A day or two

IMG_20131109_141056A lot can happen in one day. In our case, one day several weeks ago, Richard’s job responsibilities changed dramatically and he was whisked away to another state for a few months. The change was sudden and the implications of this temporary assignment continue to sink in on different levels of consciousness.

He has been home this weekend. The hours are precious and there are more things we wish we could do together before he goes back. I find myself treasuring our time and even our surroundings as precious gifts.


Roadshow pictures

Paige and Daniel were in a roadshow production in October with their church youth group. Daniel had the part of Jaws and he played the ominous theme from the movie on the cello as he made his entrance.

008 (3) Daniel sharkThere were heroes and there were villains and they danced and sang.

finale finale 2 Paige played the part of Mary Poppins.Paige 1 Paige 3“Practically perfect in every way.”

Photos by Janine Clarke and Jolynn Sorensen

Simple things

piano study

If I could extend these years of piano practice in the living room every afternoon and evening, I would do it.

It’s that time of year when I begin practicing Christmas songs on the violin for church. I’m also playing in a quartet this month at an elementary school assembly to introduce string instruments. I’ve been practicing faithfully and it’s a wonderful outlet for me.

My ideal evenings always involve family and music. Simple.


DSC_0574Paige had to take some photos for an art class showing a juxtaposition of a person in an unexpected situation. We’re not sure what the neighbors thought of this late night photo shoot in our garage.

My life is a little like this photo right now. Sure, I’ll take on whatever needs to be done, but I’m fundamentally unsuited for many of the tasks.

If only I looked this poised as I tried to figure out why the outlet in the bathroom blew up today…


I am in need of this scripture in my life, so I’m memorizing it using the help of these beautiful images from lds.org.

And charity suffereth long
and is kind,
and envieth not,
and is not puffed up,
seeketh not her own,
is not easily provoked,
thinketh no evil,
rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth,
beareth all things
believeth all things,
hopeth all things,
endureth all things.


A white morning

IMG_20131103_215814We awoke from a long sleep to discover that snow was falling determinedly. We pulled out the winter boots and snow pants and the little boys had a fine time outside. I bundled up and enjoyed the views from inside, thank you very much.

DSC_0564-001The morning was gray, but once the snow began to stick, the house was illuminated by bright white views from the windows.DSC_0563-001All that was left of the snow by evening were the remnants of two snowmen that the boys built and the promise of more cold weather and dreams of snowy play days to come.

Mark and Timothy’s cheeks remained a charming rosy shade for hours after they came inside.

I love watching those little boys play together.

A Baptism Day

My niece Ruby was baptized this weekend. This was the cousin shot, and this was the best they could do to hold still after the loooooooong program. They love each other. Can you tell?

DSC_0559 DSC_0561My parents were there and I’m grateful that I can see them so often. Sitting with family at baptisms was a blessing that I missed when we lived far away. That little Ruby is such a pretty and kind little girl! She is learning to speak Chinese, too. Wow.

Halloween Costumes


Thorin Oakenshield

from The Hobbit

DSC_0548 DSC_0550 DSC_0551


Boba Fett

from Star Wars

DSC_0553 DSC_0555Daniel dressed up with his friends and roamed the neighborhood.

Daniel Halloween
image by Lenice Paulsen

I went trick-or-treating with the little boys. I have learned that this is the best way to overcome my aversion to Halloween. I don’t have to deal with kids in horror costumes knocking at the door and I get to see my kids having a great time with our neighbors. Our kids are the best company.