We’ve had some crummy days. Somehow we managed to come down with 3 varieties of illness. I have been tired. On Monday I took 3 naps to try to catch up on some sleep. We stayed focused, though. We had a reason to get well: we had Pima County Fair Tickets! We had to postpone our trip a few days, but we made it.
We enjoyed the exotic animals such as the monkeys, sharks, sea lions, and opera singing tropical birds. We watched the 4-H kids show off their pigs. We had to see the pigs. Timothy just finished reading Charlotte’s Web.
Daniel went on the scary rides with Richard. Paige went on the fun rides. Timothy was Mark’s guardian on rides. I pushed the stroller and bought cotton candy and popcorn.

Look this way, Mark! I need to get a picture of this.

That’s great, Mark. Oh, wait. I missed the elephant’s head. (I guess I’m still sleep deprived.)

We’re so glad this boy is smiling again.

I think he’s saying, “Aaargh!” like a pirate.