2) Timothy (3) Daniel