My presidency

I’ve been a Young Women president for almost 11 months. I’ve had a full schedule and great counselors and a spunky, awesome secretary to keep me in line.

Emily is my first counselor. She is a great leader for Paige and she is so dependable and cute. She loves Paige and that means a lot to me. Emily can do anything, all while holding a baby and chasing a toddler.

Here is Susan, who just happens to be married to Bishop B. She takes such good care of the Beehives and oh, do they love her. She hosts craft parties for holidays and the girls love to spend time with her. I do, too.

This is Jen, (Lucille’s niece) our secretary who has served with 4 presidents. She keeps me laughing and the girls love her. I do, too.


Here is Cindy, our camp director. She pretty much saved the day when she accepted the calling at the last minute and she did an incredible job.

I love the lessons from Jasmine and Liz. They are wonderful teachers because they live what they teach and they have a great relationship with the girls.

Serving in Young Women is a nice capstone for my Arizona experience. I’ve served in the Primary, Relief Society, Cub Scouts, and music in our ward. The Young Women organization is a new frontier for me and such a joy. Oh, how I love those girls and these ladies!

(I didn’t take any of these photos. Some are from Cindy; others are from Jen and one unknown. I took the profiles and Jasmine made them into silhouettes with Photoshop.)


Our fortunes

I took the boys out for Chinese food recently and these are the fortunes from our cookies. Thinking about moving to a house that Richard had not yet seen, and with hope for good things, we took these messages a little more seriously.

“An unusual dream will come true.”

“You are admired for your impeccable tastes.”

“Forge ahead with your new ideas.”

“When the flowers bloom, so will great joy in your life.”

Yesterday each of the kids had a friend at our house. I watched them marching in a line on top of our wall in the backyard and smiled as they played Twister. They have all grown taller this summer, their tan legs like stilts. Later, I heard a friend’s sweet laughter echoing down the hall and felt guilt and sadness for the change that we’re introducing to these children. I am so grateful for the little family across the street whom we have loved for six years. Friendship, which comes so naturally to children, is a greater treasure than they know. When I say goodbye, it helps me to remember that eternal things aren’t governed by time or distance, but how do you explain that to little ones?

And then there are silly things like the lizards, and the summer monsoons, and the funny radio stations in Spanish… “The meanest thing to which we bid adieu, Loses its meanness in the parting hour.” -Elliott

Yes, I am feeling sentimental today.


I lost the diamond from my wedding ring today. I had been everywhere inside and outside the house. I was calm, but felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. Things have not been easy lately, but I have felt supported and strengthened by unseen hands. I knew that I would find the diamond if it was important that I did.

So I prayed, and asked myself if it was important.

I knew that the diamond didn’t define my marriage. I knew that Richard wouldn’t be angry. I lost it because I was working so hard that I didn’t even notice that my ring was smashed, the prongs all askew.

As I searched the gravel of our yard and through boxes and shelves in the garage, I tried to gain the courage to not tell Richard until we had money again, maybe in 15 years or so.

I thought of all the women I know who have lost a diamond. I thought of the reward I would offer the movers if they found it.

My kids helped me look, and somehow I knew it had to be in the gravel in the front yard, which meant that it was gone forever. I pulled out one of the several rings that Richard has given me over the years and slipped it on my finger, ready to live without my wedding ring.

But then Timothy ran inside. He was holding the diamond, not daring to believe that he had found it. It was in the gravel in our front yard. When I hugged him, I felt his heart racing. What a lovey. I hugged and kissed everyone and said another prayer.

I guess that it was important to find it. Although I knew that my marriage and my faith didn’t hinge on the diamond, I was reminded that I’m known and loved. God is in the details of our lives.

This has been a summer of miracles for me and our family. In my efforts to be in charge of my life, I have been humbled as I have had evidence that it’s not my hands which control what happens. That’s a great comfort, because I’m pretty weak and shortsighted.

This made my day.

Daniel went to Scout camp in June. I don’t know much about the camp, and I respect that veil. Sons need to have adventures that I can’t provide and that I wouldn’t call perfectly safe. I still wonder and worry and hope for news about their adventures. We received this letter from one of the camp leaders. For the window that it provided into something good that Daniel did, I am grateful.

A House, the Frog Pond, and Sparklers

We had a great Independence Day.

The sellers accepted the offer we made on their house in Utah. Here is a sneak peak of what it looks like. I’ll post more pictures when it’s really ours.

We went to the annual Troop 54 breakfast and visited with old friends. We went to the parade, Spring Lake, looked at new lambs, ate fried cookie dough and cheesecake, participated in Tank Wars, and watched the fireworks from Fox field with a pile of little kids.

Here are some photos of the kids playing at the frog pond at Spring Lake.

Daniel has a mouse in that container. Mark’s smile is so charming.

Daniel is showing everyone the mouse they caught.

My sister’s kids are so cute.

Grandpa and his namesake enjoy some time in the shade. It was hot!

It was such a fun family day. It makes me happy that we will live so close to our people. My kids love their cousins.

Backyard helpers

The other night Timothy and I weeded my parents’ garden. It awakened all kinds of old memories for me and hopefully created sweet remembrances for him.

We filled two five-gallon buckets with weeds.

The boys helped Grandpa paint the fence. There was no Tom Sawyer trying to sell the idea. They just loved it. Those are my boys.

A little party at Spring Lake

Summer evening + kids + dogs = bliss

I drove the kids up to Utah this weekend. We arrived in Spring Lake just in time for a party for Sarah.
These are some of the cousins at the playhouse.

And here are some more in the trees.

Cuties at the girl table

A little cutie with a ball.

Mark is happy, but the zombie-werewolf-pirate game required a serious look.

My Timmy.

Happy birthday, Aunt Sarah!

Little helpers for the trick candles

Such sweet sentiments for Sarah from the nieces and nephews!

It’s good to be here for July 4th celebrations. I am house hunting. Paige is at BYU for a summer camp. Richard’s new job begins next week!

Home life

Lately, life’s been a list of tasks, most of them involving boxes, tools, and paint. I’ve appreciated so many kind gestures from friends, from meals to spontaneous trips to the movies for my kids, flowers, phone calls, and books.

Thanks for checking on us. I appreciate the moral support I receive from you who read this little blog.