Author: Angela
Cure for grumpy boys
Watercolor Art Class
A Day Begun with Peanut M&Ms is a Good Day
It felt like my blood was full of sludge. I was lethargic and a little testy. I wanted to go on a long walk and let myself get back to some kind of equilibrium of mental and physical health. But I decided to ignore that need and just press forward with THE DAY.
I ran two errands this morning and then I got stranded at the post office with a dead battery in the van; a battery that has been dying a slow death since December. I decided not to beg for a charge. I decided to walk home.
I only felt desperate for a second when I realized that no one was answering phones.
And so I trudged through the construction and dust, avoiding the bulldozers and cranes, all the time counting the ways this dead battery was a blessing and only once or twice wishing for a construction helmet. It was really fortuitous the way it all happened. I didn’t have the kids with me, who would have really struggled with the walk on a road with no shoulder; I had put on some shoes before leaving the house (for a change), and I was only a mile and a half from home. I got my exercise and I made my funny list of blessings on the way:
1. I woke up to find a forgotten bag of peanut M&Ms in my purse.
2. I was able to comfort a friend, mail a birthday package and the taxes all before the battery died.
3. I got the walk I knew I needed.
4. I wasn’t wearing my pajamas when I got stranded.
5. I have a capable teenager who stepped in to watch the kids when my 15 minute errand turned epic.
6. The walk canceled the M&M breakfast.
Plein Air Painting
Before you read on, here are some helpful definitions:
o-rama: a greater-than-usual number, volume, or variety of a specified thing: used to form commercial names and other words for events and displays. (
Dutch Oven Dump Cake: 3 ingredients. 45 minutes. Bliss. (7-up, cherry pie filling, chocolate cake mix)
Council: Boy Scouts are organized in geographic areas called Councils. There are 2 Councils in Arizona: Grand Canyon and Catalina; we are a part of Catalina Council.
Today we went to the Catalina Council Scout-o-Rama. Our Pack did a booth on cooking. We had 4 Dutch ovens going at one time and we cooked biscuits on sticks. The hit was the dump cake.
Daniel raced his District-winning car and won 3rd place in the Council. The trophy is 2 1/2 feet tall. New centerpiece? Coat stand?
The little boys had some good times, too.
There were rockets to launch…
Trees to climb…
and cars to race.
Paige was there and made it to the top of the rock climbing wall (seen behind the red car above).
I smell like a campfire, but it was worth it.