Year in Review

I love commencements, commemorations, lists, and encapsulating things. I’m an organizer, and the close of the year makes me itchy to craft a denouement for the year’s events.

Richard thinks that 2012 was our biggest year. I feel tired just thinking about all that we have done. Maybe I’m too tired to write the perfect summation, but I will try to give words to some of my thoughts about our year.

2012 was the end of an era for us. We had spent 15 years living outside of Utah and now we had an opportunity to come home. Our hearts weren’t always drawn to Utah. We loved the adventures that we found on our own and the people in Texas and Arizona. But our perceptions and needs changed in the past few years, making the answer to an offer to move to Salt Lake an obvious “Yes!”

With our move, we found that we could now drop in on Grandma when we felt like it and be at family events, big and small.  No longer would temples be hours away; we could now drive 10 or 15 minutes and find ourselves in a temple of our choice. Our Utah neighbors are also fellow ward members, and this added dimension of relationship makes me realize how much I missed being understood and known by my neighbors in other states.

2012 brought us back to community. When we made the decision to put the kids in public school, it broke my heart, but we were strongly and explicitly led by the Spirit in our decision. I gave up cherished career. All I ever wanted to do was teach and be with my kids, and for 11 years I felt blessed that I could do it. The compensation for my personal sense of loss is this concept of community. I find a lot of fulfillment helping with reading and homework in the school. I love the halls of our elementary school. I love the teachers. I love the kids. On my birthday, which also happened to be election day, I sat in the hallway of the school, listening to children read to me. A steady flow of people came through the doors, heading to the polls. I had only been in town for 2 months, but I knew so many of those people because I had met them at school and church. These people knew me as a neighbor and a ward member, and many had helped counsel me as we made the decision to change to public school. Their warm hellos that day were a perfect gift.

My heart, while yearning for my children, has been filled with a love for those who teach them. I have learned that being a community member isn’t just about giving, it’s about receiving, too. The generosity and power of this community centers in the church and schools. I had watched our Arizona community splinter over education, an effect of which was manifested in my group of young women who didn’t know one another because almost every girl attended a different form of school. Although I knew and respected the circumstances for all of these different school choices, I was sorry that the girls were missing an element of community in their lives. I also watched the already sparse home schooling community splinter over a religious divide. I didn’t realize how divided our previous community was until I jumped into our new one.

You readers know how much we tried to be valuable community members during our years our home schooling, and you will also know how much we loved our previous neighbors. Our new community and decisions about schools are based on current and personal needs. It does not erase the love we had for people wherever we lived or diminish the experiences we enjoyed in home school. We have learned to respect personal decisions about education.

2012 brought a change in Richard’s career path, a culmination of many years of effort in his field. Nobody outside work really knows what Richard does, but it involves signal processing and communications, and he is good at it. He’s doing things in his new job that he has wanted to do for years. Hooray for our quiet hero, our breadwinner and anchor in our home.

2012 brought extreme physical, emotional, and spiritual demands. I am still dealing with a bit of anxiety which began after I got heat stroke during youth conference. Richard and I found that living in different states for so many weeks during the move drew us closer emotionally. The kids had to stretch in enormous ways as they became acclimated to public school and found new friends. We have had more reasons to ask for priesthood blessings this year than ever, and these blessings have been a real source of strength and help.

2012 had few constants. Our definition and location of our beloved home changed. Our callings changed. In January, I was Young Women president. Richard was on the high council. Now I am a Mia Maid advisor. Richard has a calling to help facilitate the new youth curriculum, i.e. help the new teachers incorporate the videos and teaching methods. We have a new climate. Our wardrobes and bedding have taken completely new forms. We are not together as often. We have new music and dance teachers and a new instrument in our home. We have unannounced visitors all of the time. Even our day for Family Home Evening has had to change. Perhaps the only constants are the people we kiss good night and our faith, but how comforting that through all this change, we have had each other.

We have needed people this year, and family and friends have carried us. Generosity in so many forms has graced our lives. Being a recipient of service helped me to find an appropriate place to put some old anger. We are surrounded by extended family who enrich our lives.

When I told Richard that I would marry him, I remember saying that we’d have a wonderful life together. Who knew what things we would experience over the years, especially during the big year of 2012, but it has been wonderful. I find that although I resist change, learning to embrace each season is a beautiful way to live.

Thank you for reading, blog friends and family. Happy New Year!


Waiting for a Robert Lewis Stevenson

We’re sick here. Very ill. Viral.

Childhood illness is just not fair, especially at Christmas. The new sleds have only had a token number of runs.

I find it remarkable that a childhood full of illness was what sparked so much creativity in Robert Lewis Stevenson. His nurse evidently didn’t let him watch endless episodes of America’s Funniest Home Videos on Netflix like I’ve allowed my boys to view this week.

It’s funny to hear them laugh at something with croaking laughs. It’s not funny to hear them coughing violently all day.

Viruses are bad, very bad. If you’re healthy and you haven’t had your flu shot, you should do it today.

