I hope you will enjoy this new advent calendar that I prepared for 2023 about prayer.
If you click on the image, it will allow you to print or download the calendar.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas,
Today I began delivering my 2023 scripture advent calendars to my friends. The theme of the calendar this year is prayer.
As I made my deliveries, the walk in the cold air and bright sunlight was lifegiving. This year, I am giving a small rock with each advent, so I was carrying a big bag of rocks, but it got lighter over time. 😂
These scriptures are meaningful to me and show what I have been thinking about this year. I’m not trying to correct anyone, but I want to share light.
Mark has been preparing a piece for a piano competition since June. After his performance before the judges, we received a phonecall that he was invited to perform at the awards recital. Friends, we knew his effort, and we knew that his piece was amazing, but hadn’t considered that we would be coming back to see him receive an award. I don’t know, something about the musical community is just so intimidating. We were thrilled that he received recognition among really great musicians. Mark knows the first place winner through piano lessons, so it was so fun to celebrate both of them as they received their medals.
We listened to Tim speak in church, and here are a few lessons that I wrote down from his talk.
Righteous examples are important.
Prophets are important guides to help us find joy.
And the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue, that thereby whosoever should believe that Christ should come, the same might receive remission of their sins, and rejoice with exceedingly great joy,
Mosiah 3:13
Joy comes from inviting people to Christ.
Focus on the rulegiver, Jesus Christ.
Remembering personal and family spiritual experiences can help us during trials.
Spiritual preparation helps during physical trials. He saw people who lost everything in a typhoon, yet they trusted in God and remained strong.
The temple is a beacon of hope.
The Church is more than a building or a unit, it is the people. One one island where he served, there were 3,000 people, and only 5 members, and the Lord was with this tiny gathering of Saints, working miracles in their lives.
The Lord blesses us as we turn our lives to him.
As we give more of ourselves to the Lord, we will have joy.
We are in a very full season of life with so much going on and so many things I could share, but I can’t seem to sort these things into words.
Wishing you the best,