Tanks Ablaze

The competitors

As a warm-up for July 4th the next day, Paul and Care invited us to Tank Wars at their house. After dinner, Paul shared his fireworks and we doctored up some tanks so they had some real power. Here, the competitors assembled for the carnage…

Timothy and Mark's tanks

They proudly displayed their arsenals.

Paige and Mom's arsenal

Paige and I even prepared some Barbie Carnage Tanks.

Timothy reacts

It was dearly entertaining to watch the reactions of the kids…

Mark reacts

This was Mark’s first experience with fireworks. He was mesmerized.

Ruby and Timothy react

It was loud, but most of the kids watched from the edge of the curb, which is as close as we would let them sit.

Solomon reacts

Cutie Solomon was amazed.

Paige and Ruby

Ruby and Paige were less impressed, but found some things to chat about.

Isaac "likes smoke"

Isaac confessed, “I like smoke!” as he chased it down the street.

Ammon reacts

Ammon was just happy to be there.

Charlotte reacts

Charlotte blew patriotic bubbles since she was too young to make a tank.

Tank Carnage

Tank Wars Day 1 was a fiery success. Tank Wars Day 2 took place at the Round House with even more competitors with a larger army of tanks. Installing that hornet rocket on my Big Mama Tank was definitely against my better judgment a great idea!

Hip, hip, Parade!

Parade 1

We drove 14 hours to attend Provo’s July 4th parade with cousins and family. You can’t beat a really good parade. Mom always loved the parade more than the kids. I’m finally getting it and I’m pretty sure I loved it more this year than I ever did before. Why?

Daniel in tree

…Because the parade gave Daniel a chance to climb a tree;

4th of July 013

I got to sit with my siblings and their families at the old TPM homestead on University Avenue, in a place so traditional that even Mayor Billings searched the crowd, mouthing the word, “Sanchez” to his daughters trying to find us from the convertible in which he sat for the parade.

4th of July Tank

We saw a tank in action. Now when do you ever get to see a tank rumbling down the road?

4th of July Missionary standing ovation

There was the standing ovation for the LDS Missionary float. I lifted Mark on my shoulders and he caught the excitement and waved to the missionaries with all his might.


Our nephew, Henry was in a band in the parade. So was his sister, Katie.

Why do I love a parade more than ever? Well, it’s all about beautiful things; it celebrates youth, honors old age, and makes me feel patriotic and reminds me of my childhood. That’s something to get excited about.

The Circle of Life

2008-09-13 Madera Canyon


Mark, worried about the idea that his mama might someday be a grandma instead said,

“I wish we could have some magic to turn grandmas back into mamas and grandpas back into daddies.”



In a related conversation about the course of life, Mark asked,

“When I grow up what will I do?”

I said, “You will be a Cub Scout.”

“And play baseball?”

I replied, “Yes, if you want to. And you’ll be a missionary and then get married and be a daddy…”

At this point in the sentence, Mark wisely continued the thought, “And pay for all the stuff at the store…”


Who smokes?

2008-08-26 Aug 003

Using some less than admirable slang, I said, “Holy smokes!”

To which Mark replied, “Who smokes?”

This same exchange happened no fewer than 3 times on June 26, 2009.


4th of July shirts 003

So, I have this embroidery machine that really makes me happy and Michael’s had t-shirts on sale for $2.50 so it was determined that we will have Embroidered Wondershirts for the 4th of July parade. (The parade, by the way, that we are driving 14 hours to see…and it had better just be “partly cloudy” as forecasted.)

4th of July shirts 007

Luckily, Michael’s also had the essential Pop Rocks available, too. Ahh, the simple pleasures of July 4th traditions!

Sarah Sees Sahuarita

Bryan and Sarah at the lake

Yesterday, Sarah and Bryan had a Sahuarita experience. We took them sight-seeing at the lake.

water lily blossom

We showed them “our” pond where a water lily was in bloom for the occasion.

tortoise ride

Daniel and Mark showed off the tortoises.

Mark runs free

And Mark enjoyed some freedom.

Daniel and Timothy puppeteers

In the evening after a meal of fajitas and watermelon, we embarked on adventures in entertainment. Audience admission was a slot to perform in our talent show. Richard played piano, Paige danced (on film), Daniel played piano, Timothy produced, directed, and acted in a Potato Head Puppet Show, Sarah sang an awesome solo, and I played the guitar and as we all sang together.

Bryan on the harmonica

Bryan gifted us with his debut harmonica performance. Nicely done, man!

We like to Move It

Mark’s talent was all about dance, running, and a basketball. He then got us all moving to one of his favorite songs, I Like To Move It…

We Moved It some More

And then we were all on our feet, dancing despite the storm outside…

Defying Gravity

And suddenly my hair defied gravity and for this and many other reasons, I call the day a success.


Thanks for giving us a reason to celebrate, you two.

We love Sue


We are praying for you, Susan. We love you! Get well soon.

(Photo from Sanchez blog)

The joie de vivre that personifies Susan is affecting. Her attention to such details as specially wrapped chocolates on a sick bed or blue corn tortilla chips over more commonplace varieties makes us feel special. Her fashions, whimsical and elegant, so willingly shared with me during my teenage years made me feel like an heiress; her laugh, engaging and full, has invited us to join in her enchantment for just a minute as we have laughed along with her.

Susan embraces all things lovely and makes them seem more lovely by her attention. And God who knows and loves her best is watching over her in her illness while we pray for the recovery of her heath and spirits.

I feel blessed to have a very special Great-Aunt Susan, who is much greater than this terrible cancer.

Princess Waltz

Dear Paige,

Since you have so many adoring fans, Dad decided to create this video of your Princess Waltz ballet number. This version was edited for content, as the original had too many babies screaming in the background. There are benefits to being the only daughter… you can have as many ballet lessons as you like. And fans, please note that Comments are Open on this post so you may request Paige’s autograph and congratulate Richard on his cinematography and editing prowess.

choreography by Michele Brady

Sunday will Come

During the trials in our life, big and small, it’s always good to have a reminder of the Savior’s understanding and victory over it all.


Goin’ to Town

Fathers Day self portrait

Sunday, June 21: This was me, just before our big Stake Conference on Father’s Day at Centennial Hall. We met Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The kids shook his hand. We are now members of the newly formed Sahuarita Arizona Stake.

Here are some photos that I took while taking another long drive to Tucson. In all, I drove up 4 times this week. I know, it’s only 45 minutes away, but it gets a little old.

on the road

When I get to the pecan groves, I know that home is just a few minutes away. Someday I will take the kids and we will run down the shady rows between the trees, laugh, sing songs and take about 100 pictures.

pecan grove