Something to last a long time

This is one of the baby quilts I am working on. The flowers are hand stitched (English paper piecing method) and appliqued by hand to the white fabric. This probably represents 35-40 hours of work so far.

The past couple of weeks, I have spent more time than usual working on quilts. I have a monthly meeting of friends where we sew (and talk!) through the afternoon, and normally, this is the only time I give to sewing. This month, being more confined indoors, I have pushed forward with my work on 3 baby quilts in my free hours.

The work that goes into most quilts is significant, so they are gifts from the heart. Jenny Doan wrote this about the journey that a quilt will make in its lifetime,

Quilts have the potential to outlive you by generations. You don’t have to worry about the life they live, or what you planned for them. They’ll find their way. Quilts, like children, may not lead the life you intended, but trust me, they will find a path–and chances are, they’ll change lives as they do.

-Jenny Doan, How to Stitch an American Dream

I enjoyed Jenny Doan’s book. She is the queen of quite an empire and she has a great story.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.