Thinking about Pirates!

Timothy the pirate

Timothy made a great picture of a pirate battle. As always, this drawing is in miniature and you may not be able to see everything. I am amazed at the detail he creates on such a small scale. There is a sinking ship, several islands, a whirlpool (I think!) and some fires. I feel pretty bad about the guy falling from what is left of his ship amidst some heavy fire and a huge splash.

Timothy pirate battle

How My Man Spent His Weekend

cinnamon rolls 001

My man made these today.

I just enjoyed their sweet whole grain goodness. Yes, he even ground the wheat to make the flour.

He also took the boys swimming this weekend so I could help set up a pinewood derby track.

He bought the wood for the Pinewood Derby trophies and took Mark shopping so I could set up for art class.

He changed the oil in the car.

He watched Mark during our art class on Friday and saw that Mark was on time for his portrait.

He set up a mailing list and website for a local club.

He helped me work on Grandma Ruth’s family tree.

He brought us food when we were hungry at the art class.

He got take-out for me on Friday night because we couldn’t go on our usual date (Paige was baby-sitting elsewhere).

He drove Paige to her YW activity in the wee hours of Saturday morning. (Paige went rappelling!)

He rocked Mark to sleep at church.

He is at church meetings tonight while I get to sit and do things that I want to do. He never complains about that!

He’s amazing.

The Games We Play

legos and mindstorms robot

I found the boys playing with this massive Lego creation a few minutes ago. There is a robot controlled by my laptop and lots of aliens and Mars Mission contraptions.

long leg fashions

And on the camera were these photos of the long-legged doll fashions Paige likes to sew. Aunt Care has made some of these.

long leg fashions

We know how to have fun around here.

Music Honor Society

honor society paige

honor society daniel

This is an honor that comes with accompanying music store discounts and gift cards. Shall we buy a Star Wars score? A Broadway book?

The kids work so hard on the piano. I love how our house is filled with music every day.

WWII Movies



Paige is studying WWII. I mean, really getting into it. Later this week, we’re transforming her into Rosie the Riveter. Just need to find some red fabric with white polka dots…

But as I have been researching this time period, movies keep jumping into my mind. Here are a few of my favorites. E-mail me if you have a favorite of your own. I’m making popcorn. Let’s study!

  • Casablanca
  • It’s A Wonderful Life
  • The Human Comedy
  • The Sound of Music
  • The Best Years of our Lives
  • Bedknobs and Broomsticks
  • Tora! Tora! Tora!
  • South Pacific

Later additions:

  • It’s a Beautiful Life

Be Beautiful, Darling

red bead necklace

This one is for the girls.

I see the trend to be more casual, more androgenous, less formal. Oh, yes, honey, I do. That’s one step closer to forgetting how beautiful we are. Go to a musical or classical concert in jeans? Unforgiveable! Greet your husband after a long day of work with messy hair and wearing your frumpy old pajamas? Where’s the romance in that?

What this world needs is more women who know how to dress up. It doesn’t really matter if anyone agrees with me or not. I don’t mind being the only one to wear a skirt to an event or just around the house. Dressing nicely makes me feel happy.

Here are some of my tips for feeling feminine, despite, well, anything.

  1. Wear body spray or perfume. Not too much, just a hint.
  2. Wear one piece of jewelry besides your wedding ring. See how it makes you feel.
  3. Never wear sweats all day long, unless you’re painting and you need greater range of motion.
  4. A little mascara, blush, and lipstick makes anyone look better. It doesn’t have to be a lot of makeup. Just a little is best.
  5. Find something that makes you feel beautiful and wear it often. Shawls make me feel beautiful and they keep me warm because I’m usually cold. Yes, even here. “Can I take your wrap, madam?”

fashion, etc 009

You didn’t even notice the messy room behind me, did you? That’s the power of the wrap.

fashion, etc 012

Wal-Mart. Target. Instant glamour for $5? Genius!

two tone bead necklace

I walked into the post office today with confidence, wearing a necklace, some makeup and shoes with a hint of heel. I had my little ducklings all around me and on my hip. I’m not saying that anyone noticed me. But I noticed. And that is what matters.

Softening of the Heart

Desert Museum

How have my interactions with my family helped to soften my heart this week?

  • Richard and I stayed up late and watched our favorite Mormon Tabernacle Christmas DVD. The King’s Singers were the guest artists with the choir.  The most moving piece for both of us is Oh Holy Night, and we saved it for last. We promised ourselves that we won’t listen to it again until Christmas Eve, it’s so special. As I listened to the music and reflected on the words of Luke 2, I just felt so happy. Christ came! He lived and loved us. I wanted to be a better person. I loved everyone.
  • Timothy was so upset on Saturday. All I can say is that it had something to do with being the middle brother. I took him with me to the grocery store. He let me put my arm around him as we walked through the parking lot. He got more and more cheery and chatty as we shopped. He melted my heart.
  • Mark wanted to spend time with me at church today, so I let him skip nursery and he helped me with some church work before I eventually dropped him off in his class. In the process, I lost a lens from one of my glasses. I searched all over the church, only to find the lens was safely in his little hand at the end of his nursery class. He’d held it during snack and playtime in nursery and had kept it safe for my return. Bless his little heart.
  • Learning the human nervous system is a big job and there are a lot of vocabulary words. Paige hasn’t enjoyed it, so I read science to Paige this week as we both stretched out on my bed. I felt the frustration just melt away.
  • Daniel walked Sparky at the park this week. I brought Mark and his friend Aleah along, too. I watched Daniel interact with the little 3 year olds from a distance. He allowed Aleah to walk her spider fingers all over his head and arms. He helped urge Mark forward when he lagged behind. Simple, happy moments.

It’s my greatest hope to have a softer heart, more Christlike ways, and to keep my family close to me. Perhaps in the writing of some of these simple things, the softening can last a little longer. I have some real battles this week in my life. A difficult person to deal with, two big events, and the usual errands and business. I have learned that it’s better to be charitable than tough; compassionate rather than judgmental; patient rather than hasty… and that requires Grace, accessed through prayer and humility and obedience.

Forever Friends

Daniel package 10 years old

Daniel received this package in the mail this week. Inside was a newspaper from his birth date, almost 10 years ago. Our friends, the Espersens have been saving it for us in Austin all these years. Dave is quite the philatelist. (I’ve always wanted to use that word.) I have been staring at this package for a long time, enjoying the beautiful stamps and missing these dear friends.

Daniel has been lonely lately. His best friend moved away last month. I think that our Heavenly Father knows this little boy’s needs and has inspired so many good people to reach out to him. If you think about it, this kind act was put in motion 10 years ago and the timing is perfect. I sit back in wonder, and I’m reminded of the importance and power of love and small gestures of kindness and listening to those little ideas that come to our minds to do good. Who knows what a difference our small acts of kindness will make?


The Espersens

If you’re going to be quoted…

Newspaper Richard

We’re not sure why Richard was quoted in this newspaper article, and why the author of the article omitted the line about the members of our church fasting (in addition to praying) for the Hess family. Richard had been in contact with this reporter about some other church business in the news and he had submitted photographs to be used by the paper. However, this is all the evidence of his work with this reporter. But I guess when all is said and done, if you’re going to be quoted in the paper, you’d better be saying something worthwhile, and I think he did just fine.

Looking for a worthwhile cause? Visit Team Ryan Hess or this blog post to find out how to help.


by Paige

Dear Paige,

We must not let ourselves get too busy today. I missed painting with you yesterday. I’m getting out the paints today at 2:00. It’s better to paint than to be busy.



P.S. You did a good job on these ballet shoes!