The day I studied Richard

Richard and I met when I was 18.  We did many things among friends. My apartment met with his apartment to go to concerts or go on hikes or whatever you do when you’re in college. (I forget.)

He was so nice, smart, and talented.

One day I watched him walk around during church fulfilling some responsibilities. I remember several impressions I had. One was that I wanted to feed him something. Another impression was that he looked very dear. I can’t think of any other way to say it. (Sorry, Richard.)

It wasn’t for another year that we even went on a date or talked much. But he remained a study for me. For instance, I remember him driving me and my friends to the base of our mountain hike. He let us crank the radio of his car and I remember singing really loudly. He had a car (sigh) and he was fun to be with.

There were more leaves to turn and more important qualities revealed during that year before we dated.

When I see him I still want to feed him and I still think he looks dear.

Sunday Sounds

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How was your Sunday? How was church? Did you make a decision to be better about something? I decided that I need to focus on a topic as I read the scriptures. In my study of the Book of Mormon, I am going to catalog the tender mercies of the Lord, specifically how he imbues his children with power.

How was your Sunday dinner? Ours was nice. We had a salad and some fruit and Rice Krispies squares for dessert.

Did you think about someone far away? I did.

Did you get a nap? I didn’t, but that’s ok.

Are you ready for a new week? I think I am. We still have fresh groceries, clean laundry and sheets, and the school lists are made. We have a birthday in our family this week. Paige turns 14.

Sweet dreams.


Brush Strokes

Living in the desert makes me see why so many Southwest artists don’t focus on details. Their art is about color applied in broad brush strokes. We admired these warm colors today as we took our drive. Some other drivers got angry at me for driving so slowly. Silly people. Didn’t they know there was a view?

Let me tell you about Thursdays. The Ross kids think everything is more difficult on Thursdays. A few years ago I started a tradition of taking the kids out to lunch and on a drive on those dreaded days.

Today we went out to lunch (McDonalds) and drove behind the mines by our house because we had never been there before. Somehow it made all the difference.

Questions of the day

I’m pretty sure we are missing a good time up north in the mountains where there’s a river, some tubes, and a cabin. It’s family reunion week at the Weber and we’re not there.

I wonder who won the candy game?

How was the group birthday party?

Who “got” to sleep in the bedroom right next to the bathroom?

What is everyone reading?

Have any of the kids fallen into the river (yet)?

I wonder if Mom is ready to take a therapy drive… say, to Wyoming?

How many gallons of weed spray have been dispersed by Dad?

Who is sleeping on the porch bed?

How many fish have been caught?

I’m pretty sure they were waiting for the Sanchez family to rebuild the rock dam. How did that go?

From which pines is the swing hanging this year?

Is there water in the little stream by the road?

Have the kids painted rocks with water?

Have there been any moose? …deer?…bears?

How many repairs have been made to the screen door this week?

Have there been any visits from Sterling or other family?

Have we had *the talk* about what to flush and what not to flush into the septic system?

When did the Finches come up?

Who brought the best junk food?

Are there any poppies left in bloom?

Have the creepy wire mattress skeleton swings been taken down?

Are the horses hungry? Have they nibbled any little hands?

Don’t bother answering any of my questions. Knowing details just makes it harder.

The Week in Review

This week brought the first piano lesson for Timothy. His delightful expressions, if bottled, would be alcoholic.

Sardines, when played in the house, is best accomplished if you wear a Batman mask and Mom’s dark bathrobe.

“R-duo D-duo”

The ladybugs

Beowulf with duct tape over some passages

My dentist played 1940’s music while I had my teeth cleaned. All right!

We have a high school, middle school, elementary school, and preschool student in this house.

Looking for Work

Daniel took this picture at the Desert Museum.

This boy, I tell you, can do some amazing things. He’s currently looking for work. He’s discovered that *expensive* Bionicle sets are the way to go. After building his enormous creation the other day, he said, “This was the most satisfying Lego set I have ever built.”

Back to the money thing. We live away from all our people. What can be done? Well, there is mail order.

Does anybody need a pamphlet on Pearl Harbor? He wrote a good one.

How about some photos of lego creations? He has several hundred he could share.

Are you interested in a good book reviewer? He reads at least 3 books a week, sometimes 5.

And then there are his piano compositions. There is Weber River and Carousel Ride. Each has its charms. You know.

I’d pay good money if I had any (darn school books!) for a good photo of his amazing eyes.

Wow, I think I just remembered where I stashed some cash. Never mind on the sale. I want to keep all of those things for myself.

Serendipity beetles

After a little school work, we decided to go to the mountains. We went hiking and exploring.

I was hoping it would be an inspirational moment where we would talk about educational goals. We just played in the stream instead. And THEN we saw…

some ladybugs.

There were many ladybugs.

We saw ladybugs in the trees,

ladybugs on the ground…

and they were irresistible.

So, today we climbed rocks and found serendipity beetles.

It was a good day.