cars looked like this.
My people looked like this.
Sideburns looked like this.
Grandpa’s boots looked like this.
My uncle dressed like this.
I was cradled and loved by some of the best people in the world. How blessed I have been.
I’m always curious what people are reading. This week I finished The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, I’m chipping at The Prince by Machiavelli, savoring Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and reading (for the first time) Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. It’s my birthday week so I am reading an Austen and Gift from the Sea as a present to myself.
Next time I see you, let’s talk books. I love to talk about books.
We invented this game yesterday when math got a little bo-ring. I put two numbers on Mark’s face and I tell him the sum. He has to guess the correct combination of addends. There are many combinations for some numbers, so he has to continue guessing until he gets the right one. Sometimes he’ll ask for a hint and I’ll tell him one of the numbers. It’s good fact family practice. He’s pretending to think hard about this one.
Math. It’s good for you.
We have some spiders from Utah which have taken up residence on our dining room chandelier. Here’s a little bit of their early morning conversation.
I’m still eavesdropping on the others hanging in the little boys’ bedroom. One is still recovering from being suddenly tangled up in the ceiling fan but I think he’ll pull through.
I’ve discovered that I can do laundry on my busiest day of errands because I throw in a load as I head out the door and I can fold in the 20 minutes between runs.
As busy as I am, I prefer making dinner to just about any other afternoon activity. It’s therapeutic to chop and saute and it feels good to pull out a steaming dish of something from the oven.
I discovered that Hannibal Smith from the A-Team is the male lead in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I didn’t like it the first time I saw it years ago, and I barely made it 20 minutes before I turned it off this time. I only left it on that long because it made me snicker to watch the boys try to enjoy it because Hannibal was in it.
This week I discovered the joy of waking up to the sun with open blinds. Why have I never done this before?
The winter rye has arrived! It is beautiful. It will be green all winter. I love to look out the window and see the color.
Isn’t this beautiful?
I love autumn but I need to watch movies with New York City in the fall to experience it fully.
Do you have movies that you watch every year to inaugurate the seasons? I do.
Do you have a target date when you allow yourself to listen to Christmas songs? I usually begin in October, but I’ve been listening to folk tunes for the Thanksgiving feeling.
I try not to admit that there is a holiday called Halloween. Mark and Timothy have decorated their bedroom with spiders, bats, black rats, and pumpkins since I won’t decorate the house with such stuff.
Well, enough of this nonsense. Or is it? Holidays are so fun to anticipate and plan.