We like to take our guests here

We try to take our guests to the Sonoran Desert Museum when they visit us. It’s gorgeous weather right now, so our outing with Joe was really a lot of fun.

On the drive to the museum, we travel on a rollicky up and down road through a saguaro forest. We raise our arms high in the van and feel our stomachs drop as we dip and turn.

Mark really gets into it.

At the museum, we learn about animals and plants. This was an American Kestrel we saw along the path. A docent patiently explained the life history and habits to each group that passed.


The desert museum has an ice cream shop along the trail. Since it was lunch time, we decided to call our ice cream cones “lunch” because that’s what you do when cousins come to town.

Dear world, this is my family who loves me even when my hair looks like this.

Timothy the ham.


Cave explorers

Joe and 3 of his kids

Excavation team

What is Richard so anxious about? A charging javelina? A desert tortoise in the path? You never know what you might encounter in the desert.

It was a good day and we were so glad to have family visit us.

Daughters of God Seeking the Best

These are a few photos of our Young Women in Excellence night. Paige is sharing a Faith value project she completed. The silhouettes were not made by me, but I liked the way they turned out. They were made with vinyl on glass.

The evening was very full. There was acting, a short film, a guitar solo, a flag twirling routine, a trumpet solo, and many testimonies. Paige earned 3 ribbons this year, which means 30+ hours of projects and accomplishing many other goals. We sang the song I wrote (3 times through!) and I accompanied, which was a first for me. Richard took a good number of photos of the dessert table on which there was a pie to represent each value.

And now I can say I have organized a Young Women in Excellence program. I enjoyed it.


Daniel played ball this fall. More accurately, he practiced more than he played. Once we signed up and got the schedule we realized that all but three games were played on Sunday. Daniel chose to practice with the team even though he would not be playing Sunday games with them.

We have fewer photos of his season than we usually take. He’s a great all-around player, doing well on base, as shortstop, and pitcher and he can still hit well.

He makes it look easy to pitch and he’s smart. I got to see 2 of his games. Good job, Daniel!


Superwoman for a bit longer

I work with these young women.

I have a scheduled day of pampering on Thursday, the day after Young Women in Excellence night. I will be in knit pants all day and my biggest exertion will be to turn on the mixer to make some cookie dough. But count on it, I’ll be Superwoman until then.

I wrote a song for the Young Women in Excellence night for the girls to sing. Don’t be that impressed. It’s in C major and it’s a whopping 12 measures, but when you sing it 3 times, it is 3 times longer, so we’re definitely doing that. Unfortunately, I learned it’s the kind of song that sticks in people’s heads at 3 a.m. so they can’t sleep. I had hoped it would pop into the heads of the young women when they were at critical decision making moments. (“Sorry, Billy, I just can’t do that. Sister Ross’s song is in my head.”) Instead, it’s just making people crazy.

I haven’t picked up a book in days.

It’s been a busy few months, but on the busy days I keep remembering that I LIKE to be busy. I LIKE the adrenaline and the planning.  So while I’m not really feeling sorry for my busy little self, I AM planning a day of absolute sloth. I am aching to read a book (Did I steal that from Anne of Green Gables?) and it would be nice to prepare a dinner with care instead of haste; watch a  movie instead of a computer screen; savor instead of skim.

Aren’t those young women beautiful? Can you find Paige?


Displaying Kids’ Art

Timothy and Mark decided that they wanted to decorate their room. We pulled out some old curtain rods and rings with clips and created an adaptable artwork display.

I bought this 3-tiered frames for a dollar about 7 years ago. The pictures are about 2 1/2 inches square. The above pictures are by Mark.

Timothy likes to color plants.

We spent no money and re-purposed everything. It was a good time.

Quotes from Mark

Mark’s friend: Here’s a candy apple for you!

Mark: Is it poisonous?



“Mom, just so you know, you’re carrying a 40-pound boy on your back.”



To Dad with messy hair at the breakfast table: “Wow, and I thought MY hair was funky. You look like a rock star!”



“I love you, Mom. I don’t think you even understand how much I love you.”

Goodbye, Bil Keane

image from familycircus.com

I loved his comics when I was a child. I love them more now. It must have been a good life, helping people to celebrate and remember how good it is to have children around.

Here’s to doing new things

This number was part of a ballet recital 7 months ago. We were a little surprised that this was one of the numbers that Paige worked on in her “ballet team” class. I guess her teacher figured that her ballerinas needed some jazz, hip hop, marching band, and cheer leading technique.