A Very Special Celebration

We threw a family Christmas party last night at our house. My mom and I worked on it for about 6 weeks. Here are some photos from the evening.

Place cards for 36 people

DSC_9144Special cookies, most of them decorated by Paige.

DSC_9140Centerpiece and place settings

DSC_9134The little girls’ table

DSC_9135Mom and Dad

DSC_9105My Aunt Kate and her family

DSC_9109Joe’s family

DSC_9120Paul and Care looking great.

DSC_9106Paul and Care and the kids.

DSC_9127Susan and Richard’s family

DSC_9101Sarah and Bryan


DSC_9129Happy Stacy

DSC_9131Little David


DSC_9148I loved the family talent show after dinner. The Christmas pageant was beautifully costumed by Susan. The gifts were generous and so much fun.

DSC_9142Happy 39th anniversary! We hope you love the carolers, Mom.

Merry Christmas!



Thanks to Sarah and Bryan, we were able to attend the Christmas concert with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Alfie Boe, and Tom Brokaw. Squeeeee! (That was for you, Alfie!)

IMG_0092Joe and Stacy sat with us. My parents were there, too, but our seats were in different areas. We had a great dinner in downtown Salt Lake City with my parents, Joe, and Stacy. I love living here.

I liked seeing Gail Halvorsen, aka The Candy Bomber honored at the concert.

Paige, Gail Halvorsen, and Richard, 2010 at our church in Sahuarita. We were members of the same congregation for a few years.

We got a good 8 or 9 inches of snow. This means we spent the morning clearing snow and trying to make our way to piano lessons. Tricky.

We shot our Christmas music video with our adorable kids.

Mark said to me tonight, “When we were making that movie, I felt like I was in Hollywood.”

When I asked how that felt, he said, “Pretty good!”

The 2009 Christmas video is the one to beat. Wish us luck.

Special delivery

I have learned that living in Utah where your neighbors are also your ward members and schoolmates, people tend to drop by more often.

I think proximity allows us to be more open and casual here. In Texas, I wouldn’t think of dropping by a ward member’s house without calling first because who wants to drive 45 minutes to find nobody home? In Arizona, it was just too hot to try.

I need to get used to this more open way of living. I tend to change into my pajamas as soon as possible when I get home from church. I felt real triumph when somebody comes by and I’m not caught with paint in my hair or cooking broccoli. I marked the day when someone dropped by just after I baked brownies and the house smelled so good.

Today I spent all morning baking. With the smell of cookies and bread wafting through the house, I hoped that someone would come by. But they haven’t, so guess what? I’m going to be the unannounced neighbor and deliver this bread!

It is, after all, 12-12-12. I’m going to do something out of the ordinary to celebrate.

Take a bow!

These photos are evidence of many years of dance. The daily and weekly sacrifices that Paige makes to be a dancer are enormous. Paige is graceful and she is strong. We are so proud of her. It’s not easy joining such a tight-knit studio in the middle of Nutcracker rehearsals. She did a beautiful job.

Both sets of grandparents were able to come to the performance! Thank you! Thank you!

The Infinite Atonement

I read this book because I admire the author, Tad R. Callister and because my mom said that she enjoyed it.

Before I talk about The Infinite Atonement, I need to mention another book that I read by the same author called The Inevitable Apostasy and Promised Restoration. I LOVED IT. The strong organization and eloquent writing gave me a wonderful glimpse into a superior intellect and helped me to understand so much about apostasy in the early Christian church. The author draws upon the works of early Christian writers to show the origins of many modern Christian doctrines. It was a healing read for me.

I knew that the author had written another book, The Infinite Atonement, but I decided to wait to read it because I knew it would be doctrinally heavy and probably emotionally draining.

With the kids away at school and the house a little more under control, I felt like I was ready to bring it home from the bookstore. It was an emotional read. I most enjoyed (translation: wept the most during) the middle chapters about the infinite suffering, love, time, depth, and coverage of the atonement of the Savior. The book is also strong in the doctrine of The Fall and the necessity of the atonement.

I was not presented with a lot of new doctrine, but the book helped me to experience a depth of feeling about doctrines that I had mostly experienced superficially. The author’s strong organization also helped me feel the magnitude of the topic.To complement the words of scripture and apostles, the author quotes from Milton, Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis, and others to find mankind’s most poignant words for the Savior’s gift.

During the days that I read this, I would go to choir and I couldn’t sing about Calvary because of my feelings. I found myself sneaking minutes to read here and there throughout the day. That was best, because this book needed to be read in measured doses. The margins are full of notes. It was a good inaugural Christmastime read.

Temple Square Christmas Lights

My mom took the boys on a quick, impromptu tour of Temple Square since she had an appointment downtown.

True, the lights are beautiful, but as my Mom explains, the real beauty is the temple.


Mark really liked the scale model of the interior of the temple that they found in the visitor’s center.

The big photos were taken by Timothy. He was proud of this photo of the Christus statue.

Thanks, Grandma, for taking them to Temple Square! It was Timothy and Mark’s first trip to see the lights and probably the first trip that Daniel can remember since he was only two years old when he first saw them.