… but we had a swell time.

We never got a picture all together, but we enjoyed one day with everyone well enough to be there.

Daniel, our most adventurous boy, went on everything. Twice.

Paige had a good time, too, and was so helpful.

Timothy had a rough start on a terrifying ride, but overcame his fears and loved the rides as long as they didn’t plunge too suddenly into a dark abyss.
This was our first trip to Disneyland. Now, maybe it’s because I am adult, but these were some observations I just couldn’t reconcile in my mind:
A grandmother on the Dumbo ride; all by herself,
Mouse ears on grown-ups,
Reservations to eat with the Princesses are required 18 months in advance????
Darth Vader and Disney,
Leaving a stroller full of our belongings and not really worrying about theft,
LOVING the It’s a Small World Ride and WANTING to see Princess Aurora.
Being sentimental, I teared up as soon as I saw all the kids on a ride together, but in my haste to hide the tears, I brushed sunblock into my eye and then I really had something to cry about. It was a day of contradictions. I was amused at the childhood played out by adults, but succumbed to it myself in the end. And even though I didn’t see Princess Aurora, Paige bought me an Aurora pin on the second day I stayed home with Mark. The poor boy had an ear infection in each ear.